
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Cold Spring Road, Town of Roxbury

Latitude:42.260085942° 15' 36.3"N . . . Longitude:-74.598764974° 35' 55.6"W

compilation from the NYSL in Albany, NY -- electronic text by Mary Nielsen, February 1, 2002 -- photos by Joyce Riedinger, 2015

a few of the burials - click highlighted ones for photo

Chase      Harrison                                 d. Apr 30 1893     aged 61 yrs.
Chase Martha A. dau. of Nathan and Martha d. Sept. 26, 1865 ae 20 yrs 6 mo
Chase Liddie dau of N & H Chase b. Feb. 5, 1803 d. Aug 3, 1817
Chase Sally dau of N & H Chase b. Oct. 9 1805 d. June 10, 1825
Carey Mary d. Sept. 9, 1828 ae 69 yrs 9 mo 24 da
Coon Abraham d. July 31, 1828 in the 69th year of his age
Coon Martha d. Feb. 24, 1846 ae 78 yrs 1 mo
Hull Seth b. Feb. 13, 1790 d. July 13, 1839
Hull Cynthia wife of Seth b. Apr. 21, 1790 d. Dec. 5, 1870
Hull Peter d. Nov. 11, 1823 ae 66 yrs 6 mo 5 da
Hull Mary wife of Peter d.Oct. 11, 1838 ae 78 yrs
Jaquish Mary Ann wife of Daniel H. Jaquish d.Nov. 17, 1829 ae 24 yrs 5 mo 10 da
Stratton Colonel E. W. d. Oct. 24 1876 ae 77 yrs 7 mo
Stratton Joseph He was a Revolutionary soldier d. May 1, 1827 ae 76 yrs
Stratton Eunice wife of Joseph d. Mar. 20, 1842 ae 85 yrs
Stratton Joseph d. Mar 27, 1812 ae 16 yrs


The following compilation is from the CETA project Directed by Victor Ronovech - it is not always reliable.
Please use only as a jumping off spot for further research. Corrections welcome!

Tyler Cemetery, Cold Spring Road

BUTLER, Hannah        81y         January 8, 1892     Wife of Butler
-- stone actually reads Hannah Chase although her married name was Hannah Butler.
-- stone reads "wife of B. Butler" -her husband was Barney Butler who 
   is believed to also be buried in the Tyler cemetery but may never have had a stone.
CHASE, Abigail        55y         August 8, 1892
CHASE, Hannah         40y         September 21, 1839  Wife of Nathan
CHASE, Harrison       61y         April 30, 1893
CHASE, Liddie         ?           ?                   Dau of Nathan & Hannah
CHASE, Patty Butler   75y         July 8, 1878             Wife of Nathan
CHASE, Martha A.      20y         September 26, 1865  Dau. of Nathan & Martha
CHASE, Nathan         69y         September 1, 1834
CHASE, Nathan         88y         November 28, 1885
CHASE, Sally          20y         1825                Dau. of Nathan & Hannah
COON, Abraham         69y         July 31, 1828
COON, Martha          78y         February 24, 1846   Wife of Abraham
HULL, Cynthia         80y         December 1870
HULL, Lavina          74y         1895
HULL, Seth            49y         July 13, 1839
HULL, Nancy           78y         October 11, 1838
HULL, Peter           66y         November 11, 1823
STRATTON, Eunice      85y         March 20, 1842      Wife of Joseph
STRATTON, Col. E.W.   77y         October 24, 1876
STRATTON, Joseph      16y         March 27, 1812
STREETER, Martha Chase24y         April 2, 1893       Wife of E.W. Chase
TYLER, Christina       ?          ?                   Wife of Amos
TYLER, Lucy E.        40y         January 20, 1846
TYLER, William        26y         May 1, 1873
OLMSTEAD, Lucy        36y         January 19, 1832    Wife of John
JAQUISH, Maryann      24y         November 17, 1829   Wife of Daniel
Also, the list reads wife of Butler; again, the stone reads "wife of B. Butler" (Findagrave) Her husband was Barney Butler who is believed to also be buried in the Tyler cemetery but may never have had a stone.

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger