
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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This is a little database listing names of communities, settlements, ponds, mountains, etc. and the Town that they are in. If anyone wants to contribute additional data, please send it to me and put "PLACE NAME" in subject line of your email.

Note: Since starting this, Al Davidson suggested including 'old names'. Al sent in a few, and I've added several found in French's Gazetteer and from the Common School Dist Info of 1855. You will see an 'x' in some areas of the 'SettlementPlace Name column. If you know the name this 'old name' is now going by, please send it in. Thank you! Joyce Riedinger

Sorted by Town . . . | . . . Sorted by Old Name . . . | . . . Notes Section


|        Town        |               Settlement/Place Name                |             Old Name              |
| Andes              | Andes                                              |                                   |
| Andes              | *Andes Ski Center                                   |                                   |
| Andes              | *Big Pond                                           |                                   |
| Andes              | Bobcat at Catskill Ski Center                      |                                   |
| Andes              | Bridge 30-NYC Rd.                                  |                                   |
| Andes              | *Bryden Lake                                       |                                   |
| Andes              | Canada Hollow                                      |                                   |
| Andes              | Delaware State Wildlife Management Area            |                                   |
| Andes              | Dingle Hill - 2840'                                |                                   |
| Andes              | Hunt Hill - 2940'                                  |                                   |
| Andes              | Little Pond State Pond Campground                  |                                   |
| Andes              | Middle Mtn - 2940'                                 |                                   |
| Andes              | Mt. Pisgah - 3365'                                 |                                   |
| Andes              | Pepacton Reservoir                                 |                                   |
| Andes              | Perch Lake                                         |                                   |
| Andes              | Tompkins Falls                                     |                                   |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Barkaboom                         |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Bussy Hollow Rd                   |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Cabin Hill                        |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Davis Hollow                      |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Fall Clove                        |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Gladstone Hollow Rd               |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Jacksonburg                       |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Lower Dingle Hill                 |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Shavertown                        |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Trempers Kil                      |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Union Grove                       |
| Andes              | x                                                  | Wolf Hollow                       |
| Bovina             | Bovina                                             |                                   |
| Bovina             | Bovina Center                                      | Brushland                         |
| Bovina             | Lake Delaware                                      | Bovina Valley                     |
| Bovina             | Round Top Mtn - 3060'                              |                                   |
| Bovina             | Silver Lake                                        |                                   |
| Bovina             | x                                                  | Canada Hollow                     |
| Colchester         | Barney Hollow                                      |                                   |
| Colchester         | Brooklyn                                           |                                   |
| Colchester         | Butternut Grove                                    |                                   |
| Colchester         | Cables Lake                                        |                                   |
| Colchester         | Campbell Mt.                                       |                                   |
| Colchester         | Cat Hollow                                         |                                   |
| Colchester         | Colchester                                         |                                   |
| Colchester         | Cooks Falls                                        |                                   |
| Colchester         | Corbett                                            |                                   |
| Colchester         | Downs Brook                                        |                                   |
| Colchester         | Downsville                                         |                                   |
| Colchester         | Downsville Covered Bridge                          |                                   |
| Colchester         | E Branch Delaware                                  |                                   |
| Colchester         | Fuller Hill                                        |                                   |
| Colchester         | Gregorytown                                        |                                   |
| Colchester         | *Hog Hollow                                        |                                   |
| Colchester         | Horton                                             |                                   |
| Colchester         | Huggins Lake                                       |                                   |
| Colchester         | Huntley Hollow                                     |                                   |
| Colchester         | Jug Tavern Road                                    |                                   |
| Colchester         | Morton Hill                                        |                                   |
| Colchester         | Mud Pond                                           |                                   |
| Colchester         | Pepacton Reservoir                                 |                                   |
| Colchester         | Shinhopple                                         |                                   |
| Colchester         | Telford Hollow                                     |                                   |
| Colchester         | Tub Mill                                           |                                   |
| Colchester         | Wilson Hollow                                      |                                   |
| Colchester         | x                                                  | Butternut Grove                   |
| Colchester         | x                                                  | Pepacton                          |
| Davenport          | Butts Corners                                      |                                   |
| Davenport          | Charlotte Creek                                    |                                   |
| Davenport          | Davenport                                          |                                   |
| Davenport          | Davenport Center                                   |                                   |
| Davenport          | Fergusonville                                      |                                   |
| Davenport          | Mud Lake                                           |                                   |
| Davenport          | Pindars Corners                                    |                                   |
| Davenport          | Pine Lake                                          |                                   |
| Davenport          | Sexsmith Lake                                      |                                   |
| Davenport          | West Davenport                                     |                                   |
| Davenport          | x                                                  | Pumpkin Hollow                    |
| Delhi              | Bramley - 2817'                                    |                                   |
| Delhi              | Delhi                                              |                                   |
| Delhi              | Delhi Town Hall                                    |                                   |
| Delhi              | East Delhi                                         |                                   |
| Delhi              | Fitches Covered Bridge                             |                                   |
| Delhi              | Fraser                                             |                                   |
| Delhi              | W Branch Delaware                                  |                                   |
| Delhi              | x                                                  | Glen Burnie                       |
| Deposit            | Bush Hill                                          |                                   |
| Deposit            | Cannonsville Reservoir                             |                                   |
| Deposit            | Columbia Lake                                      |                                   |
| Deposit            | Crystal Lake                                       |                                   |
| Deposit            | Deposit                                            |                                   |
| Deposit            | Hale Eddy                                          |                                   |
| Deposit            | Hambletville                                       |                                   |
| Deposit            | Rood's Creek                                       |                                   |
| Deposit            | Silver Lake                                        |                                   |
| Deposit            | Stilesville                                        |                                   |
| Franklin           | Arabia                                             |                                   |
| Franklin           | Bourn Pond                                         |                                   |
| Franklin           | Franklin                                           |                                   |
| Franklin           | Franklin Depot                                     |                                   |
| Franklin           | Leonta                                             |                                   |
| Franklin           | Merrickville                                       |                                   |
| Franklin           | North Franklin                                     |                                   |
| Franklin           | Treadwell                                          | Croton                            |
| Franklin           | x                                                  | Bartlett Hollow                   |
| Franklin           | x                                                  | Bennett Hollow                    |
| Hamden             | Delancey                                           | Lansingville                      |
| Hamden             | Hamden                                             | Lansing                           |
| Hamden             | Hawleys                                            |                                   |
| Hamden             | Launt Hollow                                       |                                   |
| Hamden             | W Branch Delaware                                  |                                   |
| Hancock            | Basket Pond                                        |                                   |
| Hancock            | Beaver Meadow Pond                                 |                                   |
| Hancock            | Buckhorn Lodge Ski Tow                             |                                   |
| Hancock            | Burnwood                                           |                                   |
| Hancock            | Cadosia                                            |                                   |
| Hancock            | Centerville                                        |                                   |
| Hancock            | Chiloway                                           |                                   |
| Hancock            | Delaware Lake                                      |                                   |
| Hancock            | E Branch Delaware                                  |                                   |
| Hancock            | East Branch                                        |                                   |
| Hancock            | Fishs Eddy                                         |                                   |
| Hancock            | French Woods                                       |                                   |
| Hancock            | Hancock                                            |                                   |
| Hancock            | Harvard                                            |                                   |
| Hancock            | Pea Brook                                          |                                   |
| Hancock            | Peakville                                          |                                   |
| Hancock            | Peas Eddy                                          |                                   |
| Hancock            | Pierce Pond                                        |                                   |
| Hancock            | Sand Pond                                          |                                   |
| Hancock            | Scott                                              |                                   |
| Hancock            | Somerset Lake                                      |                                   |
| Hancock            | Stockport                                          |                                   |
| Hancock            | x                                                  | Lordsville                        |
| Hancock            | x                                                  | Partridge Island                  |
| Hancock            | x                                                  | Readburn                          |
| Harpersfield       | Clapper Lake                                       |                                   |
| Harpersfield       | Harpersfield                                       |                                   |
| Harpersfield       | North Harpersfield                                 |                                   |
| Harpersfield       | Odell Lake                                         |                                   |
| Harpersfield       | Titus Lake                                         |                                   |
| Harpersfield       | W. Harpersfield                                    |                                   |
| Harpersfield       | Whiskey Hollow Rd.                                 |                                   |
| Kortright          | Bloomville                                         | The Bunghole                      |
| Kortright          | Doonans Corners                                    |                                   |
| Kortright          | North Kortright                                    |                                   |
| Kortright          | Sturges Corners                                    |                                   |
| Masonville         | Arctic                                             |                                   |
| Masonville         | East Masonville                                    |                                   |
| Masonville         | East Masonville Pond                               |                                   |
| Masonville         | Masonville                                         |                                   |
| Masonville         | x                                                  | Beals Pond                        |
| Masonville         | x                                                  | Willis Hill                       |
| Meredith           | East Meredith                                      | Brier Street                      |
| Meredith           | Meredith                                           |                                   |
| Meredith           | Meridale                                           |                                   |
| Meredith           | Spring Lake                                        |                                   |
| Middletown         | Arena                                              | Lumberville                       |
| Middletown         | Arkville                                           | Deans Corner                      |
| Middletown         | Catskill Park                                      |                                   |
| Middletown         | Clovesville                                        | Franceville/Clothesville          |
| Middletown         | Denver                                             |                                   |
| Middletown         | Dunraven                                           | Clarks Factory                    |
| Middletown         | Erpf Catskill Cultural Center                      |                                   |
| Middletown         | Fleischmanns                                       | Griffins Corners                  |
| Middletown         | Halcottsville                                      |                                   |
| Middletown         | Kass Inn Golf Course                               |                                   |
| Middletown         | Kelly Corners                                      |                                   |
| Middletown         | Margaretville                                      | Middletown Center                 |
| Middletown         | New Kingston                                       |                                   |
| Middletown         | Pepacton Reservoir                                 |                                   |
| Middletown         | Pink Street                                        | Prink Street                      |
| Middletown         | x                                                  | Dry Brook Settlement              |
| Middletown         | x                                                  | New Kingston                      |
| Middletown         | x                                                  | Solitude                          |
| Middletown         | x                                                  | Spruceville                       |
| Roxbury            | Bearpen Mtn - 3420'                                |                                   |
| Roxbury            | Grand Gorge                                        | Moresville                        |
| Roxbury            | Irish Mtn - 3060'                                  |                                   |
| Roxbury            | Plattekill Mtn - 3260'                             |                                   |
| Roxbury            | Plattekill Ski Area                                |                                   |
| Roxbury            | Round Top - 3340'                                  |                                   |
| Roxbury            | Roxbury                                            | Beaver Dam                        |
| Roxbury            | Shultice Mtn - 3280'                               |                                   |
| Roxbury            | Stratton Falls                                     |                                   |
| Roxbury            | Vega                                               |                                   |
| Roxbury            | White Man Mtn 3140'                                |                                   |
| Roxbury            | x                                                  | Batavia Kil                       |
| Roxbury            | x                                                  | Little Falls                      |
| Sidney             | East Sidney Dam                                    |                                   |
| Sidney             | Pomeroys Corners                                   |                                   |
| Sidney             | Sidney                                             |                                   |
| Sidney             | Sidney Center                                      | Sidney Centre*                    |
| Sidney             | x                                                  | Crookerville                      |
| Sidney             | x                                                  | Sidney Plains                     |
| Stamford           | Churchill Mtn - 3060'                              |                                   |
| Stamford           | Cowan Mtn - 2920'                                  |                                   |
| Stamford           | Hobart                                             | Tinkertown                        |
| Stamford           | Hobart                                             | Waterville                        |
| Stamford           | Lyon Mtn - 2920'                                   |                                   |
| Stamford           | McGregor Mtn - 1380'                               |                                   |
| Stamford           | Mt. Warren - 2880'                                 |                                   |
| Stamford           | Scotch Valley Ski Area                             |                                   |
| Stamford           | South Kortright                                    | Alameda                           |
| Stamford           | Stamford                                           | Devil's Halfacre                  |
| Stamford           | Utsayantha Mtn - 3214'                             | Mt. Prospect                      |
| Tompkins           | Apex                                               |                                   |
| Tompkins           | Bridge 10-Apex Rd                                  |                                   |
| Tompkins           | Cannonsville Reservoir                             |                                   |
| Tompkins           | Deposit                                            |                                   |
| Tompkins           | Granton                                            | Carpenter's Eddy                  |
| Tompkins           | Hathaway Pond                                      |                                   |
| Tompkins           | Merrick Pond                                       |                                   |
| Tompkins           | Perkins Pond                                       |                                   |
| Tompkins           | Piersons                                           |                                   |
| Tompkins           | Russel Lake                                        |                                   |
| Tompkins           | Trout Creek                                        |                                   |
| Tompkins           | x                                                  | Barbourville                      |
| Tompkins           | x                                                  | Cannonsville                      |
| Tompkins           | x                                                  | Dickinsons Station                |
| Tompkins           | x                                                  | Mormon Hollow                     |
| Tompkins           | x                                                  | Rockroyal                         |
| Walton             | Bearspring Mtn Wildlife Mgmt Area                  |                                   |
| Walton             | Beers Brook                                        |                                   |
| Walton             | Cannonsville Reservoir                             |                                   |
| Walton             | Delaware County Fair Grounds                       |                                   |
| Walton             | Loomis                                             |                                   |
| Walton             | Northfield                                         |                                   |
| Walton             | Pinesville                                         |                                   |
| Walton             | Russ Gray Pond                                     |                                   |
| Walton             | W Branch Delaware                                  |                                   |
| Walton             | Walton                                             |                                   |
| Walton             | x                                                  | Beerston                          |
| Walton             | x                                                  | New Road                          |
| Walton             | x                                                  | West Brook                        |


|          Old Name           |           Settlement/Place Name           |         Town         |
|                             | Andes                                     | Andes                |
|                             | Andes Ski Center                          | Andes                |
|                             | Apex                                      | Tompkins             |
|                             | Arabia                                    | Franklin             |
|                             | Arctic                                    | Masonville           |
|                             | Barney Hollow                             | Colchester           |
|                             | Basket Pond                               | Hancock              |
|                             | Bearpen Mtn - 3420'                       | Roxbury              |
|                             | Bearspring Mtn Wildlife Mgmt Area         | Walton               |
|                             | Beaver Meadow Pond                        | Hancock              |
|                             | Beers Brook                               | Walton               |
|                             | Big Pond                                  | Andes                |
|                             | Bobcat at Catskill Ski Center             | Andes                |
|                             | Bourn Pond                                | Franklin             |
|                             | Bovina                                    | Bovina               |
|                             | Bramley - 2817'                           | Delhi                |
|                             | Bridge 10-Apex Rd                         | Tompkins             |
|                             | Bridge 30-NYC Rd.                         | Andes                |
|                             | Brooklyn                                  | Colchester           |
|                             | Bryden Lake                               | Andes                |
|                             | Buckhorn Lodge Ski Tow                    | Hancock              |
|                             | Burnwood                                  | Hancock              |
|                             | Bush Hill                                 | Deposit              |
|                             | Butternut Grove                           | Colchester           |
|                             | Butts Corners                             | Davenport            |
|                             | Cables Lake                               | Colchester           |
|                             | Cadosia                                   | Hancock              |
|                             | Campbell Mt.                              | Colchester           |
|                             | Canada Hollow                             | Andes                |
|                             | Cannonsville Reservoir                    | Deposit              |
|                             | Cannonsville Reservoir                    | Tompkins             |
|                             | Cannonsville Reservoir                    | Walton               |
|                             | Cat Hollow                                | Colchester           |
|                             | Catskill Park                             | Middletown           |
|                             | Centerville                               | Hancock              |
|                             | Charlotte Creek                           | Davenport            |
|                             | Chiloway                                  | Hancock              |
|                             | Churchill Mtn - 3060'                     | Stamford             |
|                             | Clapper Lake                              | Harpersfield         |
|                             | Colchester                                | Colchester           |
|                             | Columbia Lake                             | Deposit              |
|                             | Cooks Falls                               | Colchester           |
|                             | Corbett                                   | Colchester           |
|                             | Cowan Mtn - 2920'                         | Stamford             |
|                             | Crystal Lake                              | Deposit              |
|                             | Davenport                                 | Davenport            |
|                             | Davenport Center                          | Davenport            |
|                             | Delaware County Fair Grounds              | Walton               |
|                             | Delaware Lake                             | Hancock              |
|                             | Delaware State Wildlife Management Area   | Andes                |
|                             | Delhi                                     | Delhi                |
|                             | Delhi Town Hall                           | Delhi                |
|                             | Denver                                    | Middletown           |
|                             | Deposit                                   | Deposit              |
|                             | Deposit                                   | Tompkins             |
|                             | Dingle Hill - 2840'                       | Andes                |
|                             | Doonans Corners                           | Kortright            |
|                             | Downs Brook                               | Colchester           |
|                             | Downsville                                | Colchester           |
|                             | Downsville Covered Bridge                 | Colchester           |
|                             | E Branch Delaware                         | Colchester           |
|                             | E Branch Delaware                         | Hancock              |
|                             | East Branch                               | Hancock              |
|                             | East Delhi                                | Delhi                |
|                             | East Masonville                           | Masonville           |
|                             | East Masonville Pond                      | Masonville           |
|                             | East Sidney Dam                           | Sidney               |
|                             | Erpf Catskill Cultural Center             | Middletown           |
|                             | Fergusonville                             | Davenport            |
|                             | Fishs Eddy                                | Hancock              |
|                             | Fitches Covered Bridge                    | Delhi                |
|                             | Franklin                                  | Franklin             |
|                             | Franklin Depot                            | Franklin             |
|                             | Fraser                                    | Delhi                |
|                             | French Woods                              | Hancock              |
|                             | Fuller Hill                               | Colchester           |
|                             | Gregorytown                               | Colchester           |
|                             | Halcottsville                             | Middletown           |
|                             | Hale Eddy                                 | Deposit              |
|                             | Hambletville                              | Deposit              |
|                             | Hancock                                   | Hancock              |
|                             | Harpersfield                              | Harpersfield         |
|                             | Harvard                                   | Hancock              |
|                             | Hathaway Pond                             | Tompkins             |
|                             | Hawleys                                   | Hamden               |
|                             | *Hog Hollow                                | Colchester           |
|                             | Horton                                    | Colchester           |
|                             | Huggins Lake                              | Colchester           |
|                             | Hunt Hill - 2940'                         | Andes                |
|                             | Huntley Hollow                            | Colchester           |
|                             | Irish Mtn - 3060'                         | Roxbury              |
|                             | Jug Tavern Road                           | Colchester           |
|                             | Kass Inn Golf Course                      | Middletown           |
|                             | Kelly Corners                             | Middletown           |
|                             | Launt Hollow                              | Hamden               |
|                             | Leonta                                    | Franklin             |
|                             | Little Pond State Pond Campground         | Andes                |
|                             | Loomis                                    | Walton               |
|                             | Lyon Mtn - 2920'                          | Stamford             |
|                             | Masonville                                | Masonville           |
|                             | McGregor Mtn - 1380'                      | Stamford             |
|                             | Meredith                                  | Meredith             |
|                             | Meridale                                  | Meredith             |
|                             | Merrick Pond                              | Tompkins             |
|                             | Merrickvill                               | Franklin             |
|                             | Middle Mtn - 2940'                        | Andes                |
|                             | Morton Hill                               | Colchester           |
|                             | Mt. Pisgah - 3365'                        | Andes                |
|                             | Mt. Warren - 2880'                        | Stamford             |
|                             | Mud Lake                                  | Davenport            |
|                             | Mud Pond                                  | Colchester           |
|                             | New Kingston                              | Middletown           |
|                             | North Franklin                            | Franklin             |
|                             | North Harpersfield                        | Harpersfield         |
|                             | North Kortright                           | Kortright            |
|                             | Northfield                                | Walton               |
|                             | Odell Lake                                | Harpersfield         |
|                             | Pea Brook                                 | Hancock              |
|                             | Peakville                                 | Hancock              |
|                             | Peas Eddy                                 | Hancock              |
|                             | Pepacton Reservoir                        | Andes                |
|                             | Pepacton Reservoir                        | Colchester           |
|                             | Pepacton Reservoir                        | Middletown           |
|                             | Perch Lake                                | Andes                |
|                             | Perkins Pond                              | Tompkins             |
|                             | Pierce Pond                               | Hancock              |
|                             | Piersons                                  | Tompkins             |
|                             | Pindars Corners                           | Davenport            |
|                             | Pine Lake                                 | Davenport            |
|                             | Pinesville                                | Walton               |
|                             | Plattekill Mtn - 3260'                    | Roxbury              |
|                             | Plattekill Ski Area                       | Roxbury              |
|                             | Pomeroys Corners                          | Sidney               |
|                             | Rood's Creek                              | Deposit              |
|                             | Round Top - 3340'                         | Roxbury              |
|                             | Round Top Mtn - 3060'                     | Bovina               |
|                             | Russ Gray Pond                            | Walton               |
|                             | Russel Lake                               | Tompkins             |
|                             | Sand Pond                                 | Hancock              |
|                             | Scotch Valley Ski Area                    | Stamford             |
|                             | Scott                                     | Hancock              |
|                             | Sexsmith Lake                             | Davenport            |
|                             | Shinhopple                                | Colchester           |
|                             | Shultice Mtn - 3280'                      | Roxbury              |
|                             | Sidney                                    | Sidney               |
|                             | Silver Lake                               | Bovina               |
|                             | Silver Lake                               | Deposit              |
|                             | Somerset Lake                             | Hancock              |
|                             | Spring Lake                               | Meredith             |
|                             | Stilesville                               | Deposit              |
|                             | Stockport                                 | Hancock              |
|                             | Stratton Falls                            | Roxbury              |
|                             | Sturges Corners                           | Kortright            |
|                             | Telford Hollow                            | Colchester           |
|                             | Titus Lake                                | Harpersfield         |
|                             | Tompkins Falls                            | Andes                |
|                             | Trout Creek                               | Tompkins             |
|                             | Tub Mill                                  | Colchester           |
|                             | Vega                                      | Roxbury              |
|                             | W Branch Delaware                         | Delhi                |
|                             | W Branch Delaware                         | Hamden               |
|                             | W Branch Delaware                         | Walton               |
|                             | W. Harpersfield                           | Harpersfield         |
|                             | Walton                                    | Walton               |
|                             | West Davenport                            | Davenport            |
|                             | Whiskey Hollow Rd.                        | Harpersfield         |
|                             | White Man Mtn 3140'                       | Roxbury              |
|                             | Wilson Hollow                             | Colchester           |
| Alameda                     | South Kortright                           | Stamford             |
| Barbourville                | x                                         | Tompkins             |
| Barkaboom                   | x                                         | Andes                |
| Bartlett Hollow             | x                                         | Franklin             |
| Batavia Kil                 | x                                         | Roxbury              |
| Beals Pond                  | x                                         | Masonville           |
| Beaver Dam                  | Roxbury                                   | Roxbury              |
| Beerston                    | x                                         | Walton               |
| Bennett Hollow              | x                                         | Franklin             |
| Bovina Valley               | Lake Delaware                             | Bovina               |
| Brier Street                | East Meredith                             | Meredith             |
| Brushland                   | Bovina Center                             | Bovina               |
| Bussy Hollow Rd             | x                                         | Andes                |
| Butternut Grove             | x                                         | Colchester           |
| Cabin Hill                  | x                                         | Andes                |
| Canada Hollow               | x                                         | Bovina               |
| Cannonsville                | x                                         | Tompkins             |
| Carpenter's Eddy            | Granton                                   | Tompkins             |
| Clarks Factory              | Dunraven                                  | Middletown           |
| Crookerville                | x                                         | Sidney               |
| Croton                      | Treadwell                                 | Franklin             |
| Davis Hollow                | x                                         | Andes                |
| Deans Corner                | Arkville                                  | Middletown           |
| Devil's Halfacre            | Stamford                                  | Stamford             |
| Dickinsons Station          | x                                         | Tompkins             |
| Dry Brook Settlement        | x                                         | Middletown           |
| Fall Clove                  | x                                         | Andes                |
| Franceville/Clothesville    | Clovesville                               | Middletown           |
| Gladstone Hollow Rd         | x                                         | Andes                |
| Glen Burnie                 | x                                         | Delhi                |
| Griffins Corners            | Fleischmanns                              | Middletown           |
| Jacksonburg                 | x                                         | Andes                |
| Lansing                     | Hamden                                    | Hamden               |
| Lansingville                | Delancey                                  | Hamden               |
| Little Falls                | x                                         | Roxbury              |
| Lordsville                  | x                                         | Hancock              |
| Lower Dingle Hill           | x                                         | Andes                |
| Lumberville                 | Arena                                     | Middletown           |
| Middletown Center           | Margaretville                             | Middletown           |
| Moresville                  | Grand Gorge                               | Roxbury              |
| Mormon Hollow               | x                                         | Tompkins             |
| Mt. Prospect                | Utsayantha Mtn - 3214'                    | Stamford             |
| New Kingston                | x                                         | Middletown           |
| New Road                    | x                                         | Walton               |
| Partridge Island            | x                                         | Hancock              |
| Pepacton                    | x                                         | Colchester           |
| Prink Street                | Pink Street                               | Middletown           |
| Pumpkin Hollow              | x                                         | Davenport            |
| Readburn                    | x                                         | Hancock              |
| Rockroyal                   | x                                         | Tompkins             |
| Shavertown                  | x                                         | Andes                |
| Sidney Centre*              | Sidney Center                             | Sidney               |
| Sidney Plains               | x                                         | Sidney               |
| Solitude                    | x                                         | Middletown           |
| Spruceville                 | x                                         | Middletown           |
| The Bunghole                | Bloomville                                | Kortright            |
| Tinkertown                  | Hobart                                    | Stamford             |
| Trempers Kil                | x                                         | Andes                |
| Union Grove                 | x                                         | Andes                |
| Waterville                  | Hobart                                    | Stamford             |
| West Brook                  | x                                         | Walton               |
| Willis Hill                 | x                                         | Masonville           |
| Wolf Hollow                 | x                                         | Andes                |

Notes Section:

This has been Hog Hollow so long that a woman with a memory of local history and family genealogy comparable to a history book, who lived at the foot of Hog Hollow about 1919 could not remember positively where the name came from. In recent years it was changed to Park Hill Road. Since the road does not follow the brook some still refer to the brook and valley as Hog Hollow.

It is located on the back side of the East Branch of the Delaware River midway between Downsville and Corbett. The piers of the Colchester Covered Bridge cross the river close by. (Please note the Downsville Covered Bridge which still stands is not the same.)

An additional note: One of Timothy Gregory's first homes was located nearby. --Betty N. Watson - posted here November 18, 2009

Addition note from Betty posted here June 15, 2010:
I have another "old place name". I was reading some genealogy and found "Cooley Hollow." Apparently the name existed in the early 1930's, but not now. In recent years, Cooley Hollow has been called Hinman Road and the 911 road sign designates it as Cornwall Road. This road turns off Fuller Hill Road about three miles from County Route 17 near Horton.

Wanted to let you know that the former name of Big Pond in Andes was Eel Lake, My family has had property on the lake for years and years. We are still the only private lands on (and under) the lake. I was just perusing the web and stumbled across your site... Thought you might like the update :) --Sean Kearns, January 24, 2005

While I'm sure it's not official, Bryden Lake is referred to as Lake Arax by Camp Nubar, which has operated on that site since 1968. --Eddie Ajamian, December 7, 2004

My dad Robert R. Squire and Ersnt Eicher bought the Finkle Dairy Farm in 1963 and along with several friend built the Andes Ski Area. R B Squire, May 15, 2004

East Meredith actually began as "Brier Street." you might want to add that to the "old name" list. Halina Monroe continued to refer to the town by the old name in all her columns, stories, and correspondence until she died in the early 1980s. Jim Williams, May 3, 2004

In the Gould History, Chap VI near the end- it references Papagonk -now Colchester. In the Rev War Pension file of Silas Bowker, Jr is a letter from his father Silas dated 1785 from Papaconk. He also refers to Papuconk several times in reviewing his service as a scout during the Revolution. I believe it was located beneath what is now a large resevoir. Margaret Thompson, March 25, 2003

from Tamara Sanford, March 27, 2003- From the book I am presently transcribing.. in last chapter submitted Colchester it reads:
Prior to 1766, the date of the first settlement, the Pawpacton valley was the home of the Wappinger Indians, and within the territory that is now the town of Colchester were two Indian villages, Pawpacton and Papagouck, the former located on the flat near the mouth of Cole's Clove, the latter is believed to have been located on the westerly side of the river about two or three miles below Downsville, but it seems the Indians had ceased to make their home in this vicinity before the white settlers came.

The community of Sidney Center was originally spelled Centre until the 1920's when the spelling was changed officially by the post office. On the railroad (O&W) it was called Maywood (as far as we can determine, to differentiate it from Sidney) Phyllis B Place, Maywood Historical Group of Sidney Center, Inc.

I noticed that Basket Pond was on your list. "The Basket" is a whole area which is the watershed from Basket Pond. There are, I think, two streams emanating from it. It encompasses the area know as South Woods, also Goulds, Rock Valley, Hansom Hollow and edges into Peakeville, Acidalia, and Long Eddy. Basket Creek empties into the Delaware just south of Long Eddy under the viaduct. Goulds and Rock Valley were communities in their own right years ago, with Post offices, I believe, and churches, I know. There was also a Grange Hall at Rock Valley. Each also had its own school. My father, George Smith, taught at the Rock Valley School, which my brother attended. My mother taught at the Goulds School. This was in the 30s. Kathryn Smith Mollach, March 15, 2001

Of course, there is no longer a "Beerston" in the Town of Walton because of the Cannonsville Dam. The original settlement was created by Ephriam Beers IV, Joseph Beers and Joseph Cable in 1788. "It was called 'The Den' because it resembled a cage surrounded as it was by mountains on all sides and rampant with an abundance of wild animals. . ." Also, they say it was named after a similar place in Fairfield, CT. Charles E. Beers (son of Ephraim Silas Beers) said in an interview in 1953 when asked why the place was renamed Beerston: "What else could they call it? More than half the population was named Beers!" From The Story of Walton by Helen Lane and Committee, copyright 1975. There was also a "Ben Beers Mountain" in that area which Stephen Decatur Eels wrote a poem about in 1891. This poem was included in a publication (1997) by William John Cable & Mrs. Marian D. Cable of Sidney, NY. Joyce (Beers) Shultis, dir. desc. of Ephraim S., etc., April 11, 2001

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Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger