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Newspaper clippings - probably most from Walton Reporter

Submitted by Al Davidson, April 2, 2001
from WW II newspaper clippings that his mother passed on to him
. . . keyed in by Joyce Riedinger . . .

Corporal John D. Harper
With Bomber Group

Corporal John D. Harper - Corporal John D. Harper, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Glen Harper of Delhi, recently arrived overseas and joined a B-24 Liberator bomber group as combat tail gunner.

His veteran bomber group, one of the oldest in the Mediterranean theatre, initiated its combat operations on Aug. 1, 1942. It has won two presidential citations for outstanding strategic air support rendered the British Eighth Army from Aug. 1, 1942, till the Axis capitulation in North Africa and Sicily; and for participation in the historic low-level Liberator bomber attack on the Ploesti oil fields on Aug. 1, 1943. Each member of this outstanding bombing organization is authorized to wear the Distinguished Unit Badge with one cluster. It is now commanded by Lieutenant Colonel S. E. Manzo of Long Island.

A 1942 graduate of Delaware academy in Delhi, Corporal Harper went to Syracuse university for a year and was then employed by the International Cooperage company until his entry into the air force in January, 1943.

He received specialized army gunnery training at Tyndal Field, Florida, graduating there in March.


John Harper, 20, Delhi Honor Student, Dies Of Wounds in Italy


The seventh Delhi man to pay the supreme sacrifice in World War II is Corp. John Harper of this village, who died in Italy Dec. 6 as a result of injuries received in action. He was a tail gunner on a B-24 Liberator of the 15th Air Force based near Naples.

Reported to be one of the most outstanding young men graduated from the Delaware Academy in recent years, Corporal Harper was valedictorian of the class of 1942 and a star athlete. He was a member of the Honor Society and president of the Student Council and was the Delaware County winner of a Cornell University scholarship as well as being awarded a state scholarship.

Corporal Harper had been overseas for about six weeks. In September, 1942, he entered Syracuse University and on the following Jan. 29 entered the armed service studying meteorology at Amherst but later being transferred to the air corps. He received his training at Lowry Field, Denver,, Colo. Tyndal Field, Ala.; Westover Field, Springfield, Mass.; Charleston, S.C., Army Air base, and at Mitchel Field, L.I.

Born in Albany Feb. 4, 1924, he was a lifelong resident of Delhi. Besides his parents, a sister, Miss Patricia Harper survives him. She had received a letter from him just a few hours before the telegram from the War Department was received by his parents. His mother was the former Miss Margaret Dean of Delhi and his father, who operates the Dean & Bramley Feed and Lumber store here, is a veteran of World War I.


Memorial Rites Sunday For Corp. John Harper

Walton, Feb 3 - Memorial services for Corp. John Harper, who died from injuries received when he parachuted from his plane while returning from a combat mission Dec. 6, 1944, will be held tomorrow, the date of his twenty-first birthday, in the Second Presbyterian Church at Delhi.

A letter, announcing Corporal Harper's death, was received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harper of Delhi. He is the seventh serviceman in Delhi to give his life.

JANUARY 20, 1944

Lt. Allan Johnston Lt. Johnston, Who was Wounded in Action, is Back Home
Bovina Man Tells of His Experiences in Interview Given to This Newspaper

Lt. Allan Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. George Johnston of Bovina, is back in the United States after eight months of service overseas with the Eight (Eightball) Air Force in England. Lt. Johnston is spending a leave with his parents and will report for duty at Mitchell Field Feb 2nd.

The navigator. who has been awarded the Air Medal, Oak Leaf Cluster and Purple Heart, was shot down in action on his fifth mission over enemy territory. Landing in North France, he reached England via the underground. He was at no time a German prisoner, although a German shortwave broadcast was said to have stated that he was a prisoner in a German hospital.

Lt. Johnston received bullet wounds in the arm and foot, and said that his shoe prevented the bullet from piercing the flesh of his foot. He added that bullets do not cause so much pain but produce a numbness.

The Bovina soldier was reported missing in September and was reported safe November 18. He declared that the French people are very nice, and that the main topic in France is when the invasion will begin. They are very discontent with German rule.

The heaviest attacks against a plane come when it is crippled so that it is unable to stay in formation. "About ten fighters pick you up, and it is a running battle until you get back to your base.

S/Sgt. Arnold Perry Delhi Man Wounded in Action

Mrs. Maude Perry of this village received word by telegram from the War Department Friday evening that her son, S/ Sgt. Arnold Perry had been "slightly wounded" in action in New Guinea.

An aerial gunner and engineer on a B-24, S/Sgt. Perry had recently been promoted to that rank from "buck" sergeant. He enlisted in the, Army in August, 1942, and received training as an aerial gunner at Miami Beach, Fla., and Laredo, Tex., and at the airplane mechanics school at Amarillo, Tex.

The telegram stated that S./Sgt. Perry was wounded New Year's Day, and a letter follows from the War Department. Mrs. Perry received a letter from her son written December 31, the day before he was wounded. He was home on furlough in August, 1943, and left for overseas duty the following month.

A brother, Pvt. Bernard Perry, is a member of the ground crew of the Air Force and is stationed in England.

Before moving to Delhi, the family resided in Bovina Centre.

Lieut. Edwin Davidson Pilot Davidson of Bovina Centre is Missing in Action
Fails to Return From Fortress Mission Over France on Jan. 5th

Mr. and Mrs. H. Fletcher Davidson of Bovina Center received word from the War Department Tuesday evening that their son, Lt. Edwin D. Davidson, 20, pilot, on a Flying Fortress, is missing in action over France since January 5th.

Lt. Davidson graduated from Delaware Academy and Central School in 1941, and attended aviation school at Elmira. He enlisted in the Air Forces in April, 1942. Following training at Maxwell Field, Ala., Walnut Ridge, Ark. George Field, Ill., Lockbourne Air Base, Columbus, O., and Geiger Field Wash., he was commissioned in May 1943.

He visited his parents November 9, and word was received by them that he arrived safely in England November 23. Since then he had participated in at least five missions over enemy territory, and probably more. The most recent letter from him was received Saturday, dated January 4.

In school, Lt. Davidson was very active in extra-curricular activities. He participated in football, tumbling, track, Varsity D, band, (senior and junior), camera club (president), National Honor Society (vice-president), and Kalends. He was also class vice-president and homeroom treasurer.

A brother. Pvt. Alan Davidson, is also in the Air Corps and is stationed at Greensboro, N. C.

Mr. Davidson served with the Fifth Marines, Second Division (illegible....) war, ad was awarded several decorations for service in many campaigns overseas.

Bovina Centre has been hard hit during the war. Pvt, Arthur Reinertsen was wounded in action. S/Sgt. Arnold Perry was wounded in action. Lt. Allan Johnston was reported missing in action (he is now on furlough after returning safely.)

News clipping - 2-3-44

Ed. Davidson a Prisoner of War

Mr. and Mrs. H. Fletcher Davidson received word from the War Department Tuesday morning that their son, Lt. Edwin Davidson, 20, who was reported missing in action over France January 5th, is a prisoner of war.

The telegram, which came exact1y two weeks from the date the first one came, said that the War Department had received word through the International Red Cross that Lt. Davidson is a prisoner of war. A letter follows, the telegram added.

The young lieutenant, who was a pilot of a Flying Fortress, had been on at least five missions over enemy territory since his arrival in England November 23. His last visit home prior to transfer overseas was on November 9. when he had a few hours with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, as well as the communities of Bovina Center and Delhi, rejoice in the good news that Lt. Davidson is safe. His parents had received much encouragement from Lt. Allan Johnston of Bovina, who had also been reported missing in action over France in September and who turned up safely in England in November. Lt. Johnston advised them that the percentage of those killed when shot down is small, and that the chances of escaping safely or of being made prisoner of war is far greater.

Express - Oct 1944

Completes Bomber Training

Pfc. Allan L. Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Davidson, of Bovina Center, has completed his training on a Liberator bomber at Pueblo Army Air Base. He is a gunner on his crew and will soon report for duty overseas. Davidson was graduated from Delaware Academy in June of 1943 and entered the service in August of that year.

A brother, Lt. Edwin D. Davidson, pilot on a Flying Fortress, is a prisoner of war somewhere in Germany.

Express 7-27-44

Pfc. Allan L. Davidson Now Fitted for Bomber Combat

Pfc. Allan L. Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Davidson of Bovina Center, was graduated last week from the Army Air Forces Flexible Gunnery School, Laredo Army Air Field, Laredo, Texas, a member of the A.A.F. Training Command. He is now qualified to take his place as a member of a bomber crew. Along with his diploma, he received a pair of Aerial Gunner's silver wings and a promotion in grade at brief graduation exercises held here.

He was prepared for his place in America's stepped-up-air-offensive by a comprehensive six weeks' course in every phase of aerial gunnery warfare. Besides learning to fire every type weapon from camera guns to the deadly caliber .50 Brownings, he studied turret manipulation, aircraft identification, stripping and reassembling of machine guns while blindfolded. He climaxed the course by air firing on towed targets.

Alan Davidson Now Sergeant

In a letter written March 10, Allan L. Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Davidson of Bovina Center, tells of his recent stay of ten days at a rest camp on the Isle of Capri, off the coast of Italy. They enjoyed living at the best hotel on the Island. The food was G.I., but was disguised by the chefs and served by waiters with china, silver and linen. Since it was a rest camp the favorite occupation was sleeping, with the help of clean sheets and innerspring mattresses. Other past-times were hiking, boating and dances three times a week.

There were several interesting places to visit, among them the Tiberian ruins. These are the remains of a castle built and occupied by Caesar Augustus and his successor, Tiberio. At one end of the castle is an execution platform where Tiberio tossed his disobedient wives and slaves into the sea, 1,100 feet straight down.

Most of the streets on the island are too narrow and steep for vehicular traffic. Travel to the port from the village of Capri is by inclined railway or by jeep on a winding road. Souvenirs were at a ridiculous price as were rolls of film at $1.80 each - made in the U.S.A. at that.

Davidson has been promoted from corporal to sergeant.

Sergeant Alan L. Davidson of Bovina Center has been awarded the Air Medal. He is with the 15th army air force in Italy. Staff Sergeant Raymond T. Secord of Delhi and Clayton T. Archer, technician 5th grade, son of Mrs. LaEtta Archer of Hamden, have been awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge. They are with the 85th Mountain Regiment of the 10th, or Mountaineer, Division in Italy.


County Man Gets Air Medal

15th A.A.F. in Ital.-Sgt Allan L. Davidson, 19, son of Mr. Howard F. Davidson, Bovina Centre, aerial gunner on a B-24 Liberator in the 15th A.A.F. in Italy, has been awarded the Air Medal for "meritorious achievement in aerial fight while participating in sustained operational activities against the enemy."

Since his arrival overseas, Sgt. Davidson has participated in major attacks on enemy aircraft factories, oil refineries, airdromes, bridges and other strategic targets in Rumania, Austria, Germany, Italy, and France.

Prior to his arrival overseas, Sgt. Davidson attended gunnery school at Laredo, Texas.

He is a graduate of Delaware Academy, Delhi, year of 1943, where he was active in football, track and baseball.

Sgt. Davidson is authorized to wear the distinguished unit badge as a member of a heavy bombardment group which has been cited by the War Department for "outstanding performance of duty while in armed conflict with the enemy."

Before embarking for overseas duty, Sergeant Davidson was stationed at Pueblo Army Air Base, Pueblo, Colorado.


Private Allan L. Davidson, who has been stationed at Greensboro, N.C. for basic training in the air corps since Dec. 2 has been transferred. His present address is: Preflight Aviation Trainees, Jackson Army Air Base, Jackson, Miss.


Private Davidson Has Operation. Private Allan L. Davidson of Bovina Center is in the hospital having had an operation for appendicitis on Feb 15. He is making a satisfactory recovery. His address is now Station Hospital. Ward 4, Jackson Army Air Base, Jackson, Mississippi.


Private Allan L. Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Davidson of Bovina Center has been transferred from Jackson, Mississippi, to an airbase in Texas, where he expects to be for 10 weeks. His present address is: Student Reception Pool, L.A.A.F., Laredo, Texas


A telegram was received Tuesday by H.F. Davidson, Bovina Center, from Private First Class Allan L. avidson, who has been transferred from Lincoln, Nebraska. He gave his address as follows: 215 C.C.S., P.O. Box 4265, Class 11-2, A.A.B., Pueblo, Colorado. He is now a member of a bomber crew.


Corporal Allan L. Davidson, Bovina Center; A.S.N. 12174734, A.P.O. 16713-A, Q-38, care Postmaster, New York, N.Y.

In a letter written May 11, Sgt. Allan Davidson said to stop writing, for he was coming home. He left the States Nov 1944, and had completed 24 missions with the 15th Army Air Forces in Italy.


Bronze Star Award

Sergeant Raymond T. Secord (From Delhi correspondent.)

Staff Sergeant Raymond T. Secord, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Secord of Delhi, has been awarded the bronze star medal for "heroic achievement" in action on March 3, near Cimon della Tiella, Italy, his parents, and wife, the former Miss Verna McFarland learned this week.

The accompanying citation said: "During an offensive in mountainous terrain, an enemy machine gun held up the advance of attacking riflemen with deadly fire. Staff Sergeant Secord, a mortar section leader, braved a hail of mortar, machine gun and small arms fire to crawl forward to within 100 yards of the enemy position and under the observation and sniping of hostile forces, directed his mortar section's fire until the gun had been knocked out, enabling the advance to continue.

"When enemy riflemen threatened to overrun his position, he killed one with his rifle and drove the rest off. He then remained at his exposed post, directly supporting fire for the assault units, until counter battery action forced his section to change their position. By his brave actions in the face of determined enemy resistance, Staff Sergeant Secord contributed much to the successful accomplishment of his company's mission. He has exhibited praiseworthy courage and aggressiveness, and won the admiration and commendation of all who know of his actions."

Secord, formally proprietor of a hardware store here until he entered the service in April 1942, is attached to a mountain regiment. His outfit was in the Aleutian Islands campaign and he spent five months on Kiska. After spending a few months in the states, he was sent to Italy last January.

He wrote his wife that he has just been spending two weeks of rest at a ski resort in the Alps. Virtually dropped in the lap of luxury, the men were quartered two to a room with twin beds, and to the great delight of the combat weary troops, electric lights and hot running water.

Cpl. Secord Tells of His Experiences on the Island of Kiska

Delhi Man, Home on Furlough, Says Japs Lack Human Feelings

High atop a volcano on the island of Kiska in the Aleutians is a cache which contains the names of some of America's soldiers who, while there, scaled the steep sides and reached the volcano's peak. In this cache is the name: "Cpl. Raymond Secord, Delhi, N.Y." this party was the second to ever reach the top of the volcano, and their names are recorded there on the crest.

After five months of "hell," Cpl. Secord is back in the United States, and has recently been enjoying a 21-day furlough with his wife and parents. Undoubtedly if you had asked Cpl. Secord where Kiska was when he was in high school, he, like the rest of us, would not have had the slightest notion. However, on August 15, he found himself just off the Kiska shores, with his Mountain Regiment, other U.S. forces and some Canadian troops.

With his squad acting in commando tactics in scouting out enemy positions and reporting conditions to the troops who were to land the next day, he was in the first group to land.

It was learned that the Japs had evacuated from the island, leaving their dead behind. Many of the Japs who had only broken legs or arms were found dead of a bullet wound, shot by their own comrades, because it would have been inconvenient or difficult to transport them back home.

The enemy also left behind scores of booby traps and land mines. Secord's group came upon the grave of an American flyer who had either crashed or been shot down. Hanging upon the white cross were the flyer's helmet and goggles. One of the men in the group went over, raised up the helmet to read the inscription, and was killed instantly by a bomb. The men had to be on guard constantly against similar occurrences.

After the troops landed they were kept continually busy, for although the enemy had left, there was much to be done. Ships had to be unloaded and provisions stored. There were no set hours for work, and the men were busy at all times. Daylight lasted but a few hours, and so much of the work had to be completed in the darkness.

At first provisions consisted merely of field rations but these were later supplemented by additional foods. In addition to unloading the ships, the men had to "dig in" and make "homes" for themselves. The "homes" were two-man foxholes dug into the earth. These constantly filled up with water, and the men had to crawl out in the middle of the night to avoid drowning. They were in wet clothes almost continually for two months due to these conditions, but none of the men suffered colds. One night the men placed their sleeping bags in the foxholes and crawled in. Rains came, washing down the sides of the holes, and Cpl. Secord had to dig out his buddy who was almost buried alive by the mud and rocks.

One of the favorite sports on the island was fishing. The soldiers found that by tossing a hand grenade into the stream, they could get quite a "hawl" of salmon. This was stopped, however, as it proved to be quite dangerous - not only to the fish but also to the men. The corporal said that grenades were really quite unnecessary, however, for merely by dipping your hand into the stream you could scoop out many beautiful, large salmon. These made delicious eating and furnished an admirable addition to the Army menu.

The Canadians are grand fellows, according to the Delhi soldier, and they get along very well with their Allies. There was quite a bit of trading between the men of the two forces, as each saw something of the other's equipment that appealed to him.

There were no radios on the island, except the ones operated by the intelligence, so the forces there were really cut off from the world, except for occasional bulletins issued by intelligence. The hardest thing to withstand was the fact that at times two months would pass before the mail came through.

At the time Cpl. Secord left, the island was becoming more livable. Better arrangements for sleeping quarters were being made, more entertainment is planned, and other facilities are being introduced.

Sole animals on the island are blue foxes, which are tame and friendly toward the men. Cpl. Secord and a couple of his buddies adopted a blue fox, which acted very much like a dog. After the men had been away for the day, the fox would jump up on them in friendly greeting when they returned. Pride and joy of the animal was his beautiful tail, and anyone who threatened it was on the animal's "black list."

Homeward bound, Cpl. Secord's ship picked up an S.O.S. from a ship in distress. They discovered the vessel, cut in half by storm action, and picked up the survivors: It was Thanksgiving Day, and a Thanksgiving none of them will forget!

Chances of recovery for anyone in those frigid waters for over twenty minutes are slight. One of the cooks on the ship fell overboard, and although he was rescued in fifteen minutes, he died shortly from the exposure and severe penetrating cold.

Returning to this country, they were met in Washington by a band and trucks which would carry them and their equipment to their base. Mail call brought the Delhi soldier 96 letters and eight packages. Most of the packages which the men received contained candles which they had requested relatives to send that they might use them for light by which to write letters. So, those who were unable to make it home on furlough for Christmas were planning a "candlelight" Christmas at their camp in Colorado.

The first night in a comfortable bed in this country was so novel for Cpl. Secord that he was tempted to crawl out and sleep on the floor.

He wears the Asiatic theater campaign ribbon with a bronze star for participation in a major battle; the red and white medal awarded for good behavior in Uncle Sam's Army; and marksmanship medal for pistol and mortar fire.

Let's not forget these men on the lonely island of Kiska, far out in the Pacific, near the Japanese shores. Although they are not in constant battle with the enemy, they have a lonely, constant vigil to keep, protecting American shores and keeping the outpost in American hands, constantly alert, and ready.

All Delhi welcomes home this fighting man who has spent five months overseas. We are deeply indebted to him and to all in our armed forces who are giving their all, enduring all hardships, that Delhi may remain "The Garden Sport of the Catskills," a haven of beauty and peace.

Fireman Second Class Robert M. Dickman, U.S.N. 3-9-44

Back on Job After Furlough

Fireman Second Class Robert M. Dickman, U.S.N., son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dickman of Clinton Street, is now stationed at Dearborn, Mich., where he is receiving special training. Four hours each day he works at the Henry Ford plant, and the remainder of the time he attends classes.

F2c Dickman entered the service November 26, 1942, and spent his first four weeks in the Navy in the Sampson Hospital. Following his six weeks of basic training, he was advanced to seaman second class, and again to fireman second class. He was recently home on 16-day leave and then reported to Dearborn.

While in high school, Fireman Dickman was active in football and basketball.

Seaman John Miller - flight Officer Richard Miller photo - Seaman John Miller ---- photo - Flight Officer Richard Miller

Brothers Choose Different Services

Richard and John Miller, sons of Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Miller of Delhi, graduated from Delaware academy and Delhi Central school in June, 1943. Richard enlisted in the army as an aviation student while his younger brother, John, took a post graduate course in the Delhi Central school and enlisted in the Navy last November. Dick received his basis training at Miami Beach, Florida, and his preliminary college training at Davis and Elkins college at Elkins, West Virginia. He received his preflight training at Maxwell Field, Alabama, his gunnery instruction at Las Vegas, Nevada, and qualified as a bombardier at the Bombardier school in Midland, Texas. He was appointed a flight officer on graduation at Midland for further assignment. He has just been home on a 7-day leave before reporting at Langley Field, Virginia, as one of a group of fifteen chosen from 150 to study radar.

John Miller, seaman 2nd class, received his boot training at Sampson, N.Y., after which he was assigned to the signal school at Sampson.

Gleason Judd Aviation Student

Aviation Student Gleason Judd of Cannonsville is receiving his pilot training at LaJunta Air field at LaJunta, Colorado.

The youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Judd of Cannonsville, Gleason enlisted Aug. 25, 1943, for air cadet training but was not called until Dec. 29 of that year. He went to Fort Dix, N.J., and later to Greensboro, North Carolina; George Field, Lawrenceville, Illinois, and East Lansing. Michigan., as an air student. He is now awaiting assignment to primary training at LaJunta Air field in Colorado.

Gleason's brother, Lieutenant Stephen Peter Judd, pilot of a bomber, was killed in action on March 8, 1944. Another brother, Lieutenant George Judd, in the army air forces, was wounded, and two other brothers are in service, Richard, in the marine corps, and Sergeant Joseph Judd, in the army overseas.

Lieutenant Stephen Peter Judd Repatriated Pilot Tells Judds of Son's Death

Lieutenant Stephen Peter Judd of Cannonsville army air forces, was killed in action on March 8, 1944. He was at first reported as missing and a later message based on information received through the International Red Cross stated that he had been killed on the date mentioned.

His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Judd of Cannonsville, had little information regarding their son's death, except that his plane had been crippled and forced out of formation and then attacked by German fighter planes.

They have just received a letter from Flight Officer John Kendrick, pilot of the B-24 bomber on which "Pete" was co-pilot on the fatal day, giving them details. Lieutenant Judd was leaning forward turning off the ignition switches as the bomber crash landed, and due to this position received injuries which caused his death. Flight Officer Kendrick was recently repatriated on the Gripsholm, reaching the United States on Feb. 22, and is a patient at Lawson General hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. As a result of the crash landing he had both legs amputated. The letter follows:

March 5, 1945
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Judd:
This is not a very easy letter to write, yet still one that I very much want to write. You see, I feel that I know you both and I did know Pete so very well that - sell, I just want you to be as proud of your son as I am of my co-pilot. I have not, and I do not intend, to tell what happened to anyone else, but I feel that you should know. Here goes.

It was just another mission - except that it was Berlin, our second (to Berlin), and the second for the American air force. We had been there on the 6th, on the first daylight Berlin raid, and we were, if possible, even more scared on the 8th. Stemoris, the navigator, said that Pete never got scared - he did, he just kept it covered better than the rest of us.

It was just another mission up to the bomb run. There had been mistakes and errors, but that was usual also. We were right over the heart of Berlin. Big B had a lot of guns. I can't tell you the exact number, but I think it was the biggest concentration of flak in the world. Owens had just said, "Bombs away," when we were hit - nice and solidly in No. 3 engine. I was hit very slightly - the only person hit at the time, but we lost No. 4, our entire electrical system, including radio and interphone.

We could not keep up. We should have been able to, but we couldn't. We tried every trick in the book, but we slowly fell back. Then they jumped us. About 15 ME-109's. My tail gunner got one; Pete saw him go down and almost broke my back trying to tell me. One of the other gunners got one, but we couldn't keep it up. They were hitting us too hard and too often. So we hit the deck. I stuck the nose down and pulled out about 50 feet at about 320 miles per hour. It worked temporarily, we shook the fighters. But I guess our time was just up. We ran over an air field - were on it too fast to dodge. We shot up a hangar and a couple of airplanes, but they got No. 2 engine, among lots of other hits on the plane.

Pete and I flew for about an hour and a half longer. We only had two engines and the plane looked like a sieve - it wasn't flying, just staggering along - and we were still taking a beating. All our luck was bad. We ran past at least 12 flak towers, who depressed their 20 and 40-m.m. guns on us and did more and more damage. At last we knew we had to land. Only 20 miles from the coast we started in on a pasture, but they went through with us.

One last gun and one last hit - No. 4 engine and the rudder controls - we swerved into a windmill (comical), isn't it - a windmill). That's where Pete did his last act and died just as he lived. He leaned forward to cut the switches - we hit and didn't blow up or catch fire because the switches were cut. It wasn't what some people would call a hero - just someone doing a job only he could do - doing it because it was his job, even though he knew he was throwing away his chances to live - and saving 10 people's lives by doing just that.

It's cold comfort to you for me to say it, but he died just as he lived - clean and fine and brave. The rest of us owe our lives to him, but that could add but little to our opinion - We knew he was the kind to do that, and I never think of him without remembering the epitaph of an RAF pilot in England: "One of our pilots is safe."

I am very sincerely yours,

Johnny Kindrick.

Four other sons of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Judd have been in service but the youngest, Corporal Richard Judd, U.S. Marine corps, has just been granted a medical discharge and arrived home this week. He has been in the marines two years and saw combat service in the Pacific area. Lieutenant George Judd, a navigator in the Air Force, is based in England. Sergeant Joe T. Judd is near Strassburg in the German front, and Gleason Judd is an aviation cadet at San Antonio, Texas.



Pvt. John R. Thompson is located at Victoria, Kan.

Pfc. Clifford Hall of the radio corps is studying gunnery at Fresno, Cal

Pvt. Alex McDowell of Seymour Johnson Field, N.C. is spending a week's furlough with his father.

Percy Klein of this village has received word that his daughter, Lt. Jean Klein, Army Nurse Corps, has arrived safely in England.

Pvt. William Currie returns to his post in New York today after spending a three-day pass with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Currie.

Lt. Charles Bartholomew, Cpl. Tech. Albert Hull of Grand Gorge and Lt. George Stewart of this village have all met somewhere in the South Pacific, it has been learned.

Cpl. Claude Kelly, who has been stationed in Georgia, has been given a medical discharged from the Army. Cpl. Kelly owner of the Bowl Hotel at Margaretville, formerly operated a truck line between Delhi and Binghamton.

Pvt. Alan Davidson, who is stationed at an Army air base at Jackson, Miss., is spending a six-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fletcher Davidson. He is recuperating from an appendectomy.



Arnold W. Perry has been promoted to technical sergeant from the rank of staff sergeant. T/Sgt. Perry, who is on duty as an aerial gunner in the South Pacific, was recently wounded in action but is again back on duty.

Pvt. Archibald Mabon, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mabon has arrived at Camp Swift, Tex., where he has been assigned to the 102nd Infantry Division. Prior to his induction he was a lathe operator at the Scintilla plant.

John J. Steinlen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Steinlen, 14 Clinton street is now enrolled as an aviation cadet in the pre-flight school at Maxwell Field, Ala. He will receive nine weeks of intensive military, physical and academic training there.

S/Sgt. Anthony Wright of Downsville, gunner on a Liberator bomber with the Eighth Air Force based in England, has received the Air Medal for completing five missions over enemy-occupied Europe. The medal was presented by Col. Irvine A. Rendle of Rawlins Wyo., Liberator Group commander. The citation read: "For exceptionally meritorious achievement while participating in five separate bomber combat missions over enemy occupied Continental Europe. The courage, coolness and skill displayed by this man on these occasions reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States."

Mr. and Mrs. H. Fletcher Davidson have received word from the War Department that their son, Edwin Davidson 20, has been advanced from second to first lieutenant effective January 20. Lt. Davidson, pilot of a Flying Fortress, was shot down over France January 5th, and is now a prisoner of war in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson have not yet been notified where their son is located in Germany.

Lt. Allan Johnston has been transferred from Atlantic City, N.J. to Texas, where he is receiving training to become an instructor.

Chief Petty Officer, John K. Thompson is back in this country after several months of service with the Seabees in the South Pacific. He hopes to obtain a furlough, and indicated in a letter that he is ill, "though nothing serious." He did not indicate whether he had contracted some illness or whether he was wounded.

Pvt. Rexford Oliver of Fort Belvoir, Va. Spent the week-end with his wife, daughter and parents.

Robert Morris, U.S.A., stationed at Fort Belvoir, Va., spent the week-end visiting his parents in Fleischmanns.

S/Sgt. Charles Palmer of Bloomville has been wounded in action on a mission over France, according to word received by his mother. Sgt. Palmer, who is stationed in England, is a tail gunner.

S/Sgt. Donald B. Schneider of Selman Field, Monroe, La., is spending a 15-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Schneider.

Robert M. Dickman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dickman, has again been promoted, to rank of F2/c. He has been transferred from Sampson Naval Base to Naval Base to Naval Training School at Dearborn, Mich.

William Stewart has been advanced to seaman second class and will leave for his new post at Grosse Isle, Mich., Sunday after spending a week's furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Stewart. He has been transferred to the Naval Air branch.

S/Sgt. Henry Hoos is spending a furlough from his base at Pueblo, Col., here with his mother.

Pvt. George Cook is temporarily stationed at For Dix, N.J.

Pvt. Donald Lewis has been assigned to an infantry unit at Camp Swift, Tex. Pvt Winfield Baxter is also at Camp Swift.

Pvt. John R. Thompson has been transferred from Missouri to Truax Field, Madison Wis.

Pfc. Shirley Waring, WAC, has been made assistant supervisor of the communications board at her post at Wilmington, Cal.

SK 3-c James A. Dodds is now stationed at Solomons Branch, Md.

Roger Di Nucci has been advanced to petty officer second class at his base in the Southwest Pacific.

Pvt. Arthur Tyrrell is spending a 10-day delay enroute to Fort Wayne, Ind., with his parents, Mr. and Ms. Fred Tyrrell.



Lynn Armstrong, who is stationed in Panama, has been advanced to the rank of sergeant.

Pvt. Arthur Tyrell has been confined to the hospital at Greensboro, N.C., with a cold and layngitis.

Sgt. Russell Archibald, who is an aerial gunner, has arrived safely in Italy, according to word received by his wife. Sgt. Archibald met Lt. Mal Byrne, a co-pilot, who formerly attended the State School here, in Italy. Sgt. Archibald wrote that "although I have seen little of Africa and Italy, we certainly have something worth fighting for in the States."

Mrs. Maud Perry has received word from her son, S/Sgt. Arnold Perry, who was reported wounded in action January 1, that he is now out of the hospital, and back on duty, although a little lame. He is an aerial gunner.

Pfc. J. Emmett Clark, who is now in Italy, wishes to thank his friends through this paper for the many lovely Christmas cards and letters which he received. Pfc. Clark said that they helped to make the holiday season a little brighter.

Pfc. Marion S. Allen jr. Has been transferred from Texas to the Station Hospital, Camp Joseph Robinson, Little Rock, Ark.

Pfc. Robert W. Humphries is now located at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

Pvt. James Crossman, stationed in the South Pacific, wrote his parents recently that he had had the opportunity to see two fine U.S.O. shows. He stated that everyone, including the entertainers, had enjoyed themselves a great deal. It was complete with emcee, piano accompanist, and others.

Pvt. Rexford Oliver of Ft. Belvoir, Va., spent Sunday and Monday with his wife, daughter and parents here.

Lt. Howard Winand has been transferred from Alliance, Neb., to Polk Field, N.C.

Ph. M 1/c William Allison, who has been a patient at St. Albans Naval Hospital, spent the weekend with his wife here. Mr. Allison is recovering from malaria which he contracted on Guadalcanal.

A/s Gerald Matthews, stationed at Union College, was home over the week-end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Matthews.

Sunday, new York papers carried a picture of Major General John C. H. Lee presenting a good conduct medal to Master Sergeant John A. Harsha of Hobart. Sgt. Harsha's seven "hash" stripes denote twenty-one years of service in the Army. The presentation was made in London.

James A. Dodds, SK 3-c has completed his basic recruit training and is now on three weeks' leave visiting his wife and two sons here. He has been located at Sampson Naval Base.

Jackson Y. Allen, S-2c, is visiting his parents here after completing his basic training at Sampson naval Training station.

S 2-C Robert Dickman is home on furlough after completion of his basic recruit training at Sampson Naval Training Station, Seneca Lake. Upon completion of his 16-day furlough, he will return to Sampson for further assignment.

Robert Brown, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, reported Monday at Fort Dix, and will be assigned to a post as an aviation cadet in the A.A.F. Robert graduated from Delaware Academy last June, and has since been employed at Kiff's Mills here. He was active in athletics at school, and played on the town basketball team this season.

Lt. And Mrs. Allan Johnston of Bovina left Wednesday for Atlantic City, N.J. Lt. Johnston will be stationed there for a couple of weeks and then assigned to a new post.


Navy Releases 18 From Tier

Eighteen more Southern Tier men today were reported honorably discharged from the navy at the U.S. Naval Ptrsonnel Separation Center, Lido Beach, Long Island. Fourteen are from the Triple Cities area.

Addresses are Binghamton unless otherwise indicated.

SC 3c Russell L. Hotaling, Oneonta R.D.1.

S 1c Robert E. Henshaw, 9 Camden Street, Johnson City.

S 1c Stephen Sanaeko, Jr., 40 Lydia Street.

S1c Richard W. Cook, 146 Tompkins Street, Cortland.

HA 1c Edward J. Linehan, 16 Winding Way.

S 1c Thomas Joseph Ondrako, 28 Colfax Avenue.

MoMM 3c Henry Ross, 58 State Street.

S 1c George Solinski, 176 Lester Avenue, Johnson City.

S 2c Warren William Hichox, 143 1/2 Main Street

FC 3c Bruce Forsyth, 164 Helen Street.

Bkr 2c Gerald Nelson Sponsburgh, 17 Walling Avenue, Oneonta

S 2c Eal Warren, Wagstaff, 61 Travis Avenue.

S 1c Cletus Enerton Sampson, 3105 Robbins Street, Endwell.

S 1c Albert Siedlarczyk, 61 Harry L. Road, Johnson City.

S 2c Rudolph Sigler, 111 Mygatt Street.

S 2c William Joseph Figura, 14 St. Cyril Avenue

F 1c Robert Millard Dickman, 18 Clinton Street, Delhi

S 1c Joseph William Hiza, Binghamton R.D. 5


Rest Center Offers GIs Italy Air Tour

By Pvt. Bob Lee
(Stars and Stripes Staff Writer)

Rome, Feb 7 - Far below, the terrain of Italy's many battlefields stood out in dramatic relief, and men from the U.S. Army rest center here pressed their faces against the plane's windows for a better look.

Below them, passed brown and gray fields where the war lived only a year ago . . . Shattered towns and historic shrines . . . Anzio, Cassino, Salerno, Vesuvius, Pompeii, Capri.

They were on an air tour of Italy - the first of what is to become a regular part of the Army rest center's program for resting enlisted men.

On the first tour this week, 234 enlisted men took the five-hour C-47 trip over Italy.

Designed as an educational project to give enlisted men a quick picture of Italy and its battlefields, the air tours were worked out between the 5th Army and the Air Corps.

According to lt. Daniel Frankel of Atlantic City, N.J., special Services officer at the rest center, the Air Corps will place a number of C-47s at the disposal of the rest center whenever the planes can be spared from operational flights.,

Comments from those who made the first tour this week left no doubt about its popularity.

"It's the best thing that ever has been done for the GIs," exclaimed T-3 George Groenleer of Park Rapids, Mich., a restee from a 1st Armored Division signal company.

"Really something to remember," was the way Pfc. Stuart Wooley of Cincinnati described some of the sights he saw.

He and T-5 Edward Battenga of Grundy Center, Iowa, were taking their first plane rides. Battenga, a member of a 34th Division signal company, said afterwards, "It wasn't rough at all."

Impressed especially by the ruggedness of the terrain over which his fellow infantrymen had fought was Sgt. Dick Hill of the 92nd Division, a former Beckley, W. Val, school teacher.

Two men from a Special Service company, S-Sgt. Ellie Goldstein, Hartford, Conn., and T-3 Paul Westbury, Santa Barbara, Calif. Helped manage the initial tour.

The first tour gave the enlisted men views - sometimes from as low as 300 feet - of such places as Elba, Anzio, Nettuno, Littoria, Gaeta, Terracinia, Capri, Paestum, Salerno, Pompeii, Vesuvius, Naples, Mignano, Cassino, Rome and several other places.

news clipping


My dad, ain't just the letter writin' kind
He'd rather let the women see to that;
He's got a mess o' troubles on his mind,
and likes to keep 'em underneath his hat.

And p'raps because he isn't very strong
On talkin', why, he's kind o' weak on ink.
But he can work like sin the whole hyear lon
g, And, crickey, how that dad o' mine can think!

When I set out from Homeville last July.
He didn't bawl the way my sister did;
He just shook hands and says, "Well, boy, goodbye."
(He's got his feelin's, but he keeps'em hid.)

And so when mother writes about the things
That I spend half my time a-thinkin' of,
There's one short line that every letter brings:
"Father will write, and meanwhile sends his love."

"Father will write." Well, some day, p'raps, he will ---
there's lots o' funny prophecies come true;
But if he just keeps promisin' to, still,
I'll understand, and dad'll know I do.

Comments by Allan Davidson, April 2, 2001

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