
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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1870 Census - Town of Kortright

Transcribed by Cheryl Jordan

SURNAME             FIRST NAME          AGE   SEX  
McIlwane              Robert            74    WM      
McIlwane              Jane              70    WF      
Colwell               Fanny             17    WF      
Hood                  William           22    WM      
Parish                Crane             52    WM      
Parish                Margaret          44    WF      
Parish                Norman            12    WM      
Parish                Margatet          7     WF      
Moon                  Eugene            19    WM      
Moon                  Elizabeth         21    WF      
Davis                 Samuel            59    WM      
Davis                 Mary              45    WF      
Davis                 William           16    WM      
Davis                 Stafford          13    WM      
Banks                 Benjamin          36    WM      
Banks                 Maria             37    WF      
Banks                 Eva               12    WF      
Banks                 Carrie            5     WF      
Morrison              Catherine         16    WF      
Stewart               Alexander         49    WM      
Stewart               Mary              48    WF      
Stewart               Elizabeth         14    WF      
Stewart               Mary A.           12    WF      
Stewart               Alexander         9     WM      
Stewart               Martha            7     WF      
Stewart               John              7     WM      
McCracken             Wm. H.            30    WM      
McCracken             Mary              20    WF      
Gunn                  John              52    WM      
Gunn                  :udoa             53    WF      
Gunn                  George            14    WM      
Gunn                  John              10    WM      
Lawson                Lyman             75    WM      
Lawson                Christean         72    WF      
Lawson                Effie             15    WF      
McLaury               John M.           31    WM      
McLaury               Margaret          26    WF      
McLaury               Eugenia           2     WF      
Keeler                I. Burr           47    WM      
Keeler                Jane              44    WF      
Harper                Nancy J.          20    WF      
Keeler                David             67    WM      
McKee                 John              67    WM      
McKee                 Mary A.           65    WF      
McKee                 Margaret          30    WF      
McKee                 Esther J.         27    WF      
McKee                 Mary L.           25    WF      
McKee                 James, 2nd        40    WM      
McKee                 Elizabeth         28    WF      
McKee                 Sarah C.          6     WF      
McKee                 Hattie            4     WF      
McKee                 Rosamond          2     WF      
McKee                 Viola                   WF      
Dibble                Noah              78    WM      
Dibble                Prudence          74    WF      
Dibble                George            39    WM      
Dibble                Susan             40    WF      
Dibble                Tyler             12    WM      
Dibble                Howard            9     WM      
Dibble                Everet            5     WM      
Dibble                Flora                   WF      
Anthony               Lydia             76    WF      
Hunt                  Amelia            42    WF      
McClintook            John              66    WM      
McClintook            Anna              60    WF      
Rice                  Mary              26    WF      
Kelso                 Seth              75    WM      
Kelso                 Ann               69    WF      
Kelso                 James             40    WM      
Johnson               James             23    WM      
Johnson               Eliza             22    WF      
Ferguson              Mary              78    WF      
McAustin              Peter             26    WM      
McAustin              Mary              54    WF      
McAustin              Jennet            30    WF      
McAustin              Maggie            22    WF      
McAustin              Agnes             16    WM      
Whitlock              Cyrus             20    WM      
Brownwell             William           40    WM      
Brownwell             mary              37    WF      
Brownwell             Robert            12    WM      
Brownwell             George            9     WM      
Brownwell             Mary              5     WF      
Brownwell             William           3     WM      
McAustin              John              21    WM      
Kinmouth              Bell              26    WF      
Roberts               Joseph W.         69    WM      
Roberts               Polly             71    WF      
Roberts               Merritt S.        40    WM      
Roberts               Delia             37    WF      
Roberts               Maud              7     WF      
Roberts               Joseph            2     WM      
Clapper               Richard           60    WM      
Row                   Evan              50    WF      
Reynolds              Andrus            26    WM      
Smith                 Elizabeth         36    WF      
Turner                Hopescill         48    WM      
Turner                Ann               46    WF      
Turner                John              23    WM      
Turner                Crosby            21    WM      
Turner                Adison            14    WM      
Turner                Charles           12    WM      
Turner                Eveline           26    WF      
Turner                Julia             18    WF      
Turner                Melissa           16    WF      
Turner                Hattie            6     WF      
Hunt                  William           57    WM      
Hunt                  Mary              37    WF      
Hunt                  Josephine         9     WF      
Hunt                  Irene             7     WF      
Hunt                  William           3     WM      
Sutton                Jane              50    WF      
Duff                  Alexander         47    WM      
Stewart               Samuel            56    WM      
Stewart               Jane              56    WF      
Stewart               Robert            25    WM      
Stewart               Sarah             16    WF      
Stewart               Anna              14    WF      
Stewart               George            10    WM      
Wickham               P**r              5     WF      
McNeely               Alexander         55    WM      
McNeely               Jane              40    WF      
McNeely               Lydia             11    WF      
McNeely               Maggie            9     WF      
McNeely               Alexander         6     WM      
McNeely               Mary              4     WF      
McNeely               Joseph            1     WM      
McNeely               John              66    WM      
Craig                 Samuel            34    WM      
Craig                 Margaret          26    WF      
Craig                 David             4     WM      
Craig                 Charles           2     WM      
Davis                 Ephraim           58    WM      
Davis                 Hannah            53    WF      
Davis                 Eliza             26    WF      
Davis                 George            21    WM      
Davis                 Delvin            16    WM      
Davis                 Rjpda             13    WF      
Davis                 Rose              8     WF      
Davis                 Stafford          5     WM      
McLaury               James C.          60    WM      
Clark                 John              38    WM      
Clark                 Margaret          27    WF      
Clark                 William           14    WM      
Clark                 Anna              12    WF      
Clark                 Robert            10    WM      
Clark                 Mary              6     WF      
Clark                 Maggie            3     WF      
Clark                 James             1     WM      
Rowland               William           56    WM      
Rowland               Caroline          54    WF      
Rowland               Margaret          18    WF      
Rowland               Caroline          11    WF      
Reynolds              Martha            17    WF      
Reed                  Henry             25    WM      
Reed                  William           16    WM      
Harkness              James L.          40    WM      
Harkness              Euphemia J.       33    WF      
Harkness              Maggie S.         13    WF      
Harkness              Robert L.         9     WM      
Harkness              William R.        5     WM      
Harkness              John G.           2     WM      
Harkness              Robert H.         33    WM      
Harkness              Mary A.           25    WF      
Irving                C.                60    WM      
Irving                Elizabeth         54    WF      
Irving                Rowland C.        16    WM      
Rowland               James             48    WM      
Rowland               Margaret          42    WF      
Rowland               Samuel J.         18    WM      
Rowland               Mary              16    WF      
Rowland               Margaret          12    WF      
Rowland               Martha            9     WF      
Rowland               Ella              4     WF      
McKee                 James             60    WM      
McKee                 Ann               60    WF      
McKee                 Mary A.           23    WF      
McKee                 J. Harvey         30    WM      
McDonald              Robert            56    WM      
McDonald              Mary              38    WF      
McDonald              Ida               18    WF      
McDonald              James             8     WM      
McDonald              Willie            6     WM      
McDonald              Eddie             2     WM      
McDonald              Dowie             1     WM      
Keeler                Burr              56    WM      
Keeler                Jane              46    WF      
Keeler                Josephine         11    WF      
Keeler                Susie             8     WF      
Wilson                Rosa              56    WF      
Mehaffy               Benjamin          29    WM      
Storie                Matilda           65    WF      
Mehaffy               Thomas            3     WM      
Mehaffy               Elizabeth         7     WF      
Mehaffy               Samuel            5     WM      
Prester               Frederick         63    WM      
Prester               Mary              59    WF      
Prester               Susan             28    WF      
Olmstead              Augustus          7     WM      
Olmstead              Ida               9     WF      
Clark                 John M.           77    WM      
Clark                 Nancy             75    WF      
Clark                 Ellen             40    WF      
Smith                 Margaret          36    WF      
Smith                 Anna L.           9     WF      
Smith                 Robert J.         7     WM      
Prester               George            35    WM      
Prester               Salina            27    WF      
Bayton                John O.           40    WM      
Bayton                Mary              37    WF      
Bayton                Lizzie            3     WF      
McNaught              Robert            24    WM      
McNaught              Nancy             26    WF      
McNaught              John              70    WM      
McNaught              Isabella          66    WF      
McNaught              Jennet            28    WF      
McNaught              James             27    WM      
McNaught              Matilda           25    WF      
McNaught              Nancy             22    WF      
Harkness              Lydia             68    WF      
Prester               Samuel            30    WM      
Prester               Angeline          16    WF      
Leal                  Hugh              77    WM      
Leal                  Eleanor           74    WF      
Leal                  George S.         42    WM      
Leal                  James             37    WM      
Leal                  Ellen             33    WF      
McMurray              Jane              71    WF      
McMurray              William           28    WM      
McMurray              George            26    WM      
McMurray              Jane              25    WF      
Keeler                Harriet           66    WF      
Keeler                Julia             34    WF      
Keeler                Delia             32    WF      
Keeler                Helen             30    WF      
Biddle                John              44    WM      
McLaury               Michael           32    WM      
McLaury               Harriet           30    WF      
McLaury               Mary              6     WF      
McLaury               Howard            4     WM      
McLaury               Emma              3     WF      
McLaury               John              1     WM      
McLaury               William Y.        54    WM      
McLaury               Nancy             49    WF      
McLaury               Elizabeth         24    WF      
Carr                  David             51    WM      
Carr                  Diantha           43    WF      
Carr                  Sarah             18    WF      
Carr                  John              16    WM      
Carr                  Thomas            12    WM      
Carr                  Marion            9     WF      
Rice                  John              70    WM      
Rice                  Martha            59    WF      
Rowland               Jane              55    WF      
Sixsmith              Michael           45    WM      
Sixsmith              Elizabeth         48    WF      
Sixsmith              Elizabeth         18    WF      
Sixsmith              Edward            16    WM      
Sixsmith              George            11    WM      
Sixsmith              Eva               7     WF      
Sixsmith              Willie            4     WM      
Turner                James             28    WM      
Gaddis                James Mrs.        59    WF      
Chaddon               George            28    WM      
Chaddon               Elizabeth         26    WF      
Chaddon               Arthur            2     WM      
Gaddis                Helen             22    WF      
Murdock               John              46    WM      
Murdock               Lettie            40    WF      
Murdock               Mary E.           40    WF      
Adee                  Mamcu             64    WF      
Gibbs                 E. T.             60    WM      
Gibbs                 Mary              54    WF      
Gibbs                 Harriet           20    WF      
McLaury               Edward T.         37    WM      
McLaury               Margery           25    WF      
Brown                 George            14    WM      
Munson                Harriet           16    WF      
McLaury               Margaret          48    WF      
Scott                 Robert            31    WM      
Scott                 Eliza A.          20    WF      
Scott                 Lizzie                  WF      
Lewis                 Mary              10    WF      
Leal                  Alexander R.      43    WM      
Leal                  Esther            43    WF      
Leal                  Susan             13    WF      
Leal                  Barbara           8     WF      
Leal                  Addie             7     WF      
Leal                  Ellen             5     WF      
Leal                  Martha                  WF      
Leal                  John A.           48    WM      
Leal                  Barbara           77    WF      
Kenedy                Ellen             65    WF      
Stranagham            Moses             46    WM      
Stranagham            Nancy             48    WF      
Stranagham            Robert            22    WM      
Stranagham            Maggie            18    WF      
Stranagham            John              17    WM      
Stranagham            James             15    WM      
Stranagham            Augustus          13    WM      
Stranagham            Sarah             10    WF      
Stranagham            Minnie            6     WF      
Stranagham            Abba              3     WF      
McCauley              John              23    WM      
McCauley              Martha            22    WF      
McCauley              Adam              1     WM      
Duff                  John              45    WM      
Sloan                 James             49    WM      
Sloan                 Jane              41    WF      
Sloan                 John              13    WM      
Covil                 Libbie            16    WF      
Murdock               John              43    WM      
Murdock               Mary              40    WF      
Gibson                Thomas            50    WM      
Gibson                Jennet            46    WF      
Gibson                Willinan          20    WM      
Gibson                Charles           14    WM      
Gibson                Helen             5     WF      
Gibson                James             24    WM      
Gibson                Margaret          24    WF      
McNamara              James             19    WM      
Sanly                 George            44    WM      
Sanly                 Margaret          40    WF      
Sanly                 William           13    WM      
Sanly                 Mary              10    WF      
Sanly                 George            8     WM      
Sanly                 Maggie            5     WF      
Sloan                 John              60    WM      
Stanley               Robert            25    WM      
Stanley               Eliza             23    WF      
Stanley               Mary              4     WF      
Stanley               Anna              1     WF      
McKee                 J. Henry          33    WM      
McKee                 Fanny             34    WF      
Winslow               LaFayette         46    WM      
Henderson             James             47    WM      
Henderson             Nancy             40    WF      
Henderson             Willie            18    WM      
Henderson             Andrew            14    WM      
Henderson             Emma              12    WF      
Henderson             George            10    WM      
Henderson             John              7     WM      
Henderson             Jessie            5     WF      
Henderson             James             3     WM      
Henderson             Irving                  WM      
Carrington            Julia             15    WF      
McNeely               Andrew            75    WM      
Harkness              James H.          51    WM      
Harkness              Sarah             35    WF      
Harkness              Lois              11    WF      
Harkness              Elizabeth         8     WF      
Harkness              George            5     WM      
Colwell               David             19    WM      
Colwell               William           46    WM      
Colwell               Elizabeth         24    WF      
Colwell               George            16    WM      
Colwell               Mary              14    WF      
Colwell               Lizzie            11    WF      
Colwell               Jemima                  WF      
Williamson            Thomas            43    WM      
Williamson            Ellen             40    WF      
Williamson            Sarah             16    WF      
Williamson            Thomas            12    WM      
Williamson            David             10    WM      
Doonan                William           25    WM      
Boyle                 James             70    WM      
Boyle                 Sarah             65    WF      
Boyle                 Edward            17    WM      
Boyle                 Jane              14    WF      
Boyle                 Samuel            36    WM      
Boyle                 Martha            30    WF      
McClintock            William           36    WM      
McClintock            Susan             30    WF      
McClintock            John              6     WM      
McClintock            Fanny             4     WF      
Lawson                James             47    WM      
Lawson                Nancy             42    WF      
Lawson                Alice             17    WF      
Lawson                Imogene           13    WF      
Lawson                John              11    WM      
Lawson                Kate M.           8     WF      
Doig                  R. T.             28    WM      
Doig                  Mary              25    WF      
Davis                 Stafford          52    WM      
Davis                 Polly             42    WF      
Mead                  Betsy             88    WF      
Douglas               Harriet           14    WF      
More                  Andrew            79    WM      
More                  Ann E.            62    WF      
More                  Cornelia          30    WF      
More                  Samuel            25    WM      
More                  Agnes             18    WF      
Blakely               G. B.             44    WM      
Blakely               Elizabeth         39    WF      
Blakely               W. Pierce         17    WM      
Blakely               Edwin             15    WM      
Blakely               Ransom            13    WM      
Blakely               G. Banger         10    WM      
Blakely               Elizabeth         6     WF      
Parish                Adelia            16    WF      
Blakely               James G.          60    WM      
Blakely               Susan             57    WF      
Blakely               William           24    WM      
Blakely               Jennie            22    WF      
Blakely               John              21    WM      
Blakely               James             19    WM      
Blakely               Susan             16    WF      
Campbell              Ann               18    WF      
Harper                John              60    WM      
Harper                Agnes             49    WF      
Harper                Mary              45    WF      
Harper                Samuel            56    WM      
Harper                Margaret          47    WF      
Harper                Letitica          21    WF      
Harper                Samuel            15    WM      
Rowland               Samuel            30    WM      
Rowland               Sarah             28    WF      
Rowland               Joseph            17    WM      
Rowland               Lettie            11    WF      
Rowland               Harper            7     WM      
Rowland               John              5     WM      
Smith                 William           83    WM      
Smith                 John              56    WM      
Smith                 Nancy             50    WF      
Gilchrist             Mary              21    WF      
Smith                 William, Jr.      48    WM      
Smith                 Ann               38    WF      
Clark                 James L.          28    WM      
Clark                 Susan             28    WF      
Clark                 Lucy              3     WF      
Clark                 Ann Eliza         2     WF      
Bundy                 Delia             15    WF      
Shearer               James             68    WM      
Shearer               Ann               65    WF      
Shearer               Nancy             26    WF      
Shearer               Andrew            22    MM      
Shearer               Michael           28    MM      
Sixsmith              William           58    WM      
Sixsmith              Mary              48    WF      
Sixsmith              Mary E.           23    WF      
Sixsmith              William           21    WM      
Sixsmith              Sarah             19    WF      
Sixsmith              Robert            17    WM      
Sixsmith              John              14    WM      
Sixsmith              George            12    WM      
Sixsmith              Margaret          10    WF      
Sixsmith              James             8     WM      
Sixsmith              Frank             3     WM      
Clark                 Thomas L.         63    WM      
Clark                 Mary              58    WF      
Clark                 Thomas H.         21    WM      
Tate                  Michael           60    WM      
Tate                  Jane              56    WF      
Tate                  Nancy             22    WF      
Tate                  Elizabeth         19    WF      
Tate                  Michael           17    WM      
Tate                  Isabella          15    WF      
Tate                  John              14    WM      
Tate                  Robert            11    WM      
McLaury               Maggie                  WF      
Adair                 Robert            44    WM      
Adair                 Mary              33    WF      
Adair                 Eva               6     WF      
Adair                 Jessie            5     WF      
Adair                 William           3     WM      
Adair                 William           46    WM      
Adair                 Eloiza            42    WF      
Adair                 James             17    WM      
Adair                 Elizabeth         16    WF      
Adair                 Margaret          14    WF      
Adair                 William           12    WM      
Adair                 Robert            10    WM      
Adair                 Hugh              7     WM      
Adair                 Anabella          6     WF      
Adair                 John              3     WM      
Adair                 Infant                  WM      
McCauly               William           62    WM      
McCauly               Margaret          60    WM      
McCauly               Mary              21    WF      
McCauly               Nancy             19    WF      
McCauley              Elizabeth         17    WF      
McClellan             John              55    WM      
McClellan             Mary              35    WF      
McClellan             Samuel            19    WM      
McClellan             Elizabeth         17    WF      
McClellan             Nancy             15    WF      
McClellan             Thomas            13    WM      
McClellan             William           11    WM      
McClellan             Margaret          9     WF      
McClellan             Ellen             7     WF      
McClellan             Mary              5     WF      
McClellan             Alexander               WM      
McCauley              James             35    WM      
McCauley              Margaret          42    WF      
McCauley              Martha            7     WF      
McCauley              Elizabeth         5     WF      
McCauley              Thomas            4     WM      
McCauley              Agnes                   WF      
Tinker                Calvin            50    WM      
Tinker                Emeline           36    WF      
Tinker                Calvin            1     WM      
Shearer               William           33    WM      
Shearer               Margaret          27    WF      
Shearer               James             6     WM      
Shearer               Samuel            3     WM      
Rowland               William           58    WM      
Rowland               Lucinda           41    WF      
Rowland               Maria             14    WF      
Rowland               Sarah             11    WF      
Rowland               William           9     WM      
Rowland               Ida               7     WF      
Rowland               Joseph            5     WM      
Rowland               Fanny             1     WF      
Rowland               Joseph            35    WM      
Scott                 Henry             60    WM      
McIlwain              Meron             28    WM      
McIlwain              Emily             25    WF      
McIlwain              Jesse             3     WM      
McIlwain              John              1     WM      
McIlwain              Margaret          66    WF      
McIlwain              Mahala            15    WF      
Shonagham             William           37    WM      
Shonagham             Fanny             22    WF      
Shonagham             John              7     WM      
Shonagham             James             5     WM      
Shonagham             Anna              4     WF      
Shonagham             Lillian           2     WF      
Schermerhorn          Wm.               17    WM      
Harkness              James, Jr.        35    WM      
Harkness              Harriet           33    WF      
Harkness              Edward            6     WM      
Harkness              James             4     WM      
Harkness              Fanny             1     WF      
Harkness              Thomas            82    WM      
Nelson                William           25    WM      
McIlwain              Rebecca           30    WF      
Blake                 William           45    WM      
Blake                 Angeline          40    WF      
Blake                 William           8     WM      
Blake                 Hattie            3     WF      
Grommon               George            31    WM      
Grommon               Laura             24    WF      
Grommon               Cora              1     WF      
Grommon               Infant                  W       
Manly                 Charles           33    WM      
Manly                 Eleanor           24    WF      
Manly                 Carrie                  WF      
Utter                 Joseph            33    WM      
Utter                 Mary              26    WF      
Utter                 Adelia            3     WF      
Utter                 John              1     WM      
McNaughton            Armstrong         49    WM      
McNaughton            Elizabeth         47    WF      
McNaughton            Letta             14    WF      
McNaughton            Nancy             11    WF      
McNaughton            Gurrie            4     WF      
Douglas               Joseph            36    WM      
Douglas               Mary              58    WF      
Douglas               Mary E.           35    WF      
Douglas               Sarah             20    WF      
Bolles                Joseph            26    WM      
Hamilton              Martha            53    WF      
Hamilton              Charles           13    WM      
Harper                William H.        42    WM      
Harper                Sarah             43    WF      
Harper                George            14    WM      
Harper                William           7     WM      
Harper                Anna              5     WF      
Harper                James             3     WM      
Covil                 Rozella           20    WF      
Wright                Rebecca           68    WF      
Wright                Rachel            33    WF      
Patterson             Sarah             70    WF      
Patterson             Esther            36    WF      
McCracken             Eleanor           64    WF      
McCracken             Margaret          50    WF      
Brown                 Elizabeth         60    WF      
Brown                 Catherine         24    WF      
Scott                 James             61    WM      
Scott                 Nancy             58    WF      
Scott                 Mary              17    WF      
Bolles                Henry             18    WM      
Taggart               R. D.             35    WM      
Taggart               Jenny             33    WF      
Miller                Walter            78    WM      
Douglas               Joseph P.         53    WM      
Douglas               Martha            48    WF      
Douglas               Mary              22    WF      
Douglas               John              18    WM      
McLaury               Edward T.         45    WM      
McLaury               Susannah          40    WF      
McLaury               Sarena            19    WF      
McLaury               Hiram             16    WM      
McLaury               Julia             13    WF      
McLaury               Frederick         10    WM      
McLaury               Sarah             8     WF      
McLaury               Mary              5     WF      
McLaury               Henry             1     WM      
McLaury               Matthew           80    WM      
McLaury               Margaret          77    WF      
McClaury              Walter T.         33    WM      
McClaury              Fanny             4     WF      
McClaury              Martha            2     WF      
Marom                 Frances           19    WF      
Borst                 Corstican         18    WM      
Marom                 Mary              24    WF      
McCulley              Thomas            76    WM      
McCulley              Susannah          77    WF      
McCulley              Thomas            16    WM      
Bell                  James             45    WM      
Bell                  Phebe             40    WF      
Thomson               Archibald         12    WM      
Needham               Joseph            60    WM      
McIlwain              Dean              56    WM      
McIlwain              Jane              55    WF      
McIlwain              Mary              23    WF      
McIlwain              Clinton           19    WM      
McIlwain              Emily             15    WF      
Zec                   Warren            32    WM      
Zec                   Rebecca           30    WF      
Zec                   Clark             5     WM      
Zec                   Wesley            3     WM      
Rowland               Robert            40    WM      
Sixsmith              William           65    WM      
Sixsmith              Mary              65    WF      
Merwin                Nancy             79    WF      
Hadden                Mary              21    WF      
Scott                 Thomas            61    WM      
Scott                 Sarah             56    WF      
Scott                 Mary              26    WF      
Scott                 Martha            20    WF      
Harper                Frederick         17    WM      
Scott                 William           32    WM      
Scott                 Eleanor           29    WF      
Scott                 James             2     WM      
Scott                 George            15    WM      
Bolles                Mary              63    WF      
Bolles                James             27    WM      
Bolles                Agnes             21    WF      
Stronoghon            John              70    WM      
Stronoghon            Margaret          70    WF      
Stronoghon            James             23    WM      
Keelen                Martha            46    WF      
Graff                 Bennet            50    WM      
Graff                 Hattie            25    WF      
McLaury               Maria             78    WF      
McLaury               Orline            40    WF      
McLaury               Amy               61    WF      
McLaury               James             31    WM      
McLaury               Mary              26    WF      
McLaury               John              3     WM      
McLaury               Leonard           1     WM      
McLaury               John              20    WM      
McCracken             John              66    WM      
McCracken             Sarah             60    WF      
McCracken             John, Jr.         23    WM      
McCracken             William           33    WM      
McCracken             Margaret          37    WF      
McCracken             Amelia            5     WF      
Davis                 Solomon           50    WM      
Davis                 Mary              56    WF      
McCracken             Samuel L.         39    WM      
McCracken             Martha            32    WF      
McCracken             Agnes             5     WF      
McCracken             Robert            3     WM      
McCracken             Joseph            57    WM      
McCracken             Sarah             50    WF      
McCracken             John              24    WM      
McCracken             James             24    WM      
McCracken             Mary              20    WF      
McCracken             Clark             23    WM      
McCracken             Sarah E.          13    WF      
McCracken             Libbie            11    WF      
McCracken             Thomas            9     WM      
Scutt                 Samuel A.         58    WM      
Scutt                 Charity           54    WF      
Scutt                 Stratton          21    WM      
Scutt                 Albert            19    WM      
Scutt                 Ann               20    WF      
Scutt                 Estelle           13    WF      
Whizham               Richard           54    WM      
Whizham               Martha            50    WF      
Gallup                Ebenezer          47    WM      
Gallup                Maconda           47    WF      
Gallup                Emma              16    WF      
Gallup                David             10    WM      
Gallup                George            8     WM      
Briggs                William           25    WM      
Dennison              Forman            64    WM      
Dennison              Lucy              64    WF      
Dennison              Mary              25    WF      
Stewart               Arminda           55    WF      
Stewart               Margaret          74    WF      
Orr                   David             79    WM      
Orr                   William           34    WM      
Palmeter              Orin              17    WM      
Orr                   Nancy             69    WF      
Orr                   Elizabeth         45    WF      
Orr                   Mary              35    WF      
Loudon                Sarah             16    WF      
Knight                Leonard           4     WM      
Orr                   John M.           47    WM      
Orr                   Mary              33    WF      
Orr                   Frances           11    WF      
Orr                   James             8     WM      
Orr                   Wilson            6     WM      
Orr                   Jennie            5     WF      
McLaury               Matthew           45    WM      
McLaury               Mary              50    WF      
McLaury               Agnes             35    WF      
Vanderbeck            Caroline          32    WF      
Vanderbeck            Ida A.            11    WF      
Vanderbeck            Henry             6     WM      
Vanderbeck            Libbie            4     WF      
Chase                 Henry             35    WM      
Mull                  Howard            11    WM      
Mehaffee              Joseph            26    WM      
Mehaffee              Esther            27    WF      
Mehaffee              Susan             1     WF      
Hanford               George            28    WM      
Hanford               Mary              23    WF      
Rowe                  Agnes             11    WF      
Dickson               David             32    WM      
Dickson               Elizabeth         32    WF      
Dickson               Charles           5     WM      
Dickson               Freddoe                 W       
McKenzie              James             70    WM      
McKenzie              Rhoda             65    WF      
Harper                John              49    WM      
Harper                Ruth              39    WF      
Harper                George            21    WM      
Harper                James             19    WM      
Harper                John              18    WM      
Harper                Mary              4     WF      
Harper                Cora              2     WF      
Sheldon               Joseph            64    WM      
Sheldon               Harriet           65    WF      
White                 John              38    WM      
White                 Margaret          29    WF      
White                 Alice             7     WF      
White                 Charles           4     WM      
White                 Willie            2     WM      
White                 Susie             1     WF      
Sloan                 James             19    WM      
Gaddis                Helen             22    WF      
Kilpatrick            Charles           24    WM      
Kilpatrick            Mary A.           50    WF      
Porter                John              19    WM      
Jacobs                Bell              22    WF      
Dezell                Margaret          74    WF      
Dezell                James             78    WM      
Reid                  Morgan            44    WM      
Reid                  Mary              28    WF      
Reid                  Orrin             7     WM      
Reid                  Fanny             4     WF      
Reid                  Eli               1     WM      
Harper                James             19    WM      
Taylor                Hannah            73    WF      
Dart                  George            26    WM      
Dart                  Alice             23    WF      
Dart                  Eva               3     WF      
Dart                  Anna              1     WF      
Simpson               James             14    WM      
Taylor                Edmund            48    WM      
Taylor                Elizabeth         45    WF      
Taylor                James             18    WM      
Taylor                George            13    WM      
Taylor                Andrew            10    WM      
Morse                 John              40    WM      
Morse                 Mary              36    WF      
Morse                 Franklin          16    WM      
Morse                 Mary              14    WF      
Morse                 William           10    WM      
Morse                 Emily             3     WF      
Hanford               M. S.             56    WM      
Hanford               Keturah           54    WF      
Hanford               Levi              16    WM      
Hanford               Helen             14    WF      
Hanford               Lucy              9     WF      
Briggs                William           25    WM      
Briggs                Mina              23    WF      
Briggs                Smith             1     WM      
Mull                  Abraham           77    WM      
Mull                  Hannah            70    WF      
Mull                  Catherine         51    WF      
Bilby                 James             22    WM      
Bilby                 Maria             20    WF      
Scutt                 Anna              20    WF      
Adee                  William           45    WM      
Adee                  Catherine         39    WF      
Adee                  Alice             17    WF      
Adee                  Carrie            2     WF      
Reynolds              Roxy              81    WF      
Odell                 M. S.             28    WM      
Odell                 Sarah             30    WF      
Odell                 Dora              8     WF      
Odell                 Frank             5     WM      
Odell                 Mary              3     WF      
Riddle                William           66    WM      
Riddle                Mary              66    WF      
Riddle                Augusta           20    WF      
Butler                Asa               21    WM      
Smith                 Harvey            35    WM      
Smith                 Adaline           29    WF      
Griffin               Hector            48    WM      
Griffin               Ann               50    MF      
Griffin               Maggie            4     WF      
Shurts                Charles           28    WM      
Brown                 Adaline           26    WF      
Thomson               Charles           15    WM      
Smith                 William           27    WM      
Smith                 Lois              21    WF      
Smith                 Leonard                 WM      
Smith                 Ira               29    WM      
Smith                 Polly             65    WF      
Robbins               Levi              37    WM      
Robbins               Mary              25    WF      
Robbins               Francis           10    WM      
Robbins               Amaza             8     WM      
Hillis                Adam              80    WM      
Hillis                Elizabeth         70    WF      
Hillis                Elizabeth         42    WF      
Hillis                Adam C.           31    WM      
Hillis                Esther A.         22    WF      
Hillis                Frank             2     WM      
Hillis                Edwin             1     WM      
Nichols               Alvira            18    WF      
Langhron              Mary              48    WF      
Langhron              Margery           13    WF      
Langhron              George            11    WM      
Earle                 Delia             59    WF      
Ames                  Nathan            60    WM      
Ames                  Mary              58    WF      
Ames                  Adaline           10    WF      
Sandford              Maranu            60    WM      
Sandford              Ann E.            60    WF      
Sandford              Jones             19    WM      
Sandford              Russ              17    WM      
Palmer                Rachel            30    WF      
Palmer                Emma              10    WF      
Mitchell              William           78    WM      
Mitchell              Catherine         71    WF      
Mitchell              Nancy             37    WF      
Mitchell              John              35    WM      
Mitchell              Jane              33    WF      
Mitchell              Edward            27    WM      
Simmons               David             58    WM      
Simmons               Abigail           36    WF      
Simmons               Ira               11    WM      
Simmons               Frederick         9     WM      
Simmons               Alida             7     WF      
Simmons               Alice             4     WF      
Simmons               Mary              1     WF      
Marshal               John              30    WM      
Marshal               Clarisa           28    WF      
Simmons               George            45    WM      
Simmons               Carolina          43    WF      
Simmons               Ann               16    WF      
Simmons               Clark             10    WM      
Simmons               Hattie            6     WF      
Simmons               George            2     WM      
Poivell               John              20    WM      
Clark                 S. H.             41    WM      
Clark                 Mary E.           39    WF      
Clark                 Francis S.        16    WM      
Clark                 George S.         14    WM      
Clark                 Mary              12    WF      
Clark                 Carrie            7     WF      
Clark                 Rosalia           1     WF      
Howard                Albert            27    WM      
Howard                Sarah             29    WF      
Howard                Frances           3     WF      
Howard                Lillie            1     WF      
Andrews               John              72    WM      
Andrews               Nancy             70    WF      
Andrews               John              28    WM      
Andrews               Mary              39    WF      
Andrews               Elizabeth         42    WF      
Rowen                 james             20    WM      
Stetwell              George            18    WM      
Mannon                Hannah            19    WF      
McMardy               Jonathan B.       65    WM      
McMardy               Abagail           57    WF      
McMardy               John              26    WM      
McMardy               Elizabeth         24    WF      
McMardy               Nancy             22    WF      
McMardy               Charles           17    WM      
McMardy               Joseph            63    WM      
McMardy               Esther            54    WF      
Toomer                Millie            10    WF      
Toomer                Herbert           26    WM      
Hulbert               Addie             20    WF      
Jobson                George C.         28    WM      
Jobson                Adalaid           21    WF      
White                 Samuel            31    WM      
White                 Catherine         22    WF      
White                 Willie            13    WM      
White                 Esther            11    WF      
Ken                   Helen             42    WF      
Ken                   Sherman           10    WM      
Ken                   Frank             8     WM      
Ken                   West              6     WM      
Ken                   Irvwine           4     WM      
Palmeter              Levi              58    WM      
Palmeter              Maria             55    WF      
Palmeter              Ann               13    WF      
Keaton                S. B.             39    WM      
Keaton                Jane              24    WF      
Keaton                Helen             9     WF      
Keaton                George            7     WM      
Connely               Mabel             17    WM      
Harper                Hannah            28    WF      
Dow                   James S.          48    WM      
Dow                   Julia E.          34    WF      
Dow                   James S.          1     WM      
McDonald              James             43    WM      
McDonald              Mary E.           34    WF      
McDonald              John G.           11    WM      
McDonald              James H.          3     WM      
McDonald              Jane              73    WF      
Palmeter              Marcus            25    WM      
Ames                  Harriet           16    WF      
Nesbit                William           48    WM      
Nesbit                Elizabeth         36    WF      
Nesbit                William           18    WM      
Nesbit                Mary              8     WF      
Scott                 William           65    WM      
Scott                 Amelia            64    WF      
Laughran              H. C.             27    WM      
Laughran              Aseneth           26    WF      
Laughran              James R.          2     WM      
Keeler                Patiance          85    WF      
Keeler                Delia             46    WF      
Marshal               Marlin            31    WM      
Marshal               Mary J.           28    WF      
Marshal               Frances M.        59    WF      
Marshal               Robert            26    WM      
Whipple               David             65    WM      
Whipple               Maria             45    WF      
Whipple               Jane              20    WF      
Whipple               Jerome            17    WM      
Whipple               Emma              15    WF      
Whipple               George            13    WM      
Whipple               Ann               10    WF      
Whipple               Abraham           7     WM      
Whipple               Elizabeth         4     WF      
Whipple               Sarah             1     WF      
Roe                   Wesley            33    WM      
Maxwell               George            26    WM      
Maxwell               Lydia             20    WF      
Maxwell               Burton            2     WM      
Langhran              Charles           33    WM      
Langhran              Augusta           33    WF      
Langhran              Burtis            2     WM      
Langhran              Margery           71    WF      
Dunn                  Michael           39    WM      
Dunn                  Mary              37    WF      
Dunn                  Isabella          15    WF      
Dunn                  Augustus          13    WM      
Silas                 Joseph            21    MM      
Shaw                  William, Jr.      26    WM      
Shaw                  David             24    WM      
Shaw                  William           72    WM      
Shaw                  Ellen             65    WF      
McCurter              Joseph            52    WM      
McCurter              Susan             50    WF      
McCurter              David             24    WM      
McCurter              Sarah             23    WF      
McCurter              Jane              21    WF      
McCurter              Joseph            19    WM      
McCurter              John              14    WM      
McCurter              Frank             12    WM      
McCurter              James             10    WM      
McCurter              Susan             8     WF      
McCurter              Samuel            6     WM      
Scott                 George            24    WM      
Scott                 Margaret          29    WF      
Scott                 Marshal           9     WM      
Scott                 Fanny             8     WF      
Scott                 Eleanor           63    WF      
Scott                 Charles           14    WM      
McCarter              Joseph            18    WM      
Young                 Deborah           41    WF      
Young                 Mary A.           9     WF      
Young                 Albert            6     WM      
Young                 Richard           5     WM      
McWilliams            David             23    WM      
Kerr                  James S.          36    WM      
Kerr                  Effie             30    WF      
Donnelly              Thomas            26    WM      
Kerr                  Mary A.           43    WF      
Kerr                  June C.           47    WF      
Laughran              Edmund            42    WM      
Laughran              Catherine         41    WF      
Laughran              William           15    WM      
Laughran              Mary              12    WF      
Laughran              Edmund            6     WM      
Orr                   Robert            48    WM      
Orr                   Barbary           44    WF      
Orr                   James             21    WM      
Orr                   Sarah F.          19    WF      
Orr                   Mary              17    WF      
Orr                   Anna              14    WF      
Orr                   Agnes             12    WF      
Orr                   Julia             10    WF      
Leal                  Mary              69    WF      
Wilson                Rose Ann          64    WF      
Kilpatrick            Richard           40    WM      
Kilpatrick            Juliette          35    WF      
Kilpatrick            Ellen             18    WF      
Kilpatrick            Ida               13    WF      
Kilpatrick            Anna              8     WF      
Kilpatrick            Frank             6     WM      
Kilpatrick            Bell              4     WF      
Donley                Thomas            53    WM      
Donley                Catherine         30    WF      
Donley                Elizabeth         23    WF      
Donley                James             22    WM      
Donley                Henry             20    WM      
Donley                Mary              13    WF      
Whigham               James             27    WM      
Whigham               Isabella          26    WF      
Bolles                Andrew            34    WM      
Bolles                Eliza             26    WF      
Bolles                Anna              23    WF      
Bolles                Michael           28    WM      
Rice                  William           36    WM      
Rice                  Anna              26    WF      
Rice                  William                 WM      
Loudon                Jennie            12    WF      
McCracken             Sarah             64    WF      
Henderson             Henry             28    WM      
Henderson             Lydia             25    WF      
Jackson               Samuel            70    WM      
McClanahan            James             30    WM      
McClanahan            Martha            30    WF      
Black                 William           49    WM      
Black                 Margaret          48    WF      
Black                 Elizabeth         17    WF      
Black                 Jane              12    WF      
Black                 Agnes             10    WF      
Mitchell              George            22    WM      
Davis                 Harvey            46    WM      
Davis                 Margaret          39    WF      
Davis                 Geoge             17    WM      
Davis                 Elon              13    WM      
Henderson             George            30    WM      
Henderson             Nancy             36    WF      
Jackson               Leila             9     WF      
Jones                 Obed              44    WM      
Jones                 Sarah             40    WF      
Jones                 Daniel            17    WM      
Jones                 Rosell            15    WF      
Jones                 Hannah            13    WF      
Jones                 Charles           6     WM      
Henderson             William           40    WM      
Henderson             Sarah A.          32    WF      
Henderson             William           5     WM      
Dibble                Cornelius         41    WM      
Dibble                Eliza             35    WF      
Dibble                George            12    WM      
Dibble                Noah              9     WM      
Dibble                Jane              7     WF      
Roberts               Eli               59    WM      
Roberts               Sally             56    WF      
Roberts               Charles           28    WM      
Roberts               James             23    WM      
Roberts               Winfield          21    WM      
Roberts               Estella           18    WF      
Roberts               Merritt           15    WM      
Roberts               Eli C.            36    WM      
Roberts               Delia             30    WF      
Roberts               Marshal           5     WM      
Roberts               Leslie            2     WM      
Henderson             Robert            26    WM      
Henderson             Augusta           28    WF      
Henderson             Daniel                  WM      
Vail                  Catherine         15    WF      
Hines                 Gilbert           21    WM      
Brown                 Alexander         56    WM      
Brown                 Jane              55    WF      
Brown                 James             21    WM      
Brown                 Jane R.           19    WF      
Brown                 Christina         18    WF      
Griffin               John A.           25    WM      
Griffin               Maria             23    WF      
Jennings              Joseph            29    WM      
Jennings              Anna              31    WF      
Jennings              Lillian           4     WF      
Stoutenberg           Wm. G.            50    WM      
Stoutenberg           Clarisa           33    WF      
Stoutenberg           Frank             6     WM      
Stoutenberg           Clara             2     WF      
Cummings              Alexander         81    WM      
Cummings              Barbara           80    WF      
Cummings              Barbara, Jr       36    WF      
Cummings              Duncan            46    WM      
Frisbie               Daniel            47    WM      
Frisbie               Margaret          44    WF      
Frisbie               Hiram             16    WM      
Hawkins               Frank             8     WM      
Davis                 William           50    WM      
Davis                 Nancy A.          46    WF      
Davis                 Nancy E.          20    WF      
Davis                 Martha            16    WF      
Davis                 Jacob             15    WM      
Davis                 Andrew            2     WM      
Davis                 Martha, Sr.       84    WF      
Craft                 John              21    WM      
Gibson                James             60    WM      
Gibson                Sarah             55    WF      
Gibson                Joseph            19    WM      
Gibson                James             13    WM      
Gibson                Dorathea          21    WF      
Gibson                Martha            16    WF      
Davis                 Frances A.        57    WF      
Davis                 William           25    WM      
Davis                 Jane E.           14    WF      
Hollenbeck            John W.           30    WM      
Hollenbeck            Jenny             27    WF      
Rowland               Ebenezer          94    WM      
Rowland               Margaret          75    WF      
Rowland               Mary              50    WF      
Rowland               James             40    WM      
Rowland               Ebenezer          44    WM      
Rowland               Mary A.           30    WF      
Colwell               Samuel            20    WM      
Frisbie               Lewis             27    WM      
Frisbie               Mary              25    WF      
Huested               Annanias          46    WM      
Huested               Polly             44    WF      
Bivins                Judson            22    WM      
Bivins                Rachael           18    WF      
Bivins                Lucy A.           54    WF      
Bivins                John              30    WM      
Smith                 James             25    WM      
Smith                 Beattie           25    WF      
Young                 Elizabeth         16    WF      
Bankes                Martin W.         30    WM      
Bankes                Adaline           24    WF      
Bankes                Charles           6     WM      
Bankes                Forman            4     WM      
Bankes                John                    WM      
Husted                Griffin           55    WM      
Husted                Hannah            40    WF      
Husted                Phebe             28    WF      
Husted                Elizabeth         23    WF      
Husted                Florence          13    WF      
Husted                Ardell            10    WF      
Husted                Cara              6     WF      
Husted                Griffin           4     WM      
Carpenter             John              21    WM      
Watson                George            40    WM      
Watson                Almira            36    WF      
Watson                Joseph            16    WM      
Watson                Eleanor           14    WF      
Watson                Eunice            11    WF      
Watson                Amanda            9     WF      
Watson                Romatta           6     WF      
Watson                Hattie            2     WF      
Watson                Alfretta          1     WF      
Stoutenburg           Tabiero           52    WM      
Stoutenburg           Lovesa            45    WF      
Stoutenburg           Helen             18    WF      
Stoutenburg           Hannah            15    WF      
Stoutenburg           George            10    WM      
Forman                Charles           22    WM      
Forman                John              19    WM      
Forman                Myron             16    WM      
Archer                Thomas            56    WM      
Archer                Lydia             60    WF      
Archer                William           20    WM      
Archer                Elizabeth         16    WF      
Archer                Roxy              78    WF      
Gregory               Nehemiah          50    WM      
Gregory               Isabel            19    WF      
Gregory               Mary              17    WF      
Gregory               Alice             15    WF      
Gregory               John              82    WM      
Van Alstine           Willard           40    WM      
Van Alstine           Ellen             41    WF      
Van Alstine           Charles           10    WM      
Van Alstine           Willard, Jr.      4     WM      
Benedict              Milo              45    WM      
Benedict              Rhoda             39    WF      
Alverson              Daniel            45    WM      
Alverson              Lydia             60    WF      
Alverson              John              7     WM      
Van Alstine           Philip            70    WM      
Van Alstine           Mary              65    WF      
Cavin                 Abel              58    WM      
Cavin                 Isabella          57    WF      
Cavin                 James             17    WM      
Forman                Celia             18    WF      
Coan                  Orrin             60    WM      
Coan                  Alvira            50    WF      
Coan                  Paulina           23    WF      
Coan                  Mary              21    WF      
Coan                  Leroy             21    WM      
Coan                  Emmet             19    WM      
Coan                  Alice             17    WF      
Coan                  Adella            15    WF      
Coan                  Charles           13    WM      
Coan                  Fanny             10    WF      
Woolten               Thomas            33    WM      
Woolten               Roxy              25    WF      
Woolten               Willis            8     WM      
Woolten               Charles           5     WM      
Woolten               Ovid              3     WM      
Woolten               Charles A.        30    WM      
McKee                 William           35    WM      
McKee                 Margery           25    WF      
McKee                 Carrie            5     WF      
McKee                 Mary              3     WF      
McKee                 Richard           2     WM      
McKee                 Thomas                  WM      
Coan                  Miller            84    WM      
Coan                  Phebe             47    WF      
Burdict               Sarah             22    WF      
Higgins               Warren            40    WM      
Higgins               Kate              26    WF      
Higgins               Augusta           7     WF      
Higgins               Bertha            5     WF      
Dales                 Electa            30    WF      
Dales                 Levantia          28    WF      
Dales                 Esther            26    WF      
Coan                  George            26    WM      
Coan                  James             23    WM      
Coan                  Ada               16    WF      
Coan                  Phebe             14    WF      
Roe                   John              29    WM      
Roe                   Polly             69    WF      
Shelley               William           19    WM      
Avery                 Griffin           45    WM      
Avery                 Catharine         44    WF      
Avery                 Augusta           10    WF      
Avery                 Ezra              7     WM      
Avery                 Ann               57    WF      
Van Alstine           Martin            35    WM      
Van Alstine           Hattie            33    WM      
Van Alstine           Hattie            3     WF      
Davis                 Ferris            43    WM      
Davis                 Mary              35    WF      
Davis                 Eddie             11    WM      
Davis                 George            3     WM      
Brownley              Mary              50    WF      
Cleveland             Richard           46    WM      
Cleveland             Catharine         45    WF      
Cleveland             Sarah             16    WF      
Cleveland             Charles           14    WM      
Cleveland             William           10    WM      
Wetmore               Thomas H.         57    WM      
Wetmore               Ruth              52    WF      
Weismer               Ruth              18    WF      
Burdock               Leroy             24    WM      
Fletcher              Wetmore Erse      8     WM      
Shelly                Marzette          12    WF      
Wetmore               Solomon           59    WM      
Wetmore               Rebecca           59    WF      
Wetmore               Fersio            17    WM      
Wetmore               Lucia             18    WF      
Shelly                Hannah            40    WF      
Wetmore               Hannah            86    WF      
Wetmore               Charles           32    WM      
Wetmore               Harriet           33    WF      
Wetmore               Carrie            4     WF      
Gregory               Wesley            45    WM      
Ceas                  Jeremiah          67    WM      
Ceas                  Harriet           62    WF      
Dibble                David             46    WM      
Dibble                Mary              43    WF      
Dibble                Emma              17    WF      
Dibble                Frances           15    WF      
Dibble                George            13    WM      
Dibble                Charles           10    WM      
Dibble                Almira            7     WF      
Dibble                Emeline           1     WF      
Ceas                  Stephen           27    WM      
Ceas                  Mary              22    WF      
Hill                  Myron             35    WM      
Hill                  Freelove          20    WF      
Hill                  Abagail           60    WF      
Kinmonth              Hugh              63    WM      
Kinmonth              Jannet            40    WF      
Kinmonth              Mary              7     WF      
Kinmonth              Jamesena          4     WF      
Kinmonth              William           18    WM      
Palmer                Sanders           73    WM      
Palmer                Florence          70    WF      
Palmer                Adaline           18    WF      
Kinmonth              John              59    WM      
Kinmonth              Isabella          55    WF      
Kinmonth              Mary              20    WF      
Kinmonth              Rosella           16    WF      
Blackman              Andrew            30    WM      
Blackman              Frances           25    WF      
Blackman              Abel              1     WM      
Rice                  Robert            33    WM      
Rice                  Ann               27    WF      
Rice                  Arthur            2     WM      
Ceas                  David             65    WM      
Ceas                  Nancy             61    WF      
Ceas                  Emily             14    WF      
Ceas                  Edward            12    WM      
Brownwell             Walter            25    WM      
Brownwell             Lydia             30    WF      
Brownwell             Mina              3     WF      
Brownwell             Agnes             1     WF      
Kinmouth              John A.           29    WM      
Kinmouth              Larina            23    WF      
Brownwell             Walter            50    WM      
Brownwell             Susan             49    WF      
Brownwell             Sarah A.          22    WF      
Brownwell             Horace S.         12    WM      
Brownwell             James             10    WM      
Brownwell             Flora             9     WF      
Brownwell             Alice             4     WF      
Brownwell             Ebenezer          72    WM      
Brownwell             Henry             23    WM      
Butts                 John              41    WM      
Butts                 Abagail           40    WF      
Butts                 Clark             37    WM      
Butts                 Susan             32    WF      
Butts                 Sally             75    WF      
Butts                 George            9     WM      
Butts                 Fanny                   WF      
Rathbone              Almira            27    WF      
Burdict               James             22    WM      
Rowland               Samuel W.         23    WM      
Rowland               Jane              22    WF      
Rowland               Effie             1     WF      
Milligan              William           30    WM      
Milligan              Alice             27    WF      
Milligan              Mary              4     WF      
Milligan              John              2     WM      
Milligan              Infant                  WF      
Tate                  Andrew            45    WM      
Miller                Margaret          50    WF      
Hadden                William           40    WM      
Hadden                Lois              38    WF      
Harkness              Lois              70    WF      
Hadden                Martha            12    WF      
Hadden                Joseph            10    WM      
Hadden                Susan             7     WF      
Rice                  John, Jr.         31    WM      
Rice                  Margaret          37    WF      
Hathaway              James             30    WM      
Hathaway              Catharine         42    WF      
Hathaway              Celia             10    WF      
Hathaway              Melvina           8     WF      
Hathaway              Rosanna           6     WF      
Hathaway              Alton             2     WF      
Cleveland             James F.          65    WM      
Cleveland             Clarisa           50    WF      
Cleveland             Orrin             40    WM      
Goodreck              Amanda            71    WF      
Cleveland             James L.          7     WM      
Bolles                James H.          23    WM      
Fanman                Phebe             58    WF      
Whigham               John              29    WM      
Whigham               Anna              22    WF      
Tate                  Eliza             55    WF      
Tate                  Samuel            50    WM      
Tate                  Isabella          60    WF      
Tate                  Mary              20    WF      
Tate                  Samuel            18    WM      
Tate                  Clara             11    WF      
Gibson                Alfred            7     WM      
Every                 Cornelius         36    WM      
Every                 Mary              34    WF      
Every                 Charles           15    WM      
Every                 Henry             12    WM      
Every                 Alice             9     WF      
Every                 John              7     WM      
Every                 Lydia             5     WF      
Every                 Egbert            2     WM      
Butts                 James             50    WM      
Banks                 Henry             50    WM      
Banks                 Mariette          47    WF      
Ferguson              Nancy             26    WF      
Banks                 Walter            71    WM      
Booth                 William           24    WM      
Booth                 Lewis                   WM      
Jackson               Margaret          40    WF      
Kinyon                Leland            47    WM      
Kinyon                Mary A.           44    WF      
Shutts                Amanda            19    WF      
Belker                Orrin             28    WM      
Belker                Olive             26    WF      
Belker                Harriet           6     WF      
Belker                James             3     WM      
Belker                Fanny                   WF      
Odell                 Selah H.          28    WM      
Odell                 Mary              26    WF      
Odell                 Isaac M.          37    WM      
Odell                 Diadama           38    WF      
Burdict               Thomas            44    WM      
Burdict               Abagail           74    WF      
McArthur              Robert            58    WM      
McArthur              Jane              54    WF      
McArthur              Robert            13    WM      
McArthur              John W.           30    WM      
McArthur              Frances           24    WF      
Halstead              Theodosia         25    WF      
Gibson                Adam              65    WM      
Gibson                Adora             60    WF      
Gibson                Isabella          30    WF      
Gibson                James             19    WM      
Gibson                William           5     WM      
McIntosh              William           52    WM      
McIntosh              Catharine         47    WF      
McIntosh              James             25    WM      
McIntosh              Arthur            20    WM      
McIntosh              Henry             78    WM      
McIntosh              Mary A.           76    WF      
Simons                Ella              12    WF      
Stoutenburg           Charles           34    WM      
Stoutenburg           Mary              30    WF      
Stoutenburg           Byron             2     WM      
Shelley               Mary              11    WF      
Stoutenburg           Andrew            46    WM      
Stoutenburg           Cordelia          40    WF      
Stoutenburg           Theran            11    WM      
Brown                 Henrietta         57    WF      
Brown                 Merritt           20    WM      
Turner                William           24    WM      
Turner                Delia             25    WF      
Thompson              John O.           38    WM      
Thompson              Elizabeth         40    WF      
Thompson              Inez              7     WF      
Thompson              John G.           2     WM      
Banks                 John              76    WM      
Banks                 Mary              73    WF      
Butts                 Jeremiah          56    WM      
Butts                 Henrietta         45    WF      
McPherson             James             74    WM      
McPherson             Matilda           45    WF      
McPherson             Mary              40    WF      
Murdock               Matthew           37    WM      
Murdock               Candance          37    WF      
Murdock               Arthur            9     WM      
Murdock               Elmer             8     WM      
Murdock               Stephen           7     WM      
Murdock               Helen             5     WF      
Murdock               Samuel            4     WM      
McLaury               Hannah            19    WF      
Grinnel               Ora               60    WM      
Grinnel               Julia             55    WF      
Grinnel               Mary              27    WF      
Grinnel               Samuel            22    WM      
Grinnel               Hannah            20    WF      
Gerowe                Harvey            39    WM      
Gerowe                Sarah             34    WF      
Gerowe                Lucius            9     WM      
Gerowe                Ethlena           7     WF      
Gerowe                Jenny             5     WF      
Gerowe                Altamont          2     WM      
Bowker                David             27    WM      
Bowker                Hannah            30    WF      
Bowker                Willis            7     WM      
Bowker                Albert            1     WM      
Gerowe                William           39    WM      
Colwell               Julia             19    WF      
Kiff                  J. D.             43    WM      
Kiff                  Elizabeth         38    WF      
Kiff                  Ellen             10    WF      
Kiff                  Leonard           3     WM      
Sheldon               Jane              48    WF      
Sheldon               Melicent          45    WF      
Sheldon               Betsey            86    WF      
Sheldon               W. E.             10    WM      
Gerowe                Benjamin          69    WM      
Gerowe                Elizabeth         64    WF      
Gerowe                Sarah             94    WF      
Gerowe                Lottie E.         21    WF      
Sackrider             James             57    WM      
Sackrider             Jane              51    WF      
Sackrider             James A.          21    WM      
Sackrider             Helen             15    WF      
Dibble                Bartley           19    WM      
Butts                 Orran             25    WM      
Wilkie                Frankie           31    WF      
Dibble                Mary              22    WF      
Sackrider             Lewis             25    WM      
Sackrider             Rose Ann          226   WF      
Sackrider             Edwin A.          2     WM      
Sackrider             Nancy             60    WF      
Cox                   Lucy              50    WF      
Kiff                  Benjamin          35    WM      
Kiff                  Elizabeth         26    WF      
Johnson               Charlotte         55    WF      
Selleck               levi              24    WM      
Selleck               Mary              19    WF      
Selleck               Mary                    WF      
Hadley                Margaret          35    WF      
Frasier               Reginald J.       28    WM      
Frasier               Mary              29    WF      
Frasier               Mary J.           8     WF      
Frasier               Florence R.       1     WF      
Edwards               George            22    WM      
Rixon                 James             27    WM      
Rixon                 Jane              33    WF      
Clark                 Joseph            45    WM      
Clark                 Jane              50    WF      
Clark                 Frances           23    WF      
Clark                 Rosalia           21    WF      
McPherson             Franklin          25    WM      
Shuck                 Henry             33    WM      
Shuck                 Mary              25    WF      
Moak                  N.                41    WM      
Moak                  Angeline          36    WF      
Moak                  Charles           10    WM      
Moak                  Willie            6     WM      
Davis                 John              60    WM      
Davis                 Betsey            51    WF      
Davis                 William           25    WM      
Davis                 John              21    WM      
Davis                 George            19    WM      
Davis                 Mitchell          15    WM      
Every                 Lewis             50    WM      
Every                 Ann E.            35    WF      
Grant                 Gregory           40    WM      
Grant                 Anna              68    WF      
Grant                 Adella            9     WF      
Ceas                  Daniel L.         46    WM      
Ceas                  Maria             36    WF      
Ceas                  Daniel R.         17    WM      
Martin                H.                30    WM      
Martin                Caroline          28    WF      
Martin                Charles                 WM      
Gerowe                Martin            33    WM      
Gerowe                Adaline           23    WF      
Gerowe                Mary              4     WF      
Every                 Betsey            63    WF      
Goodrich              Henry             35    WM      
Goodrich              Esther            30    WF      
Goodrich              Edmund            16    WM      
Goodrich              Anna              12    WF      
White                 Samuel T.         39    WM      
White                 Elizabth          34    WF      
Fuller                Fuller            45    WM      
Fuller                Emeline           47    WF      
Fuller                Stephen           21    WM      
Dales                 George            55    WM      
Dales                 Angeline          51    WF      
Dales                 Sarah             24    WF      
Shaw                  John P.           46    WM      
Shaw                  Sally A.          42    WF      
Shaw                  Fitz Henry        21    WM      
Thompkins             Mary              23    WF      
Wood                  Samuel            51    WM      
Every                 Stephen           27    WM      
McDonald              Jenny             25    WF      
Corbin                A. J.             30    WM      
Coon                  Charles           23    WM      
Hubbard               Ira               25    WM      
Shutts                Lorenzo           45    WM      
Hubbard               Louisa            48    WF      
Lewis                 Randal            32    WM      
Lewis                 Ellen             30    WF      
Lewis                 Marquis           50    WM      
Davis                 Isadore           24    WF      
Davis                 John              20    WM      
Gerowe                John              59    WM      
Gerowe                Harriet           45    WF      
Gerowe                Lillie            14    WF      
Gerowe                Charles           21    WM      
McCulham              Reuben            68    WM      
McCulham              Martha            62    WF      
Duran                 Charles W.        57    WM      
Duran                 Ellen             45    WF      
Duran                 Joseph            25    WM      
Duran                 Charles           10    WM      
Maxson                Reynold           56    WM      
Maxson                Lydia             54    WF      
Maxson                Delia             18    WF      
Maxson                Delilah           18    WF      
Larch                 Philip            41    WM      
Larch                 Mary              29    WF      
Larch                 Julia             10    WF      
Larch                 Elizabeth         8     WF      
Champion              S. B.             45    WM      
Champion              Mary L.           39    WF      
Champion              Amasa J.          12    WM      
Champion              Elmira            8     WF      
Champion              Clifford          4     WM      
Champion              Lucy              1     WF      
Borst                 Amanda            14    WF      
Borst                 Rosa              18    WF      
Cole                  Ed. M.            25    WM      
Wiles                 William           19    WM      
Forman                W. M.             28    WM      
Forman                Elizabeth         24    WF      
Forman                Lizzie M.         4     WF      
McCune                Samuel            46    WM      
McCune                Elizabeth         33    WF      
McCune                Nancy             15    WF      
McCune                Catharine         9     WF      
McCune                Samuel            6     WM      
McCune                Ralph             3     WM      
McCune                John              1     WM      
Peters                John              66    WM      
Peters                Jane              57    WF      
Peters                John              17    WM      
Peters                Susan             21    WF      
Gordon                Jessie            25    WF      
Hollenbeck            William           56    WM      
Hollenbeck            Elizabeth         53    WF      
Every                 Hiram             60    WM      
Every                 Hannah            56    WF      
Every                 Kate              28    WF      
Every                 Zellie            21    WF      
Every                 Helen             18    WF      
Every                 Hiram L.          15    WF      
Keeler                Stephen           60    WM      
Keeler                Elizabeth         60    WF      
Keeler                Josephine         30    WF      
Keeler                Ella              25    WF      
Keeler                Leonta            18    WF      
Keeler                Eddie             16    WM      
Banker                John              53    WM      
Banker                Elizabeth         52    WF      
Banker                Charles           19    WM      
Banker                Ellen             16    WF      
Banker                Adolphus          12    WM      
Butts                 Ovid L.           30    WM      
Butts                 Martha            26    WF      
Kinmouth              Wm. R.            24    WM      
White                 James R.          52    WM      
White                 Melvina           40    WF      
White                 William           19    WM      
White                 Theodore          16    WM      
White                 Elvin             12    WM      
White                 Agelia            7     WF      
Stratton              Milton            23    WM      
Jaquish               John W.           26    WM      
Jaquish               Adalaide          24    WF      
Jaquish               William           12    WM      
Jaquish               Nellie            2     WF      
Burdict               Z. G.             50    WM      
Burdict               Emily             43    WF      
Burdict               Jehieh            23    WM      
Burdict               Elizabeth         17    WF      
Burdict               John              5     WM      
Burdict               Ellen             21    WF      
Forman                Betsey            55    WF      
Every                 John              30    WM      
Dibble                William           40    WM      
Dibble                Ann               32    WF      
Dibble                Mary                    WF      
Kiff                  Charles           8     WM      
Briggs                Orra              75    WM      
Briggs                Sally             75    WF      
Wheeler               M. H.             46    WM      
Wheeler               Rachael L.        38    WF      
Wheeler               George            20    WM      
Wheeler               Elmer             17    WM      
Wheeler               Elena             17    WF      
Wheeler               John              15    WM      
Wheeler               Eugene            12    WM      
Wheeler               Ella              7     WF      
Wheeler               Homer             3     WM      
Thomson               Thomas            30    WM      
Thomson               Louiza            29    WF      
Thomson               Infant                  WF      
Grant                 Esther            40    WF      
Grant                 Archibald         26    WM      
Coan                  Harvey            46    WM      
Coan                  Mary              30    WF      
Coan                  Estella           17    WF      
Dean                  Margaret          34    WF      
Scott                 James             26    WM      
Scott                 Emeline           49    WF      
Coon                  Samuel            24    WM      
Coon                  Augusta           24    WF      
Coon                  Elizabeth               WF      
Millet                Eliza             18    WF      
Peters                Blakely           32    WM      
Peters                Hannah            32    WF      
Peters                Jenny             8     WF      
Peters                Lizabel           5     WF      
Peters                James             2     WM      
Peters                Jane              69    WF      
Lewis                 Isaac             50    WM      
Lewis                 Freelove          44    WF      
Lewis                 Mary              21    WF      
Lewis                 Harvey            19    WM      
Lewis                 Hattie            10    WF      
Becker                Cornelius         61    WM      
Becker                Maria             57    WF      
Bush                  Electa            31    WF      
Bush                  Herbert           11    WM      
Bush                  Ella              9     WF      
Maxson                Marshal           27    WM      
Maxson                Lucia             21    WF      
Schermerhorn          John              25    WM      
Schermerhorn          Mary              28    WF      
Schermerhorn          Kate              6     WF      
Schermerhorn          Charles           3     WM      
Schermerhorn          George            1     WM      
Forman                Stephen           63    WM      
Forman                Emeline           43    WF      
Gregory               Horace            35    WM      
Gregory               Margaret          31    WF      
Gregory               Eugene            10    WM      
Gregory               Hattie            7     WF      
Gregory               Frank             5     WM      
Gregory               Merton            2     WM      
Every                 Henry             38    WM      
Every                 Lydia A.          30    WF      
Every                 Stephen           8     WM      
Every                 Jehiel            46    WM      
Every                 Eliza             37    WF      
Every                 John              15    WM      
Every                 George            13    WM      
Every                 Charles           8     WM      
Every                 Susan             3     WF      
Every                 John              53    WM      
Ellis                 Margaret          35    WF      
Ellis                 Ann               13    WF      
Coon                  Gaius             50    WM      
Coon                  Alvira            47    WF      
Smith                 Peter             30    WM      
Smith                 Angeline          25    WF      
Smith                 Samuel            4     WM      
Van Collan            E. B.             45    WM      
Van Collan            Jane              39    WF      
Van Collan            Mary              7     WF      
Van Collan            Orline            6     WF      
Van Collan            Nellie            2     WF      
Smith                 John G.           66    WM      
Smith                 Jennet            64    WF      
Smith                 Louisa            29    WF      
Smith                 Henry A.          22    WM      
Smith                 Emory             22    WM      
Every                 Richard           66    WM      
Every                 Betsey            66    WF      
Every                 Nehemiah          18    WM      
Every                 Bishop            31    WM      
Every                 Harriet           24    WF      
Smith                 William           52    WM      
Smith                 Mary              50    WF      
Smith                 Kate              4     WF      
Smith                 Sarah             2     WF      
Smith                 Huldah            1     WF      
Allison               Andrew            47    WM      
Allison               Rebecca           50    WF      
Allison               William           25    WM      
Allison               Moses             23    WM      
Allison               Jane              16    WF      
Goodrich              Melissa           25    WF      
Brown                 John              37    WM      
Brown                 Sarah             35    WF      
Brown                 Cora              6     WF      
Brown                 Robert            3     WM      
Campbell              William           55    WM      
Campbell              Harriet           52    WF      
Campbell              Henry             19    WM      
Campbell              Jane A.           19    WF      
Campbell              Willie            5     WM      
Fisher                Peter             58    WM      
Cathann               Fisher            24    WF      
Fisher                Jennie            20    WF      
Fisher                Henry             17    WM      
Fisher                George            11    WM      
Beken                 John W.           37    WM      
Beken                 Mary A.           35    WF      
Beken                 Susan             15    WF      
Beken                 David             11    WM      
Beken                 John, Jr.         9     WM      
Beken                 Jim               62    WF      
Gibson                Charles           55    WM      
Gibson                Sarah             45    WF      
Gibson                Charles A.        16    WM      
Lyon                  Moses             53    WM      
Lyon                  Ferris            20    WM      
Lyon                  Mary              18    WF      
Lyon                  Hosena            15    WF      
Lyon                  Andrew            12    WM      
Shiland               John              50    WM      
Shiland               Sophia            43    WF      
Shiland               John, Jr.         9     WM      
Tamset                James             25    WM      
Tamset                Ann               25    WF      
Tamset                Emma              3     WF      
Tamset                Rosa              1     WF      
McCracken             Susan             31    WF      
Cloutt                James             60    WM      
Shiland               Ellen             44    WF      
Shiland               Eliza             44    WF      
Shiland               Betsey A.         40    WF      
Shiland               Mary              37    WF      
Shiland               Elizabeth         76    WF      
Bamer                 Joseph            49    WM      
Bamer                 Margaret          48    WF      
Bamer                 Richard           16    WM      
Bamer                 Maria             19    WF      
Forman                Samuel            33    WM      
Forman                Adelia            32    WF      
Forman                William           5     WM      
Forman                Mary              3     WF      
Forman                Gabriel           59    WM      
Forman                Phebe             57    WF      
NS                    Penny Jane        17    WF      
Tamset                John              50    WM      
Tamset                Sarah             50    WF      
Tamset                Sarah, Jr.        22    WF      
Tamset                Jane              19    WF      
Tamset                James             16    WM      
Tamset                John              18    WM      
Tamset                Ada               11    WF      
Barker                Widow             60    WF

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger