
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Located in Village of Roxbury, Delaware County, NY

The following compilation is the courtesy of the Roxbury Library Associations History Room. It is from the notebooks of Amy Gavette and was done in the 1960s. Hard Copies of such records are available for viewing and duplication during normal library hours. This is not a public library, they run on support from their patrons and the History room is run by donations, and for such a small room it is packed full of information on the town of Roxbury and some Delaware county information. --Vesti Snyder, Roxbury

ANDRUS           Robert H                  1894-1955                resting in Gods care                                                       
                 Franklin                  1861-1913                w/ Nellie E.                                           1861-1939           
                 Daniel D                  1831-1909                w. Kate M                                              1839-1909           
                 Mary W                    1862-1943                w/William S Newkirk                                    1864-1928           
                 Robert H                  1849-1950                                                                                           
                 Newell P                  9/24/1845                died after 3 day illness - 25 years ae.                                    
                 Charles                   died 1830 @ 1 year                                                                                  
                 Orrin L                   1861-1931                w/Cora Reynolds  dau  of Hiram                         1868-1921           
                 Kennith A                 1902-1907                son                                                                        
                 Merlin L                  1896-1915                son                                                                        
AIKMAN           Charles W                 1880-1941                w/ Lena Hastings                                       1880-1908           
                 John R                    11/11/1847-2/3/1885                                                                                 
AMES             Carlos M                  1880-1955                w/Bertha Davis                                         1892-19-            
                 Helen Francis             1916-1941                RN                                                                         
ALTE             Frederick H               1926-1932                                                                                           
ALDRICH          Marshall                  1879-19-                 w/ Agusta Ballard                                      1878-               
                 Mary C                    1906-1922                                                                                           
                 Dorthy                    1912-19-                                                                                            
BURHANS          Edward                    d. 4/27/1870             @ 21y 10d  only son of GR & L                                              
                 Mira D                    1840-1929                w/ George Wilson Lauren                                1839-1905           
                 William                   d 5/9/1830               7 yrs 8 mos 5 days  son of Geo & Mira                                      
                 Samuel & Margaret Camile  1839-1922                                                                                           
                 Don Duboise               1862-1899                                                                                           
                 John S                    d. 1/19/1840              @ 6 yrs son of Edward                                                     
                 Edward Clay               1901-1912                Ester Lemming                                          1818-1922           
                 Hon. Edward               3/4/1804-1/19/1883       w/ Charity                                                                 
                 Matthew B                 d. 7/23/1856 @ 63 yrs                                                                               
                 Anna                      d. 7/13/1842             @ 44y 6 mos 16 days                                                        
                 John                      d. 4/12/1838             @ 57y  2 mos  5 d.  w/Hannah Peck                      d. 3/18/1876 @ 88 y 
                 Mary A Duboise            d. 2/6/1809 @ 26 y       w/John E                                                                   
                 Edward                    d. 9/3/1832              @ 70yr 6 m. 25d.                                                           
                 Samuel                    --                                                                              W/ Margarette       
BOOKHOUT         John F.                   1859-1920                w/Julia B Day                                          1857-1944           
                 David                     1857-1927                                                                                           
                 Peter S                   1822-1889                w/Hannah E Ryer                                        1828-1896           
BLOOMBERG        Charles M                 d. 9/15/1848 @ 1yr.                                                                                 
BOUGHT           NO LISTING OF NAME(S)                                                                                                         
BURROUGHS        Curtis                    1862-1912                w/Ann Eliza Grant                                      1832-1909           
BREWSTER         Harry                     1881 infant                                                                                         
                 Byron                     1850-1928                w/Mary Bouton                                          1856-1941           
BLAKESLEE        Sarah                     1868-1930                Lament                                                                     
BENJAMINE        Andrew                    1865-1928                w/Harriet M.                                           1864-1952           
                 Pearl                     d. 1902 @ 1 yr.                                                                                     
BOOKHOUT                                   d. 12/23/1853             @ 75 y 11m 9 d.                                                           
BALLARD          Addison                   1846-                    Ann L                                                                      
                 Edgar J                   1856-1949                Alice Peters                                           1861-67             
                 Cpice Peters              d. 1/8/1958               @ 96y 6 m 30d                                                             
                 Ebert                     1854-1921                w/Agusta Shutts                                        1864-1940           
BOUTON           Arthur E                  18-72-1952               w/Lulu Craft                                           1800-1948           
                 Gould M                   4/27/1821                w/Betsey G Snyder                                      1828-1906           
                 Edgar                     1888-1917                                                                                           
                 Jeramiah                  d. 2/12/1879             @ 81 t 11 mos 5 days                                                       
                 Burrett B                 d. 1/9/1891              Who dwelt on this earth                                                    
                 Elizabeth Frisbee         3/31/1849  to 6/1/1931                                                                              
                 Anna                      1879-1927 daughter                                                                                  
                 John Frisbee              6/12/1881 to 6/1/1942                                                                               
                 Minnie Hammond            7/21/1878 to 1/25/1957                                                                              
BRENN            George                    11/4/1814 to 11/22/1893  w/ Mary Jennie   1815-1892                                                 
                 Francis J.                d. 10/1/1856 @ 8 mos                                                                                
BOOTH            David                     1857-1921                w/Emma Elderlin                                        1859-1949           
                                           Helen Dorthy                                                                    1820-21             
BERGMAN          William F                 1865-1868                                                                                           
                 William F                 1/3/1855 to 7/5/1898                                                                                
                 Wm F                      3/1/1855 to 1898         w/Wilhemina Lupke                                      1887-1914           
BURREN           Betsey                    d. 6/25/1871  @ 67 yrs                                                                              
BRONSON          Arnold                    1880-1909                                                                                           
BARBER           Moses                     d 9/20/1832 @ 55 y       Sarah L  @ 1 yr                                        d. 8/27/1830        
BOWTON           Salome                    d.1841                   @ 9y dau of Ambres & Betsey                                                
BAKER            Nancy                     d. 5/10/1841 @ 42 y                                                                                 
BIDWELL          Sarah M.                                           w/ Herman. Dau Morris & Hannah Adams                                       
                 infant d.                 5/2/1849                 Tramm T & Larry                                                            
BRECK            John R                    d.1/16/1838              @ 46y                                                                      
BLAKSLEY         Lambert                   1878-1948                Sarah E                                                                    
BRANDOW          George F                  1863-1922                w/Marie E Corbin                                                           
BARRETT          William                   1866-1943                w/Ellinora Orr                                                             
                 William Jr                1892-93                  Daisy Bell                                                                 
BRENN            George                    1814-1893                w/Mary Jenkins                                                             
BOUTON           James                     1820                                                                                                
BARRETT          William                   1866-1934                                                                                           
BOOBOE(?)        Frank                     1876-1936                w/Harriet Taylor                                                           
                 Albert                    1899-                                                                                               
BRADY            Kennith W                 1910-1956                New Jersey Cpl 756 bomb Squ AAF  WWII                                      
BECKER           Edward                    1888-19-                                                                                            
BAKER            William L                 1895-                    w/Estella E Hotchkiss Sparling  1895-                                      
BECKER           Ethel M                   1893-1957                w/Edward                                                                   
BRADY            Donald                    1905-1942 s,             Father Charles                                                             
BELLOWS          Mueiel                    1920-40                                                                                             
CUNNINGHAM       NO NAMES                  10/20/1876                                                                                          
CLARK            Charles R                 1860-1945                Ellen                                                  1863-1926           
                 David                     --1927                                                                                              
CARVER           Fred M                    1878-1948                w/Virginia Sliter                                                          
CATOR            Harvey H. MD              7/13/1915  2/21/1882     w/ Miranda                                             1881/1933           
CASWELL          Chauncy P.                d. 1884                  s, Smith & Eva                                                             
                 Smith G.                  1851-1933                w/Emma                                                 1853-               
                 Martin  M                 1832                     Mary E                                                 1836-1922           
CADMUS           Charles Ernest            1876-19-                 w/Grace Rosella More                                   1892-95             
                 Dorthy Lewis              1905-                    Ruth More                                                                  
CHAMBERLIN       Sidney                    1832-1883                                                                                           
CANTWELL         John                      1870-1946                                                                                           
                 Edward                    1827-1900                                                                                           
                 Thomas E                  1876-1951                                                                                           
                 Martin G                  1878-1912                w/Lena B                                                                   
CASE             Francis M                 1836-1906                w/Martha Decker                                                            
COWER            Ernest                    1842-1950                                                                                           
                 Henry                     1825-1893                                                                                           
                 Frederick                 1809-1893                Soloma                                                                     
CRONK            David                     1861-1935                                                                                           
                 Catherine                 -----                                                                                               
CARGON           Martin                    9/1791852                Stone broken                                                               
CATOR            Diana                     9/9/1820 to 10/2/1892                                                                               
                 Ellen                     1827-1911                                                                                           
CARTRIGHT        Isabell                   1855-1903                                                                                           
CARTER           Steven                    1845                                                                                                
COLBY            Laura Cronk               1834-1913                Minnie E                                               1870-1959 or 60     
                 Orrin                     1835-1917                                                                                           
                 Etta M                    1872-1955                                                                                           
CATOR            Ellen                     1827-1911                                                                                           
CRAFT            Andrew J                  1890-1918                Co H 144th Reg NYV                                                         
                 Robert B                  1876-1933                                                                                           
                 Elizabeth A Faulkner      1832-1893                Roseina Reader                                                             
CRAMMER          Andrew                    1890-1918                                                                                           
DART             J.M.  MD                  1829-1925                w/Olive Symour                                                             
                 Bruce V                   1877-                                                                                               
                 James R                   1847-1921                                                                                           
                 A Monroe                  1887-1909                Mary                                                                       
                 David M                   d. 9-6-1833              @ 64 yrs                                                                   
DEMEREST         Nathan                    1861-1917                                                                                           
DAVIDSON         Helen V W                 1879-                                                                                               
                 Helen                     1875-194-                                                                                           
Irving F                                   1875-1940                May F VanWagner                                                            
DECKER           Izias                     d. 10/18/1892            @ 67 yrs 5 m. 15 days                                                      
                 Harriet NewKirk           2/3/1896                 @ 68 yrs 5m  2 days                                                        
                 Madorah                   d. 1/3/1857              @ 36 yrs                                                                   
                 Martin V                  1885-1939                w/Liberty                                                                  
                 S Lee                     1863-1952                                                                                           
                 Egbert Daniel             d. 12/4/1956             @ 5 y  4 m  5 days                                                         
                 Ida Christina             d. 12/10/1818            @  12y  10m  27 days                                                       
                 Martin V                  1863-1900                w/Francis M Gage                                                           
DULONG           James H                   1885-1900                                                                                           
                 James H                   1863-1930                                                                                           
DAVIS            Henry                     1858-1905                                                                                           
                 Samuel F                  d, 11/29/1878            w/Elizabeth                                            11/21/1878          
DUDLEY           Earl B                    11/16/1918 b. 1892       5th Co STH 57th reg marine corp Killed in action                           
                 John H                    1869-1915                                                                                           
                 Alice J                   1869                                                                                                
                 David Midrox              1903-1904                Linworth E                                                                 
DEAN             Arthur T                  1863-1941                                                                                           
DIMMICK          Edward H                  1867-1936                w/Bertha E                                                                 
DECKER           Jay M                     1862-1933                                                                                           
                 Ephraim                   d. 1810                   @ 10 mos.                                                                 
DENTON           Clarissa S                d. 1866 @ 58 yrs                                                                                    
DRUDA            Henry                     1845-1929                                                                                           
DUBOISE          Herman                    d. 1872                   @ 1 yr                                                                    
DUNHAM           NO NAMES GIVEN                                                                                                                
DUNWAY           Earnest                   1878-                                                                                               
                 Elsie                     1911-1912                                                                                           
DIETRICH         Jacob                     1842-1911                                                                                           
DAY              Sarah                     d. 5/6/1875 @ 96 yrs.    born in Morriston  Not dead but sleeping                                   
                 Martha                    d.  5/19/1889 @ 89 yrs   a widow of Rev LLO (On Heart Stone) b. in Morriston NJ                     
DANFORT          Elkn JCI                  d. 1829 @ 23yrs                                                                                     
DAVIS            Samuel F                  d. 11/29/1878            w/Elizabeth                                                                
DAVID            Alanson                   d. 1/6/1847              father  @ 52y Lorana                                                       
DUDLEY           Linworth Bowie            1905-1907                son of H & CJ                                                              
ELFIN            Andrew                    1840-1917                                                                                           
ELFIN            Andrew K                  1870-1906                w/Jennie E                                                                 
ELENDORF         Parmelius                 1824-1906                w/Mary J Myres                                                             
EASTON           Lillian J                 1870-1943                                                                                           
EARLEY           Mathius                   1813-1881                                                                                           
EASTON           F Bruce                   1873-1943                                                                                           
                 Edward                    1838-1923                                                                                           
ELDERLIN         George                    1829-1910                                                                                           
                 George H                  d. 1861 @ 28 y                                                                                      
                 Frank                     1866-1946                                                                                           
                 Edward                    1869-1934                                                                                           
                 Abram                     1869-1941                                                                                           
                 Mary E Leonard            1838-1907                George                                                                     
                 Christina                 1821-1909                                                                                           
FLASH            Edward A                  1838-1923                Co G NYV  1861-65                                                          
                 Jannett Henderson         1838-1903                                                                                           
FARSON           James                     d. 1873                  @ 74 y                                                                     
FRISBEE          Ruben                     1837                     a lake counsler @ 26 y 2m 8 days w/Sarah                                   
                 Harriet Jane              1822-1886                                                                                           
                 Benjamine                 d. 1842 @ 72 y           Ruth                                                                       
                 Jane Smith                d. 1883 @ 74 y                                                                                      
                 John                      d.  1871                 @ 77y                                                                      
                 Cornelia                  d.1827                   @ 10m dau Jo - Elizabeth                                                   
FOLLETTE         Charles E                 1855-1918                w/Henretta Manderville                                                     
                 Iva J                     1883-1950                                                                                           
                 William                   d. 1853                  @ 71 yr                                                                    
                 Melissa E                 d. 1863 @ 16y            Melvina                                                                    
                 John W                    1875                     @ 24y                                                                      
                 John D                    d. 1801                  @ 2                                                                        
                 Erastus                   1807-1886                                                                                           
                 Mary A                    d. 1842                  @ 3y                                                                       
FORREST          Louise Gold               d. 1936                  beloved wife of Don                                                        
FOWLER           Charles J                 1848-1920                                                                                           
                 Clarance                  1893-1931                w/Evelyn Chase                                                             
FRANCIS          J                         1846-1933                                                                                           
FREDENBERG       George W                  1893-1921                w/Mable Wells                                                              
                 Lillian M                 1919-19-                                                                                            
FURMAN           Caroline Mae              1846-                                                                                               
FICK             William                   1872-1940                                                                                           
FRANK            Barbara                   1873-1933                                                                                           
FREDERICKBERGH   Bartino                   1873-1933                                                                                           
GIMMER           George                    d. 1874                  @ 45y                                                                      
GERKEN           Herman M                  d. 1916 @ 46y                                                                                       
GRIFFIN          James                     1875-1945                                                                                           
                 Irma Mae                                                                                                                      
                 Etta                      d. 1886                  @ 18yrs  dau Geo & Malvina Hulbert Griffin                                 
                 Theron                    d.1858                   @ 6 mos                                                                    
                 Wm H                      d.  1866                  @ 15y                                                                     
                 Alice                     d.1804                   @ 2y                                                                       
                 John W                    1865-1938                                                                                           
GAUL             Maude V                   d. 1957 @ 78y 26d        D Gaul                                                                     
GORTON           Creighton                 1865-1931                Florance C Ives-                                                           
GRAHAM           Wm P                      1900-                                                                                               
GORSCH           Haries Jr                 1869-1931                                                                                           
                 Rudolph                   1904-1955                                                                                           
GERSTL           Orra Andrus               1890-1945                John  dau Virginia                                                         
                 Frank                     1856-1939-1927                                                                                      
                 Charles                                            son  born 1902-                                                            
GOULD            Abraham                   d. 1923 @ 57 yrs         w/ Ann                                                                     
                 Abraham                   d. 1812 @8y              Sarah                                                                      
GANUNG           Isaace                    d. 1876 @ 49y                                                                                       
                 Arthur                    1864-1902                                                                                           
                 Precilla                  d.1891 @71y                                                                                         
                 Emma                      d.1869 @ 11y                                                                                        
                 Horace                    d. 1867 @ 66 y                                                                                      
                 Henry                     d.1877 @ 91y                                                                                        
                 Rebecca                   d. 1872 @ 85y                                                                                       
                 Sniffen                   1817-1891                                                                                           
GERMAN           Peter                     1873-1952                                                                                           
GRECO            Anthony                   1874-1953                                                                                           
GREY             Lewis                     1871-1915                w/Fannie                                                                   
GAARN            Eber                      1852  @57yrs                                                                                        
HINKLEY          Winefred Huntly           1901-1955                                                                                           
                 Scott                     1871-1943                                                                                           
                 baby                      1951                                                                                                
HAMILTON         Mary                      1864-1921                                                                                           
HENDERSON        Margaret                  d.1913                                                                                              
HUBBLE           Willis W                  1836-1930                                                                                           
HESS             John                      1830-1886                                                                                           
                 Hary E                    1869-1955                                                                                           
HIERRUHTIN       Gott                                               Unsertlt2b2(?)                                                             
                 Goest                     1804-                                                                                               
HAMMOND          Rebecca V                 d. 1896 @ 50 y           w/W L Preston                                                              
HUMISTON         Cornelius J H Houver      d. 1880 @ 36y                                                                                       
                 Merrick S                 d. 1868 @ 57y                                                                                       
HASS             John                      1863-1965                                                                                           
                 Anthony                   d. 1861 @ 8mos  son                                                                                 
HESS             Rudolph                   1860-1947                                                                                           
                 Rudolph                   1883-1948                                                                                           
HILL             Abram                     d.1851 @ 3y                                                                                         
HARRINGTON       Floyd                     1876-1935                                                                                           
HUMMEL           Dr Lulian A               d.1958 @ 80yrs                                                                                      
HADDOW           Bruce M                   1890-1936                                                                                           
HENDERSON        John G                    1877-1947                                                                                           
                 Jennie VanDyke            1873-1955                Samuel Ranson                                                              
HADDON           Sarah A Clark             1873-1940                on monument Hitchkiss & Hadden                                             
HOAG             George W                  1896-19--                w/Mae S Gertel                                                             
HASTING          Lora                      1878-1935                                                                                           
HERDMAN          John G                    1877-1957                                                                                           
HALL             Abigail                    5-10-1808 d. 3/27/1882  dau Braddock Born Westerly RI                                              
HITCHCOCK        L Forbes                  1855-1941                                                                                           
HAIGHT           ByronH                    1876-1944                                                                                           
                 Florus                    1888-1940                                                                                           
                 George                    1902-                                                                                               
                 Doreen Ann                1843-43                                                                                             
                 Sandree Lee               1941-41                                                                                             
HICKS            Samuel                    d. 1956 @ 80y                                                                                       
                 Charles A                 d. 1904 @ 93             w/Mary                                                                     
HILCITE          Lena A                                                                                                                        
HILL             Frank K                   1859-1888                                                                                           
                 Margaret                  1832-1921                                                                                           
IVES             Ruth Kearor               1883-1930                                                                                           
JONES            Alvin Eugene              1884-1955                w/Emma Miller                                                              
                 Ames N.                   1859-1927                                                                                           
                 Florance                  1896-1928                                                                                           
JENKINS          Emory                     1867-1955                                                                                           
                 Katie                     1858-1934                                                                                           
                 Jacob                     1788-1879                                                                                           
                 Dr Bruce                  d.  1854-1925            w/Harriet Scudder                                                          
                 Dr. Harry Mayham          1872-1917                Harry A                                                                    
                 Gertrude H                1871-1936                                                                                           
KEATOR           Edward                    d 1845                   @ 14 y,s, Thomas & Betsey                                                  
                 Harriet J Scudder         1866-1932                                                                                           
                 Henry W                   1842-1923                w/Ann Schomaker                                                            
                 H.  Ward MD               1870-                    w/Anna Robinson                                                            
                 Jason B                   1834-1917                Roscoe                                                                     
                 Cornelius                 d 1855 @ 25y             Clay                                                                       
                 George Harvey             1837-1918                w/Francis Burnham                                      1827-1903           
                 Bessie M                  1862-1883                w/A C Carroll                                                              
                 Ester                     d. 1852 @ 56y            w/Isaace                                                                   
                 Jason B                   1834-1917                w/ Francis J                                                               
                 Susan K Ploss             1882-1950                                                                                           
                 Eugene T                  1863-1913                w. Eliza E                                                                 
                 Clarissa S                1850-1909                                                                                           
                 Jacob C                   1797-1888                w/Emily Smith                                                              
                 Cornelia Ann              1821-1887                                                                                           
                 Thomas B                  1826-1908                S Marie Sturgis                                                            
                 Capt. Abram L             1814-1877                Roxbury NY                                                                 
                 Ruth Frisbee              1829-1903                                                                                           
                 Charles Gerse             1846-1908                w/Rose Mayham                                                              
KINCH            Elizabeth                 d 14-11-1834             @ 31 y w. John                                                             
KNOX             John                                               19-11-1868                                                                 
KEYSER           -------                                            1867-1936                                                                  
KAUTZ            Albert H                  1858-1943                w/Amelia Ploutz                                                            
KIMBELL          Donald W                  1917-1956                w/ Gertude 1920-,  Cassie                                                  
KELLY            John                                               1888-19-                                                                   
LUTZ             Mary-                                                                                                                         
                 Ann Keator                                         1880-1936                                                                  
                 John S                                             1872-1925                                                                  
                 Andrew                                             1886-                                                                      
LYNCH            Patrick                                            d. 1853 @ 47 y                                                             
                 Sarah Ann                 d 1851                    @ 2 y dau  Patrick Gitty                                                  
                 Daniel                    d  1834 @ (?)y           Infant dau 1833 of Harry & Cynthia                                         
                 -----                     1834                                                                                                
LOCHRAN          Alexander                 d 1852 @ 38 y            He (Broken) ,s, Wm D 1842 @ 21y                                            
LEMILY           Susan VanBurkirk          1781-1865                w/ Lewis                                                                   
LEMMING          Wm M                      d. 1830                  @ 4mos,s, P&S - Phebe                                                      
                 David                     1810-1886                                                                                           
                 Issace                    1818-1909                                                                                           
                 Susan                     d. 1817 @ 2y                                                                                        
                 Eunice Barlow             d 1879 @ 55y                                                                                        
                 Orrin B                                            d  1851 @ 3y                                                               
LEONARD          Robert                    1819-19-                                                                                            
                 John                      d. 1844                  11 m ,s, J & Isabell                                                       
LAWRENCE         George                    d 1890                                                                                              
                 Bretha                    d 1873                   @ 15y dau of George and Deb                                                
LEE              John                      d 1850                   @ 71y                                                                      
                 Cyrus                     d 1860                   @ 8m                                                                       
                 Jaoeph                    d 1830                   @ 27y,s,                                               P& Mary  George
SURNAMES M through Z
Below are the second half of the burial records for the MORE Cemetery in Roxbury. A volunteer at the History Room was kind enough to copy them for me and I have now scanned them to pdf files. -- Juanita Goin, Genealogist, John More Association - posted to this website August 17, 2012

Anyone researching the familiy of John More and Betty Taylor contact me at my email address. I'll gladly lend them a hand! --Juanita Goin

MORE Cemetery Corrections
18 August 2012
Prepared by
Juanita L. Goin, Genealogist
John More Association


More, Henry C 1896-1961: Henry Clay More born 1856 and died 1861
More, E Janatte 1859-1884: Elizabeth Janette More born 1859 died 1884
More, James E 1832-1902: James Ezekiel More born 1834 died 1904
More, Carpline Faulkner 1872-1949: Caroline E Faulkner born 1834 died 1870 w/o James Ezekiel More
More, Rev. James Harold 1891-: Rev. More died 1972 - burial in cemetery is not confirmed
More, Jones d.1852: Jonas More b. 1778 died 1852
More, Addison Porter 1871-1906: Addison Porter More born 1832 died 1906
More, Estella---w,H A Race: Believe this is Stella May More w/o Hugh King ROSE - burial in cemetery not confirmed
Moore, Wm Preston 1866-1937: William Preston More s/o Liberty Preston More
Moore, Mageline Kinch 1861-1930: Mary Angeline King d/o Gilbert and Grace Miller Kinch

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger