This page serves as a way to let all volunteers of data to this website know that their efforts are appreciated. It is through a continual stream of submissions from so many that this website continues to grow.
We would love to hear from you too! Joyce Riedinger
28 December 2000
I have recently begun tracking family ancestry and genealogy. I have spent a lot of fruitless hours on-line and have looked at many sites purporting to aid
researchers with little to really offer. Your site is amazing. My cousin traced our Reynolds ancestry to 1829 in Delaware County NY (I don't know if she's
visited your site). I'm hoping to dig deeper in person sometime in 2001. I'd like to buy all of you a beer or a coffee or ice cream when I visit New York in recognition of the tremendous amount of work you've all done. I do a lot of data handling and analysis in my job and know first hand how hard you've worked to create this amazing resource. Thanks. --Bob Reynolds
17 December 2000
Thank you for the best county site on line. Wishing you and your family a very happy holiday. --Alice Pullman
13 December 2000
My name is Peter H. Lee and I found the Delaware county website a couple of months ago and I was awestruck by the sheer quantity of information. Based on that information and the Bloomville Mirror submissions by Alan Maltz, I made links to the Stott family. . . . --Peter H. Lee
7 December 2000
I had to email to tell you how wonderful your site is! I just started looking up my family tree and I've gotten so much information off
your site. I want to thank you so much and all the wonderful people that have helped you. . . . --Rene' Treffeisen
7 December 2000
Thanks to Linda Ogborn, and her marriage list with parent's of the bride and groom I have found my ggrandmother Georgianna Van Steenburgh Kinch
who married a Sherman Elsworth Miller in 1909. Great work Linda.
--Marsha Clark
5 December 2000
. . . . . I Thank You and All who work the Del Co. site..It is the Best there is out there. Regards,
--Sharon Angstrom
28 November 2000
You guys really need lots of pats on the back for that one! It is just great. Keep it up. I'm hoping to get lucky on this, my very illusive
Tompkins/Slack line, now that I'm on a site with as much info as yours. Thanks again. Happy Thanksgiving. --Judy Olson
21 November 2000 Hi, Joyce. I'm sending a query separately, but I just had to congratulate you on your extensive web site. It's awesome. Keep it up.
--Judy Olson
13 November 2000
Thank you so much for the privilege and joy of researching the Delaware County site. What a real labor of love for our ancestory and country
history! You and your associates have done such a wonderful service. I "think" I have finally found my great grandmother's maiden name and record of her marriage via the Delhi Republican newspaper listing in 1860 of Perthana Griffin and James Murphy. I am very excited about doing further
research and verifying and sharing with the family if this indeed correct. Thank you again, --Nancy Hole
13 November 2000
I am so thankful for the wealth of information this site has provided me . It is definitely the best county site I have seen and used. I have found tons of information on my Jones family from Walton. The following are surname queries and one special query. Thanks for taking the time to post them. --Amy
13 November 2000
Thanks for the resource. I am a descendent of Adi Wilson of Wilson (Willson) Hollow, and the Oliver Family of the Fergusonville Cemetery. Thanks.
--Jim Wilson
31 October 2000
You have a really great county site. Thanks for all the time and obvious effort that has gone into it! --Kathy Davis, Aurora, OH
27 October 2000
I just had to say Thankyou to all of you who do this list and who take care of the Delaware County web site. Yours is by far superior to any I have
visited. I just recently returned from a trip to Delaware County and through your site I felt like I already knew the area and had no trouble getting
around and finding what I needed. I also found quite a few more names in some of the cemeteries that I was looking for that were not posted on the
lists already there. Is there anywhere I could send this information so those additional names could be listed for the next person looking? Again
thanks! You guys are the greatest! My trip was a wonderful success! --Patty Hart Cochran
27 October 2000
Thank you for steering me to the Gilchrist Church info on the Table of Contents - found Hiram Hunt sister's children had been baptized in that
church - the name of his sister was Susanna Dales. Will continue search for info on Hiram to see if he will connect to my family. Thanks again for your help and the others on your team. Best regards --John F, Hunt
26 October 2000
A great big THANK YOU for your Photo Gallery. I'll bet you could make a living as a professional photographer--But don't give up your day job just yet. Of course Bovina is near the top of the list alphabetically, as well as other ways; but the very first photograph brought back a flood of memories for me. The barn pictured was built by my great-grandfather, J.R. Hoy. [He was one of the principle players in My Civil War related story "The Tree"
appearing else where on this website.] After the war he launched a successful career as a barn builder. I say "successful," because I can show you at least three other barns that still stand as plumb and true today as they did the day they were built, over one hundred years ago. I can remember a story related to me by Ed Russell (long deceased) about this particular barn. He was employed in its construction and was WORKING on the cupola one afternoon and was struck by lightning. It blew his shoes off but he recovered. The point of his story was, from that day on, the saw he held in his hand at the time never needed to be reset or sharpened. Powerful stuff.
If you had stopped at the old cemetery a quarter mile back down the road, you could have seen my great-great grandparents graves. William and Jennette
Ormiston. And if you had turned up the dirt road by the cemetery for a quarter mile, you could have seen the house where my mother was born (now
abandoned). So, Thanks for The Memories. --Allan Davidson
26 October 2000
Joyce - Just a quick note to say thanks for the beautiful pictures. I am putting together a scrapbook on ancestors and where they lived these will be a
wonderful addition. You website has been of a great help. I hope to return the favor one day. . . . . .
26 October 2000
Oh Joyce! It did my soul so much good to see some photos of fall in upstate New York. Of course, I am prejudiced, but Tennesse has nothing
to match it. . . . . . Thanks for the memories. --Susan Scott
26 October 2000
Those photos are just beautiful. What a lovely addition to the Delaware County website. Thanks for sharing.
--Annette Campbell
25 October 2000
. . . . . Your Delaware website is fantastic. Never saw anything so well done and I appreciate it very much. Excellent work by many people.
--Roy Crawford, North Canton, Ohio
19 October 2000
What a phenomenal amount of work you have done! The records you have provided are extensive, accurate and so easy to search! I just want tosay THANKS from all of us who have had a genealogical field day with the information you have made accessible to us.
--Nanci H. Hobart
3 October 2000
. . . I think it's a wonderful idea (that is, to do the migrations). I hope a lot more people participate. I already see one I'm going to follow up on- one of the JENNINGS. I am trying to find all the descendants of Gilbert Yeoman and Samuel Love and I know that one the Burns girls (a Gilbert Yeoman descendant) married a "Jennings" but I don't know which one or where they disappeared to. Thanks for all your time putting together and keeping the web-site (not to mention the mailing list) going! As far as I'm concerned, it's the best web-site on the web and the best mailing list- honestly!
30 September 2000
. . . Your site is really appreciated: Twice a month, I teach a local Genealogy class. From time to time, I download items from your site of
general use or interest [such as Civil War or Veterans info] and circulate it at a class. A recent item which was of interest and which I
passed around, was in the Del.Newsletter (List) -- about a grandfather seeking info about DNA characteristics among American Indians -- on behalf of a
grandchild.You never know from where help might come. Thanks --Charlotte S.
27 September 2000
No more than a simple thank you to you and your staff, especially to the transcribers of Jay Gould's "History of Delaware County". My interest stems from my family name surfacing in Delaware records (tax assessment of Bovina) in the 1820's. . . . Thanks for such a wonderful site. The information seems boundless. If only today's "educators" were as informed as genealogists. Best of Luck. Sincerely, --James Greenslate Jr., KY
27 September 2000
HI! I just wanted to say a big thank you to Joyce and to Linda Ogborn for all the nfo. Due to Linda's kindness, I now have information on some
of my family that we did not previously have- their place of burial. It is something that would have never been found, unless I was able to travel to upstate N.Y. from Tennessee- which I do not anticipate being able to do at any time in thenear future. So thank you both- Joyce for making the site available to all of us searchers and Linda, for your kindness. --Susan Scott
27 September 2000
Thank you, Joyce, for the website. --Nancy Gray
19 September 2000
Hello, Joyce - Thank you for the WONDERFUL Delaware County genealogy and history page! It's absolutely the best, and I read that people tell you that all the time but, I will tell you again, anyway. Your accolades are certainly deserved! . . . --Rose K. Beers
10 September 2000
Dear Joyce, Thank you for your help. I think Delaware county's work on genealogy and on historical information has to be outstanding. I am really pleased to find this website. Are you familiar with the Basket Historical Association in Long Eddy? They publish a newsletter about 4 times a year, I think, and
there are many interesting articles of that region's past in it. They have republished The Basket Letters, a group of newspaper articles, written by
Leslie LaValley. These letters, while often rambling, contain much of the history of the people of the region. It is interesting to me, since I was
born in Hancock, raised in Goulds, near Rock Valley and Long Eddy. I lived there in the significantly formative years of 0-8. Then we moved to Otsego
County where there were fewer rocks! Keep up your good work!
--Kathryn Mollach
1 September 2000
Hi, Just wanted to thank you for the great web site for Delaware County genealogy. You guys are doing a wonderful job. I'm researching the Bodine/Budine family and found quite a bit of stuff. Best regards, --Dave
29 August 2000
Your web site is incredible, wish other states that I am researching had the info you do. . . . --Jeannie Coston
16 August 2000
Hi everyone! I can't tell you how exciting it was to check my email (Delaware Mailing LIST) and find the BEARDSLEY posts from I don't have much time for genealogy, but my "reward" for a rough day yesterday was to do "alittle" genealogy - and to find posts about my family that included tons of info that I didn't have was so thrilling! I spent about 2 hours last night inputting all of the new information into my genealogy program. And again this morning, I find another BEARDSLEY post! Life is wonderful! Again, there is a ton of info that I don't have! And as an added benefit, I may have some information to answer the question about the name - "Mary Gray Edwards." So, not only do I get so much new information, I get an opportunity to give back a tiny bit! . . . When I went to the Delhi County Clerk's office, I made a copy of every BEARDSLEE/LEY marriage certificate that they had.Thank you very much for taking the time to post these BEARDSLEY messages, as well as all of the other messages! I really appreciate your help, and you really brightened my day!
--Terri Kunze
9 August 2000
Thanks to Robert Taylor who posted a note saying he had info on Taylors in Franklin Co. who came from CT or Mass. I was able to find Friend Taylor as a brother of one of Robert's ancesters. Friend was my gr gr gr grandfather. Robert gave me the information to take me from 1797 in Delaware County to 1618 to Stephen Taylor b. Spreyton, Devon, England and d. September 1, 1688 in Windsor CT. Thank you to Robert and all the supporters of the site. It is terrific. -----Janet Taylor
9 August 2000
Joyce, Just finished perusing the 1813 Delco Supervisors book to the DELCO website for my Peters ancestors. Many thank to you and Linda Ogborn for this valuable document! . . . Keep up the good ARE ALL appreciated! --Margaret Ostrom, Media, PA
31 July 2000
I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks for the warmth, hospitality, and outstanding support extended by the volunteers of the County Clerk's
office to all of us today. I did a 350 mile round trip today and it was worth every minute! See you all next year... Thanks again, --Bernie Gracy
31, July 2000
I want to thank you and all the people involved in this project. Visiting has been a very enjoyable and productive. I found quite a bit of information on my great grandfather and some on my great great grandfather. In addition it is very easy to navigate and that I appreciate very much. --Deanie Waller
4 July 2000
The Delaware County web page is really first rate. Thank you so much for your attention to the details. I have been able to find all kinds of useful
information from afar. In return, I am volunteering a family letter for the old letters page. . . . --Catherine Hastings
16 June 2000
Your site is really great! I am so very happy to have found it and the long lost relatives. . . . Information on your page lead me to my gr uncle John W. and Sophie Pfeiffer Snyder and their families. The brick wall I was up against
came tumbling down. Thank you very much for all the information available. Sincerely, --Donna K. Gigliotti
14 June 2000
You all are the very NICEST people! I am deeply indebted for all the help and information I have gathered from your website and the mail list! Hope to repay it shortly, by doing some volunteer work for you, if you still need typists. --Lee
22 May 2000
Just wanted you to know what a pleasure it is to spend time at the Delaware site. I had a chance to visit this morning --What terrific
additions since the last time I had a look-- and what a wonderful "tour" I just took--I thoroughly enjoyed several hours of searching and even found more Yeaple/Yaple tie-in information than I expected! Great job. Thanks again.
--Gail Yeaple
22 May 2000
THANK YOU for the wonderful info on this site! I just found my husband's 2nd great grandfather -- after all these years!! I have been
looking for Philander Brett SMITH for ages -- and there he was (today) on the list of Guardianships. I knew he was "Philander Brett/Breet
SMITH", that he was from the Kortright area, and that he was born in 1795. On this list, Philander Brett's guardian was William WARREN
(and our Philander named one of his sons, "'William Warren"!!) I will, of course, keep looking to prove this, but it sure gives me lots to work with. THANKS AGAIN! --Roberta Smith
20 May 2000
Just a note to compliment you on a fine job presenting the cemetery records of Delaware Co. I found them very helpful.
--Judy Bruckner
19 May 2000
Thanks to the unwavering kindness of the listers on this site, I have located the burial site of my ggg grandfather. He is buried in what is now
Ashland, NY. My cousin is en route to conduct the search in person. In addition to the wealth of information I have gained from the list and
from the site, I have made many friends. It's the best. --Roberta Meehan
3 May 2000
Thanks to Joyce maintaining the site, to Linda Ogborn for her wonderful transcripts, and to transcribers Kitty R. Oman (for retyping Gertrude
Barber's marriage items), Joyce Riedinger (for the County Clerk's submission of Militia enrollments and oaths); and last but not least thanks
to Alan Malz for obits from Bloomsburg Mirror, which had an important piece of evidence of a Scouten family connection with Bradford Co. and Tioga Co., PA. Bless everyone! --Judy Longley
29 April 2000
Joyce, I want to thank you and all the volunteers for the great amount of work you have done in putting Delaware County on the web.
I have spent many hours just looking at the information in search of my ancestors.I have found two generations of Harper grandparents plus
Aunts and Uncles. Also found Smiths and a Harkness grandparent back to the 1700's. Will hopefully be visiting Delhi records and some cemeteries this fall. But thanks again for the great start you have given me. You are head and shoulders above any other county I have visited on the web. Thanks. --John Edwin Harper, Syracuse, NY
29 April 2000
. . . Love the Delaware pages, so well-done and informative, and the mail list is the greatest! Thank you.
--Mary H.Lara
22 April, 2000
Your web page is fantastic. I see lots of junk on the web called "genealogy," but this web page (Delaware Co NY) is great.
--Jim Johnson
21 April, 2000
Joyce, Yesterday we had a county historians meeting. Mary Jane Poole region 4 director and her associate Maria both applauded our web site. They said it was wonderful, so much information! Very well organized on and on.... Congratulations!
--Vesti Snyder
10 March, 2000
Dear Hard-WORKING Souls: Your site is a treasure trove! I have found Peters, Blakely, Rich, and Hickok ancestors in these pages. You who have prepared these materials are certainly appreciated. Most sincerely, --Carolyn McPherson, Ypsilanti, Michigan
10 March, 2000
Just wanted to let you folks know that you have the best site especially since my father`s side was born in Delware, my connections. Sherman Lewis, Julius Lewis, Lucy E. Lakin, Augustus Lakin, Susan E. Enslin, Rhoda Bolton, George Enslin and Thankful Griffin. Only been on this site since last Sept. has been very helpful and the people are great.Thanks again you guys and gals have done a wonderful job and I am for one of many are greatful for this site. --Jean E. Harp
05 March, 2000
I want to thank everyone for such a wonderful website. I have Multiple Sclerosis, my research work wasn't too hard until the last year. Now it's
gotten quite hard for me to get around. I have gotten more from this site than all of the libraries and microfilms combined. Not only is the website
fabulous but the other people who come here regularly are so eager to help. This is not one of the best it is THE BEST website.
--Carol ...... Michigan
01 March, 2000
I agree with the rest, DELAWARE COUNTY, NY website is the best!!! :-) I have researched other county websites,
but NONE can compare to NY County Delaware! :-) --Mary Stringer
01 March, 2000
Your web page is without ANY doubt the best! I have visited a number of the other counties, and none provide as much information and data as you have. I know this depends too very much on the contributors, and I just want to say a sincere thank you to you and everyone involved for providing this terrific aid for us researchers. I live in AZ and it would be an impossibility to have learned what I have about my grandfather's roots without your help. Thanks again. :-) --Lee Johnson
26 February, 2000
While we are handing out thank yous, I would like to publicly thank Mary Cable for finding half of the people I have been searching for and digging up key information which allows me to continue WORKING on my tree. Thanks Mary, you're the best!
--Marla K
26 February, 2000
. . . P.S. Your web site is one of the most informative I've ever encountered. THANK YOU! --Belinda
19 February, 2000
Just when I think I've exhausted all possibilities of finding more family history information, something new pops up in the updates to your web site. Thanks to your search engine, I've been able to efficiently find related and useful information relevant to these new "pop-ups". I can't thank you enough for a great web site. And thank you for giving me the opportunity, pleasure, and pride in seeing for myself the significant contributions that my forebears (Knapp, Bisbee, Crane) and the families into which they've married have made to the history of Delaware County. --John McMenamy of Greene County
19 February, 2000
I wanted to thank you also for the wonderful job you do on the Delaware page. Thanks to the site I was able to find my gr-gr-gr-grandfather as well as the siblings of my gr-gr-grandfather. I am very thankful for the Delaware site. I enjoy seeing your updates. Thanks for a GREAT job.
17 February, 2000
I said it before and I'll say it again - this is a wonderful county web site! Thanks, Joyce, for all you and your volunteers have done and are still doing. ----Bertie in Texas
17 February, 2000
Joyce, I certainly don't feel your updates are intrusive in the least! You're doing a fine job of handling this list, best I've seen... I'm one of the 125 or so daily visitors at the moment. I've been researching the DROCK family, a "free colored" family that settled in Walton in approx. 1813. Thanks to your site, and some absolutely stunning volunteers in the county, I've now expanded to include the CLEAVER family, and related later marraiges, etc. Keep up the great work! --Daryl Holmes
17 February, 2000
Thank you for the very excellent job you are doing. I am very grateful for all you do and I know the others are too. DELWARE County Site is outstanding and it is to helpful to have all these new things added continually. --De Ann Bayless
17 February, 2000
Joyce, I appreciate the updates. I read my mail when I can, and many days that's all I have time to do. Like to know what has been posted so I can make a point of going to the Delaware Co site if it's something I really want to see.
--Mary Slack Maynard
15 February, 2000
Delaware Worker Bees.... Hadn't visited the site recently so I decided to take a look today. You have all been VERY busy. Great Job! Won't stay away so long next time! Thank you so very much from these Delaware descendants. --Will Sharp
06 February, 2000
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the fine work done on Delaware Co. I have been able to utilize it and found several leads for my TIFFANY and CRANE lines. I hope to see more listings on the county, especially church records, and the index of Walton Gazette vitals. I must also praise the fine work that Shirley Houck has done for me securing county deeds and other information. --Alan B. Sherman
09 January, 2000
I just wanted to say Thank You for doing such a fantastic job on the Delaware County Genealogy web site! I'm a direct descendant
of the DuMonds who settled Margaretville (my grandmother was a DuMond), I grew up there on weekends and summers, and I now own my grandparents' camp up Dry Brook outside Arkville. It was SO great to read about my ancestors and the history of the area right at my computer! --Ginny Garrison
10 December, 1999
Merry Christmas and a Happy & Prosperous New Year to you and all of your dedicated associates at the Delaware County web site.
Thanks so much for building and continuing to build such a magnificent research area. --Asa Gage, Kennesaw, GA - researching in Delaware and Otsego Counties: Fullers and Wilburs.
8 December, 1999
Joyce, you have a simply wonderful web site. I've been on it for hours! And there's still more to view... looking for Hubbell and Tompkins and had a great time. Thanks to you and all the volunteers. --Bertie Herman, Texas
29 November, 1999
Never a day goes by without my thinking of the great Delaware County Website and how it continues to provide me with more and more insights. Many, many thanks to you and to everyone who makes it possible. --Catherine Havemeier
24 November, 1999
Just want to wish the list a Happy Thanksgiving and to echo Delores message about the spirit of selflessness and the quality of this web site .... jerri in calif. <--Jerri Crapo
23 November, 1999
At Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all of the wonderful contributions that have been made to this site. I am thankful for the spirit of selflessness of
all those who make this site possible. This site is, by far, the best that I have found. Thank you. --Dolores
22 November, 1999
I have been wanting to let you know that I think this is a superb website and it has been so helpful in my research. One could wish all
counties were so good. Thanks for all your hard work. Happy Thanksgiving! Sincerely, --Pat Garman - researching in Delaware County: Walker, Stiles, Hamblet
8 November, 1999
Joyce, Just wanted to say yours is one of the best County Websites I have used. Very well organized and easy to use. I especially liked the Evolution of Delaware County by Shirley Houck and Gary Cady. I have been trying to find similar data on other counties as to how and when their townships evolved. Do you know of any state source where this might be available? Great site! Keep up the good work.
--Ray Westbrook
7 November, 1999
I just wanted to say thank you to Linda Ogborn and Shirley Houck at the Delhi Court house for all their help in my research while I was there for 3 days in September. It was my first time in Delaware Co., and NY and I loved the area. Hope to make it back again. --Marie (Woolheater) Nutting, CA
25 October, 1999
Delaware County New York Cemetereies - Thank you so much for your efforts in making this valuable searchable database available to us!! --Lynda Allen
28 September, 1999
Hello, I come to this site daily. I am so thankful for such a site as this. To my knowledge I have only one family here which is
Northrup/Northup. I pray every day something will come up to solve my mystery of who Gilbert & Elizabeth Northrup's parents were, but so
far no luck. You are doing a mighty fine job tho and I feel my info forthcoming. --Annette Campbell
27 September, 1999
I just wanted to tell you how great the site is and how excited I was when I saw and used the new search engine. I hadn't been to the site much over the summer and was much impressed with all your work. Thanks again for all you do. --Jackie Tweedie
18 September, 1999
Just stopped by this site again to check on updates. I just have to tell you how much I enjoy this site. I especially like your Bob Mcgee music -
sometimes I just drop in to listen to the music . . . of course, I always get sidetracked with your updates so it's never a short visit. Many thanks
for a job well done!! It's people like you that make the internet so very much fun! --Kathy Parke
18 September, 1999
Dear Joyce: This is one of the best sites on the web. I enjoy reading and writing to the list information. I just wish I could find my missing link.
Thanks for checking for me. This site gets the most action of any I subscribe to. I have over 728 messages and do not get to read them all the
time so I just wanted to verify the information. Thanks, --Margaret Montgomery
6 September, 1999
Hello, Your web site is incredible! The people and those who had ancestors who once lived in Delaware County are lucky to have you.
Excellent work! I was able to locate a few names from the past. Thank you very much. --Kathleen
28 August, 1999
Your site is absolutely phenomenal with its wealth of material, and it is extremely well put together. My thanks and congratulations are extended to you and all the volunteers who have expended so much effort. You are helping so many of us in our research. Thank you. --Ruth Cherecwich - researching in Delaware County: Stewart and Fish
26 August, 1999
I would like to outline my family's success story with your site. Two fifth cousins, and one half-fifth-cousin-once-removed have all contacted
me through the Delaware County web site, and I am amazed that so many generations later, that we have quite similar information. My thanks to
you and the many volunteers on this site! --Catherine T. Maloney
19 August, 1999
You have all done a good job on this web site. A lot of History and names. --Thelma
15 August, 1999
My thanks to Les, Dorothy, Vesti, and the Roxbury Library for their Walton Cemetery transcription effort. The entire Delaware County NY - Genealogy and History Site is simply the best of the web ... --Bernie Gracy
7 August, 1999
I recently returned from a wonderful trip to Delaware County researching my Munson and Hotaling (Houghtaling) families. Everyone I met was
extremely kind and helpful! Special thanks to Linda Ogborn, Rose Beers and all the people at the Aldrich Baptist Church, Bob Johnson, Ed
Sickler, and most of all Edie Miller! What a wonderful place to research! I can understand why this website is the best--it's because the people of Delaware County take great pride in their past! Thanks. --Ann Allison
27 July, 1999
You are doing a terrific job and believe that all researchers have learned something from this site. My thanks to all of those who contributed to this site, for its the best and hope to meet a lot of my fellow researchers this coming weekend. --Alan Malz
4 July, 1999
Thank you for your posting of our KILMER family reunion, held yesterday July 3rd in Hamden at the new Town Hall, a beautiful facility. We
had 168 people attend and a great time was had by all in spite of the hot weather. Many important family photos from back to the Civil War showed up with long-lost cousins, much genealogy information was shared, more ideas for research came up and most importantly another Reunion is being planned in 2 years. Your web site has been one of most helpful tools for our research. Thanks so much. --Cherri Howard in Steuben County and all the other cousins across the US & Canada.
30 June, 1999
I've just got to tell you that this is the BEST county web/page site that I've ever seen! - Loved the postcards also - just love this site; and has been very helpful. Of course I'll have to return as my husband descends from Richard Peters and Suzannah Halstead and there's lots of great history and all kinds of stuff. Just want to say I think this is simply superb! --Patti Peters, AZ
25 June, 1999
Love your site! The best County site I've found yet. Congrats to you and your large band of volunteers. --Linda Todhunter
25 June, 1999
Thanks to the Delaware list, and two very gracious people on that list, I have verified a lot of information already recorded and also taken my
gggg-grandmother DuBOIS in my SHARPE line back six more generations to France in the 1500s. As all of my fellow "searchers" know, there is definitely nothing like it! It is amazing what can be accomplished when we work together and share. That is definitely what the Delaware list does! --Rita R. Finkle
8 June, 1999
Thank you for posting my reunion notice. Sherman & Clarissa Lewis are from the Fishs Eddy section of Delaware Co. I have thoroughly enjoyed your web site and appreciate all of the work that you & the volunteers do to benefit the rest of us. --Diane
8 June, 1999
I visited Delaware County for nearly a week, two days of which were in Delhi. Not nearly enough time when you are a person as easily distracted as I. I gathered new information at the county and town clerks' offices, saw long time friends, marvelled at the natural beauty and walked a few hundred miles in cemeteries. I will return in the fall for a longer visit.
Woodland Cemetery in Delhi is a marvel. Mr. Bovee and his assistants were wonderful. I took 4 rolls of photographs [which should bemuse the developers] and stared and pondered. Four generations of my family rest there.
St. Peter's Church, very near the village square, is an oasis of peace. As I sat in the quiet remembering Sunday masses with my much-missed father, I became aware that every stained glass window is in memory of my ancestors. I was too young to notice that before and too stunned this time to take pictures. Next time.
We drove to Roscoe, around the Pepacton reservoir, to Margaretville, back to Delhi and then my city-slicker husband went in to 'super highway withdrawal' and we charged down I88 to Sidney.
I said "Hi" and "Thank you" to Linda Ogborn on behalf of her 400+ cousins on the list. I must also publicly thank Nancy S., Shirley H., Billie S., Donna T. and Tracy K. Their support and help are invaluable. They are rare folks indeed. And Gary C. for leading me to the list. And Joyce R. who manages the site. And thank you to every one of you on the list who have without reservation offered your guidance and help, for your unfailing kindness and patience. Best wishes to all for a restful summer! --Roberta Meehan
7 June, 1999
Joyce, You are without doubt the best listowner on the web. Your work has been invaluable to me. --Catherine Gibson Havemeier
7 June, 1999
I am addicted to this web page and check in every day no matter what kind of day I have had!!! No other genealogy site can come close to this one. --Alice Geier
2 June, 1999
To all of you who have sacrificed so many of your hours to benefit those of us outside of Delaware County, NY, a thousand hugs! This site is so superior to anything else on the web I've visited thus far. I wish other counties would get bitten by the same "dedication bug.". --MLT
2 June, 1999
. . . I am very impressed with the Delaware County website. The volunteers have done a fantastic job. I appreciated being able to gain access to the information in the Biographical Review. Thanks, --Robbie ter Kuile
2 June, 1999
I found your Web site via a search engine while looking for information on "Margaret Becker". She is mentioned in the Biographical Review which contains some very interesting and useful information for me. Putting the entire contents of the book of biographical sketches of
Delaware Co. on line is a fantastic project: congratulations to you and your volunteers. . . . Keep up the good work. --Walter Gilbert
31 May, 1999
The addition of the Old School Baptist Church Records on May 25th is a real find for me...They are the records of Robinsons, Jenkins, Kelly and Vermilyea families...all my ancestors and allied families. WOW! . . . Thanks for the great website. --Shirley Robinson Birling
29 May, 1999
To all the people who responded to my request on the Delaware LIST, I want to say a big THANK YOU! I was overwhelmed with responses in just 9 hours. I have so many Ideas now my head is spinning! Can't wait to get going on this. Some people asked where I live I guess I forgot to mention that. I'm the Town Historian for the Town of Middletown in Delaware Co.N.Y. If I can be of any help to any of you from this end please let me know. Thanks Again, --George Hendricks Jr.
28 May, 1999
Hi! Joyce, Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work . Everyone who works on this web site should be thanked over & over. You are all doing a great job. Thank You! New to the web site - --Karla Hoyt
The following story sent in by Floyd Wesley Howard is longer than those usually posted here, but is being posted here in its entirety because it is quite typical of the success that so many are having by using the Internet as one of their tools for genealogical research.jbr
28 May, 1999
In August 1998 I submitted a posting for information on the Wesley Howard family on the Delaware County genealogy site. That small paragraph has become an unbelievable source for searching my family's past. When I made the posting I knew about 30 names of my family. Most of those names were persons closer to my age, 52, and still living. I now have over 1,000 names, and all of them since January, 1999. I have made connections with Ed Kohinke, a second cousin, who lives in Virginia, and Jack Howard Smith of Schenectady a third cousin. Connie Howard Sisson, a first cousin, has also helped a great deal. They all have contributed to my growing family tree. I also have met Linda Ogborn who is the niece of my Uncle, Floyd Bouton, for who I was named. Linda is also related to me through the Harder family tree, and her husband is related to me through the Archer family.
In early April my youngest son, Kyle Howard, and I made a pilgrimage through the graveyards of Delaware and Greene counties finding the burial
sites for probably close to one hundred relatives. Since Bloomville cemetery is made up of many Archers and Every's, I know we were close to
that number. We took two rolls of film of old grave stones. We tried black & white film, but I think we should have used color.
A great story happened when I received a copy of my grandfather's obituary from Linda Ogborn. William Franklin Howard died in 1959. I was twelve and really didn't know him. His obituary listed Iva Humphrey as an sister, who I remember, and a brother Glenn who I also remember. But it also listed two women I did not know as his sister's. Stella Howard Tompkins of Boyceville, who I had heard of, but I can't find anything listed about her, and a sister Margaret Howard Berard of Nekoosa, Wisconsin. Margaret was a surprise. Connie Sisson did remember our aunt Clara Howard Bouton, saying we had relatives in Wisconsin. And my father said we had relatives out there also. I did not realize that William Howard and all but one of his siblings, Hazel Howard McCoon, were born in Wisconsin. So like all good detectives you travel to the scene of the crime, electronically of course.
I did do some postings over the internet and got very little response. but I did get one message that the Berard name used to be part of the name of a funeral home in Wisconsin Rapids about twenty miles away from Nekoosa. This of course was not enough. I started by pulling out the old calling card on my lunch hour and making phone calls. That funeral home had no connection. They sent me to another. I also placed calls to county and town clerks offices, but they would not help, which I understood. Finally one of the funeral homes said that the Berard name was French Canadian and that most likely catholic. They gave me the number for the catholic church in Wisconsin Rapids. The priest wasn't very interested, but polite. Just before he hung up he gave me the phone number of the catholic church in Nekoosa. Nekoosa is about the size of Unadilla, NY, 1,500 people.
Now the fun begins. I hope you are not all asleep. I called the little church and the priest was out. I got the housekeeper. She said that name
was common and she would help. She told me to hold on. When she came back on the phone, she had in her possession a goldmine. This is what she had.
Margaret Berard was the daughter of Franklin and Annie Howard, my great grandparents, and William Howard's parents. Franklin & Annie were married in 1877(Annie was only 14), and Margaret was born in a year later in 1878. Margaret married Joseph Berard, in 1894. He died in 1949, age 81. Margaret died in 1960, a year after her younger brother, William. They two children, Margaret born in 1902 and died in 1997. She never married. Their other child, Cecelia, was born in 1900 and was deaf. She married Johannes Kettner, who was also deaf in 1934.
I guess the moral to this long story is that from a little posting I have visited electronically other areas of our country and found wonderful information from the strangest places. I and met some great new friends and found some new relatives. It' has become an obsession to me,
and I really hope it doesn't end. By the way, thank you Joyce for a great web site. It's a small world after all. --Floyd Wesley Howard, Sidney, NY
25 May, 1999
Hi Joyce, This is a really great site. I have been looking for the Hanstine (Hanstein) and the Deitz Families for some time now, with no success. Until now, that is. I found all of them, and I was so shocked to see it in front of me. This is great! Thank You so much and keep up the good work. --Jill Hills
25 May, 1999
Thank you for your wonderful rootsweb site. Through your site I have located my Gr. Gr. Gr. Grandfather Andrew Munroe in Delaware County and
found that is where his naturalization record is. Through your very informative site I found the number and address for the County Office where I could order his naturalization records. Thank You, --Louise Johns Neu
25 May, 1999
Thought you'd like to know how helpful the Delaware Co. website was to solving one of my genealogical puzzles. My gggggrandfather, Francis Miller of Andes and Bovina, declared himself a native of Scotland in every census return between 1840-1870 but his tombstone in the Andes Cemetery lists him as a native of England. The naturalization records on the website inform that he was a native of Cumberland, an English county on the border with Scotland. The LDS website has since provdied his birhtplace at Bewcastle in Cumberland, only about 5 miles from the Scottish border and less than 10 miles from Castleton in Roxburghshire in Scotland, the home of his wife Mary Kerr, and the birthplace of his first 3 children. Both sides of the border were the province of the riding clans and reivers as portrayed by Walter Scott in Lorna Doone. So thanks once again. --Ed Stewart
4 May, 1999
I have to agree with the many comments about the wonderful site the Delaware County one is for researching ones roots. I wish that rootsweb
could some how control the formatting and make this site the example to follow. --Henry F. Schrier
4 May, 1999
I want to add my success story in family history and give thanks to the Del Co list. Through the list I made contact with Philip Delamater who was able to find how my branch of Delameters fit the larger tree that he had documented. Now I have 14 generations going specifically back to the early 1600's settlers that came to settle on Long Island and were among the early settlers of Harlem, NYC. He shared how that descendent
fled France as a Hugeonot to HOlland and to US. The family later moved up the Hudson, first to the Kingston area and then to Delaware County.
I thought my descendents were Dutch. I now have to get out the maps and history books to understand the other general information that
he has collected that goes back to the thirteenth century. This is a thrill for me. I was certain that this side of my family, my Mother's side, would be the more difficult to trace beyond what I had in the early 1800's. The list has been very helpful and fun to watch. Thanks to all. The list represents the kind of community spirit that I experienced growing up in Delaware County. I find that my experience there is one that few of my friends can imagine.--a kind of belonging that we need in our world today. Thanks to all of you on the list and special thanks to Philip--Mr. D..
--Louise Little, in the state of Delaware
24 April, 1999
One fine day in September 1998 I was given the NY Del Co Website address.The rest is history. I have seen quite a few messages requesting information. Here's what I do: I select an 'ancestor' and I go through every link on the site and record whatever I find. Then I look for a pattern. Then I request the documents that are request-able for very small fees. Result: contact with LIVE family! I have 'trolled' many a site and the NY Del Co is the best. Bar none. I am constantly gratified by the kindness of the folks who respond. By the way, I have lined the area around my computer with pillows so when I discover something and fall over, I am not injured. If you have relatives/ancestors in Delaware County, NY, I suggest subscribing to one or more of the local papers. Will it help your genealogy? Maybe not but you'll have a great time reading them. One of them, that shall remain nameless, is one of the best written newspapers I have read. Joyce R. is my hero. Best wishes for a lovely weekend and a springly Spring, --Roberta Meehan
6 April, 1999
Great site for genealogy, thanks . --Ann M. Ashworth
5 April, 1999
Thanks to your web site, and especially the query board, I have recently received wonderful information about my Delaware Co. BEAGLE family from Sandra, who saw my posting. Turns out that she is a descendant of the sister of my great-grandmother. Sandra even made a trip to the Town Clerk's office, where she was given much very valuable data even though it was near closing time. Then Sandra visited the cemetery where my ancestors are buried! Thanks to these wonderful people, I now have another whole generation of the Beagle family and information that should allow me to find out even more about this family. Thanks to all who make this great site available to those of us who are researching from afar! --Jackie Reiss
5 April, 1999
I would like to tell you I think you are doing a wonderful job of sourceful information on Deleware Co. I have found some of my family members names in your web site. I look foward to your updates. Thank you for your time and sharing this information with us.
2 April, 1999
As a researcher in California trying to find out about my family in New York, I truly appreciate both the NYDELAWA list and the Delaware County NY - Genealogy and History Site with all of its volunteers. It is truly wonderful how much material is going up there. I only wish that all of "my" counties were as active. . . . --Cynthia Zieber
31 March, 1999
I just wanted to let everyone know about some wonderful gals at the Delaware County Clerks Office. Shirley and Brandi were more help to me
than I can ever thank them for. Somehow, because of some other "cold" receptions, I was expecting the same in Delhi. Everyone was warm and welcoming (and there are a lot of people). The wealth of knowledge in their department is truly amazing. The system is simple and well organized ...Thanks again Shirley and Brandi! ... I left there with so much info on my family I knew nothing about. With twenty minutes left til closing, I found proof that my g-greatgrandfather had moved from Schoharie County to Delaware to live with the son I also found that day. I know I will go back for more research ... Knowing their system now, I can (hopefully) make things a little easier on them. Thanks again
Shirley and Brandi! --Diane Lyon
23 March, 1999
Dear Joyce, The search engine feature of the website is fabulous! I could have worked a lifetime trying to find a connection between my
great-grandfather, George W. Peters, from Preble, Cortland Co (with relatives and origins in Delaware Co) and Philadelphia, where I know he was living by 1868. The search engine listed all references on the website containing the Peters name. All the hard work of you and your volunteers is much appreciated. Sincerely, --Margaret W. Ostrom
20 March, 1999
WOW! You guys just continue to amaze me. There is NO other site pertaining to N.Y.S. that has the scope of information you've got on your site. And I'm looking in a bunch, believe me! I've just sent a link to our rootsweb list telling them to look and be green with envy - they're all
looking in the southern states. I still haven't located records of any of my Whitings, Barbers, Waymans, or Rivenburgs, but at the rate you're adding them, I'm sure I'll stumble on something soon! Many , many thanks for your hard work.
--Debbie Burke, Shadagee Irish Setters
20 March, 1999
Joyce, Just wanted your to know that your effort in maintaining the Delaware Co. site is commendable. I have been able to locate a variety of information on my Josephus & Eleanor (BUTTS) Neer family. Prior to looking through your site I had only a picture of these two. Thanks again,
Pat Krivak --Pat's home page
12 March, 1999
. . . I have been on other sites and mailing lists and yours is the only one where people don't occasionally go nuts and flame the list. The site is also the most complete, well organized, and easy to use. I have found a wealth of information about my family, have been led to vast stores of knowledge off-site and have struck up correspondence and what I hope will be lasting friendships. Great job, Joyce. It's worth a million dollars.
Best regards, --Roberta
7 March, 1999
Joyce and all the others involved in the Delaware Co. site: You have put together one of the best county sites on the web - congratulations. I would also like to publicly thank one of your Delaware County residents - Kathy Holley - who saw my query and went the extra mile to help me. She has discovered my GG Grandparents' names and burial places in Walton! I sometimes doubted I would ever find this out in time to tell my 76 year old mother who her G Grandparents were, but Kathy made it possible. So maybe it's no coincidence that the site is so good - it's just a natural result of having such great people living there! Thanks, --Asa K. Gage
3 March, 1999
Joyce and all the wonderful volunteers on this site, This is without a doubt one of the best, if not THE best site ever. I want to say a big THANK YOU for all the many hours of love labor that has gone into making this what it is. My great grandfather, Thomas J. Liddle was born in Delaware County in 1841. Information on this site has allowed me to learn who his family and parents were. I have much more to learn about these ancestors but am so thankful for the information available here. Four of the special items for me are the "Men Now in Service - 1865 -
Delaware County, N.Y.", "Biographical Review - The Leading Citzens of Delaware County, N.Y.", "History of Delaware County by W.W. Munsell", and the Obit Collection by Kitty Oman". Thank You, --Bill Liddle, Vancouver WA
28 February, 1999
I am in tears-actually. How wonderful, Vesti, that you have found my great grandparents, and two grand uncles records from the Paige Cemetery
records. How I wish I could meet you to thank you in person. I have been searching for years for the Murdock connection, and maybe I can go
back in time from these records. Oh what a beautiful morning! --Jean A. Chittenden
28 February, 1999
Wow! Once again I can't believe my luck. My Kelsey, Hoag and Webb families are all mentioned. Now I have a little more on my Hoag and where else to look. My job is definitely interfering with my genealogy. So many lines and so little time. Thank you Linda Ogborn!!! --Alice Geier
27 February, 1999
One day in September 1998 I was directed to the Delaware County web site. The rest is, not to put too fine a point on it, history. I began by
scanning censuses and discovered all kinds of connections, links and family members. I carefully went [and go] through all the areas. And
a crack in the mortar of the brick wall was made. For decades our family has wondered who certain people were. And now we know. Every
volunteer on the web site has helped me and my family. We are reunited and having a ball. You are all terrific. You are family. Special
thanks and recognition to Linda Ogborn. Her sharing and dedication have been invaluable. The connections to those who provide
professional help and advice opened the world. Kudos to Joyce Reidinger for maintaining the best site of its kind, bar none. --R. Meehan
21 February, 1999
Hi! I have been using this website for about a year and a half now, and it's great. I am so lucky to have lots of ancestors from Delaware
County NY! I just wanted to thank you, and also to volunteer to prepare things for the website. . . . THANKS. --Barbara Teter Foelsch
21 February, 1999
Last night I was contacted by a person who had read my query on the Delaware page. He was just checking out web sites. He has provided me
with several generations of my Rikard family (which turns out to also be Rickard and Reichard). I also found out that Margerette Behonce was Margerette Burhans so I was able to contact Jean Chittenden and she has shared so much. We also have some ancestors in common. It has been great. It has been such a surprise. I posted to the list last night in hopes someone could help me but that was not responded to. Thanks for the Delaware Co. page and all that keep it up, thanks for posting those requests regarding look ups to the list rather than privately, I would not have known about Burhans being connected to Jean Chittenden. I am just so happy today.
--Pat Farris
20 February, 1999
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your work with the cemetary removals in Cannonsville, NY, really helped me! I found my great, great, great, great grandfathers information. He was James L. Case who died in 1863. . . . Thanks again for your labor! --Kathy Joy Parke
20 February, 1999
I just wanted to thank you for all your time and effort you have put into the Delaware County page. It is so nice for those of us who can't get out there to visit to have this information available. Thank you for doing such a great job. --Celeste MacCormack
20 February, 1999
I must share this "Success" story with the list! I sent this query yesterday. This morning I spoke with the man who is living in Enos Warner's house! The original deed, which he has, shows that Enos purchased the land in 1794! The family has been continually in possession of the house since that time, and the current resident is the widower of a WARNER lady! We've scheduled a follow-up phone call for tomorrow to allow him time to get some paperwork together. I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS FOR TEN YEARS!!! --Gary Warner
20 February, 1999
What a wonderful web site you and your volunteers have created! It has been a few months since I visited so was amazed with the many additions. . . . --Katie Valentine
15 February, 1999
What a truly fantastic work you folks have done. I've been doing a lot of research on the internet for the last year and I just have to say that
Delaware county has the most comprehensive information I've seen yet! What a wealth of information and what a tremendous amount of effort you folks have put in! Just wanted to let you know that someone out here REALLY appreciates it! It's 3:00 AM and I still feel like I've just touched the surface - this site could be very addicting! I'm researching the CASE family from Cannonsville and I already found several pieces of information that will be helpful. Thanks so much! --Kathy Parke
13 February, 1999
Thanks to everyone involved in the Biographical Review project. Once I got into it, I discovered many ancestors, and info about them I hadn't found elsewhere. Now I'm going to go back and read the book page by page. --Ed Kohinke
8 February, 1999
I've been checking in on the Delaware County site every few days for several weeks now, and I am tremendously pleased with the wealth of searchable data you are putting online. Please keep up the great work. I'm searching for my Wilbur grandparents from Sidney Center area,
late 1800's. Regards, --Asa K. Gage
8 February, 1999
For the past year or two I have been seeking where my GGG Aunt and her husband were buried. I knew that he moved from the County but learned it was to Union and finally got the date of his death. I contacted the local cemetery but not luck, however, they provided me the name, address and phone number of the cemetery in the Union district of Endicott. Called today and BINGO, not only the people I was looking for, but their daughter and three children. I asked if there were other SIGNOR's buried there and he said he had a page and a half, and naturally, I jumped for joy. I said that I would sent him a letter requesting the entire list and said that I would like to make a donation to the church.
So, I gathered a lot of useful information plus the church were they attended. I believe this is what is called a stroke of luck and wanted
to share this with my fellow researcher.
--Alan Malz in VA.
6 February, 1999
posted on Delaware LIST
. . . Thanks for all the help which is given from this group of kindred souls. I enjoy reading the "daily mail" even when it doesn't apply directly to my search. You all are like family ......... -- Pat French
1 February, 1999
I just had to update you on my progress from my December note. I now have parent(s) of our William Griffin...Still lots to learn, but really could not have done all the reasearch I've done without this web page...Linda Ogborn is a goddess. Georgi Fairlie, historian has been so wonderful ... Joyce deserves a Platinum medal for all her work in coordinating. Everyday there is something new to review. You are all wonderful and I can't wait to meet you in person when I come back for my next visit. --Dana Griffin
31 January, 1999
How exciting it was to find the obiturary of Mrs. James Kelsey my GG Grandmother on Kitty Oman's page this morning. Everyday that something new is put on I hold my breath while I look for an ancestor. I cannot believe the amount of information on this web page, nor can I believe how much has been put on this month. It is really wonderful how everyone helps each other in their research. HAPPY SUNDAY --Alice Geier
27 January, 1999
Here's a story you might find interesting. I started our family history and genealogy last year, and all I had to go on were a few names and fewer facts. One of the names: James Elliot Miller, my 3rd great-grandfather from Stamford, with a notation that he had died in 1888 in the Soldiers Home in Dayton, OH, no other information.
So, I filed a NARA form to see if they had a military or pension file on him, and I got lucky. I received a thick pension file last fall, which revealed
that he had served as a private in Co. H, 144th NYV. I was so happy that I e-mailed a cousin, who sent me LSU's Civil War homepage URL. Don't ask me to retrace my steps, but somehow I found your homepage and all the home pages associated with Delaware County; and, I also found a lot of additional information on both Pvt. Miller and the regiment from queries to the Delaware County Clerk's Office.
Through you I found out about the book by James Harvey McKee. I set about looking for a copy of it, either to buy or to borrow, and found both. I live in Virginia now, so I didn't really expect to find a copy of this book anywhere in the state. How wrong! My local library found a copy of it for me at the Library of Virginia in Richmond (of all places!), and got it here via the interlibrary loan system. It made a good read over the holidays, and I bought a copy through Ms. Houck in Delhi to give to my mother.
The edition the library sent was the 1994 reprint, but I found out later that they also have a copy of the original 1903 version, which couldn't be loaned out due to its condition. I also learned that they have an Adopt-A-Book program, so, you guessed it, I have now "adopted" this book in memory of Pvt. James E. Miller, Co. H. I also sent them a check to cover the cost of the conservation procedure. There's a bookplate in the book noting this, plus they sent me a really nice certificate.
A sequel to this story: I just found out where he is buried (Dayton National Cemetery) through the VA National Cemetery System. They sent a copy of the Graves Registration Card, which doubled as a death certificate and included such things as the exact location of the grave, the type of marker and it's inscription, and his birthdate and birthplace (Scotland), which I hadn't been able to confirm up to that point (he was actually born at sea while his parents were enroute to America).
I just thought you might like to hear yet another great success story resulting from all the good stuff available over the internet from Delaware
County. Take care! --Ed Kohinke, LCDR, USN(Ret.) 6913 Bradshaw Rd. Salem, VA 24153-2231
25 January, 1999
Just decided to browse the 1900 Town of Colchester Federal Census that Linda Ogborn transcribed and Joyce uploaded to the Delaware Web page. I've been hunting for about 2 years trying to find Mary Justin and Andy Miller. I knew one of their four children was named Serena/Sierna. Also been searching with no luck to find my father's grandmother Sarah Borden Justin Peters. Tonight I found both on the information that Linda Ogborn digitized for us. After I found what appears to be the right Miller family I decided to search for the Justin surname in the Town of Colchester, but didn't find it so I started searching the surname Peters. Didn't find it, but decided to search for first name of Sarah and low and behold to my surprise I found her, but the surname was spelled Peaters. The only information I had was she married a Roswell Peters and had a son named George after she came back from Colorado when my g grandfather Philip/Philep Justin died in 1880. Didn't know for sure where she came back to in NYS. Knew Sarah, Mary and Philip/Philep were born somewhere in NYS and knew Sarah is a relative of the Borden's in the Milk Company. All I had on Mary Justin was she married a guy named Andy MIller. From the Colorado census eneumerator's page listing her age as 7 in 1880 I figured she was born about 1873. Everything I found tonight seems to fit, but won't know for sure till I see the family/eneumerator pages for the two surnames. I wish to publicly thank Linda Ogborn for her dedication to the Delaware Web page and for her hard work in digitizing all this very important information. Linda's hard work allowed me to find information that I'd been previously been unable to find. Remember, I'm in Florida and most of the records are in NYS. Thanks again to Linda. Keep up the good work. Thanks also to Joyce for managing such a good web page. --Bill Justin
25 January, 1999
I posted to this site last fall and I am now enjoying success. I have connected with a second cousin, Ed Kohinke, who located me through my
posting. He also has a posting. Ed, my cousin Connie Howard Sisson and I are still trying to get more information on our great grandfather Franklin William Howard, but we are finding some success. --Floyd Howard
21 January, 1999
Too often, I think people use the genealogy information and we forget all the time & effort put in by someone like you and the other volunteers so that we may access it. I tried to make a web page and it is frustrating . I'm new at this but it certainly has made me
appreciate all the hard work and TIME-CONSUMING effort it takes to create these pages. And the mailing list is fantastic. Someone has to spend
time & effort to make them available. I for one would like to to say thank you so much for your wonderful site. --Sandy Goodspeed, Maryland, NY
21 January, 1999
Thanks for all the recent information. I'm finally having a chance to work on the family information and I really appreciate having the Delaware
County info on the net. Good Job, --Norma Norma Palmer
17 January, 1999
Thank you for a great web site. I visit it about once a month just to see what is new and I have found alot of family information and people with family connections. Thank you again. --Gabriele Hammon
15 January, 1999
Hi Joyce, My address is still valid but I wouldn't let the opportunity pass to congratulate and thank you for this wonderful web site. I have great
fun simply reading so much of what is on the site whether directly related to my family or not. I'm a native and resident of Brooklyn but I
had the good fortune to have a grandmother, Irene Todd,(1900-1981), who was a native of Dry Brook over the line in Hardenburgh in Ulster Co. but through her am descended from Todds, Fairbairns, Altons, and Canniffs in Middletown, Millers in Bovina and Andes, and Crafts, Robinsons, Keators, Bakers and Boutons in Roxbury. I have also been privileged to have been a frequent visitor to family in Delaware Co. all my life, including wandering through old cemeteries with an elderly aunt. Thanks for your excellent and hard work. All the best. --Ed Stewart
15 January, 1999
I've only been a subscriber since 1-6-99, but I want to say that the Delaware RootsWeb Digest and the web site are the greatest things since sliced bread! I've already received more than a dozen e-mails on my lines of search, and even the ones that come up negative are great because they answer certain questions for me, too. And, I can't begin to tell anyone how much info and confirmation I've gotten from the web site. I also get a lot of ideas by reading through all of the messages, such as Ruth Ann's e-mail about the NYS Archives and WWI: last year I attempted to get my grandfather's record from NRPC in St. Louis, only to be told that his was one of those destroyed in the fire of 1972. I thought that was the end of it, but now I have another possible source--thanks! --Ed
15 January, 1999
Thank you so much to you and all the other people for maintaining one of the best websites on usgenweb. You are so fortunate to have so many volunteers. --T. Mullen
15 January, 1999
What a great web sight. I've spent more than 3 hours on it and have only scratched the surface. I'm finding lots of good information.
. . . Thanks again for the great work you are doing. --Eleanor Graves
15 January, 1999
I think your site is great. I found information on Jonathan Hammond. Your site is easy to use. Keep up the good work.
--Sharon Trimmell Pierpont
05 January 1999
YAHOO! Brava, Linda Ogborn, brava. The censuses are tough to read much less transcribe! You have provided a source that I hope will lead me to solving some of my mind-boggling mysteries [without ordering and slogging through miles of microfilm.] Best wishes, --Roberta Meehan
04 January 1999
I can't begin to thank you and your volunteers enough, for the recent work you have all done. You see I am a direct decendant of John Harper
and Abigail Montgomery. I didn't realize how much effect one family could have on a region of a state. The Harpers in Delaware and surrounding
counties during the revolution, the Moores and Culleys in Milford, the Gaylords even after the rest of the family moved on. Just too much to
comment on. Thanks again. --Bill G. Simpson