
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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From The Bloomville Mirror February 23, 1869 page 2 column 2
Transcribed by Linda Robinson, October 4, 2002


As there is considerable enquiry to know the names of (those) residing or holding lands on the Kortright Patent, against whom suits are now pending, we copy the following from the Court Calender:-

Eliza Cruger, Against

William Adair; William Adee; Stephen B. Adee

Luther Butts; Walter S. Brownell; Henry Banks; William Black; John Bolles; John Butts; Benjamin M. Banks; Andrew Bolles; William Butts

James Clark; Thomas L. Clark; Samuel Craig; William Caldwell; James M. Cleveland; John Clark; Jerry Carrington

Ann Dougherty; Thomas Donnelly; Mary Donaldson; Joseph P. Douglass; Joseph A. and Mary Douglas; Solomon Davis; Harvey Davis; Forman Dennison; Michael Dunn; George Dart; William Dougherty

Cornelius W.Every

Daniel Fisher

Ebenezer A. Gallup; Smith Gordon; Jennette and Thomas Gibson; Walter Gibbs

William Henderson; John Henderson; William Hunt; Matthew S. Hanford; James Henderson; Robert H. Harkness; Abigail Harkness; James Harkness; James H. Harkness; William S. Harkness; William Haddon; William S. Harper; George Hillis; Joseph Hanvey; Adam C. Hillis

Obed H. Jones; Samuel Jackson

Richard Kilpatrick; Mary Ann Kilpatrick; Ira B. Keeler; David Kerr; Burr Keeler; Harriet Keeler; Martha Keeler; James S. Kerr; Samuel B. Keator; Hugh Kinmonth; John Kinmonth

Edmund R. Laughran; Charles K. Laughran; Hugh Leal; Alexander R. Leal; John A. Leal; Alexander C. Leal

Walter Miller; Benjamin Mahaffie; Major Munson; Sarah Mills; William Mitchell; John O. Murdock; Joseph Mahaffie; Abraham Mull; Alexander McEchran; Edward F. McLaughry; Dean T. McIlwain; Sarah McCracken; John McKee; John McNaught; Jonathan B. McMurdy; Alexander McNeely; Edward T. McClaughry; John McCracken; William H. McCracken; Joseph McCracken; John McClelland; Mary Ann McMorris; James McClaughry; Michael McLaughry; Thomas McCully; James McCully; Matthew H. McLaury; Hector McNaught; George S. McLaughry; David H. McLaughry; George H. McLaughry; Walter S. McClaughry; William McKee

Eliab Nash

Robert Orr; David Orr; John M. Orr

William Parker

William M. Rowland; Samuel Rowland; Joseph Rowland; Mary Rowland; James S. Rowland; Robert Rowland; William Rowland and William Clinton; William and Nancy Riddle; William P. Riddle

John H. Smith; Matthew Sixsmith; Michael Sixsmith; Esther J. Sixsmith; Mary Sixsmith; William Shearer; Thomas Stronoghon; Moses Stronoghon; James Shearer; William Smith Jr.; William Scott; William Shaw; Charles Stoutenburgh; George L. Scott; John Stronoghon; John H. Sloan; Hugh H. Sloan

Edmond B. Taylor; Samuel Tate; Michael Tate; Andrew Tate; William Tate; Stephen M. Tinker; John O. Thompson

Solomon Vanderbeck

Richard Whigham; Thomas Williamson; John N. White; Anthony Wolfe

Deborh Young

The above are for one-sixth of the lands. Suits are now being commenced
by Mr. Youmans against the same persons for the other five-sixths.

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Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger