Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site
Photo above by Joyce Riedinger, June 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photo above by Alan Anderson, October 2017
Braehead Rd., Town of Kortright, Delaware County, NY
42° 24' 54.81" N 74° 46' 22.128" W 571.00
Mary S. Briggs, Historian for the Town of Davenport has given us permission to transcribe the Cemetery Guide edited by The Davenport Historical Society, Davenport Center, NY. The Braehead Road Cemetery compilation was taken from this guide. The Braehaed Road Cemetery is located at the intersection of Braehead Road and CR 33. This is the same location given for the Bathrick Cemetery, and I will correct this once I find out which cemetery it is. This cemetery is located and accessed easily. Its condition is listed as abandoned. --Submitted by Collin Haight, March 24, 2000
June 21, 2016 - This cemetery is abandoned and in very poor condition. It is likely that around half of original burial stones are simply beneath the soil. Many are tipped and lying flat on the ground with woodchucks taking up residence. Below are links to photos shot by me of stones that are legible and somewhat legible. --Joyce Riedinger, 2016
UPDATE-August 20, 2019 - Link to Alan Anderson e-mail
UPDATE-April 20, 2018
Marianne Greenfield of Grave Stone Art will be doing a one day workshop on the proper procedure and materials to clean gravestones. We will hold this Saturday, June 2, at the Braehead location. In the days prior to the workshop I will be doing more cleanup and locating fallen gravestones. - (see photos by Marianne at end of page)
--Alan Anderson
UPDATE-November 3, 2017 - (see photos at end of page)
The Town of Kortright put up a new fence this summer. Marianne Greenfield of met with me at the cemetery on Saturday October 8 before I started cutting the grass, weeds, bushes, briars, and brambles. She and I will continue with our project next year. --Alan Anderson
UPDATE-22 May 2017
The Town Board for Kortright will be getting a couple of bids to put up new fencing. When, the fence is done the need for some volunteers to clean up the interior (cutting grass, and removing any small shrubs and bushes to see what headstones exist.) We will not be cleaning or re-setting of the headstones.
--Alan Anderson
 click to view larger
BURRIT, Aaron 08/25/1804 23y
BURRIT, Moses 08/02/1804 19y
BURRIT, Philip 08/30/1864 54y
DALES, John 05/02/1844 26y
DALES, Samuel 10/02/????
GUNN, Lucy 02/09/1833 44y Wife of Moses Gunn
GUNN, William 12/27/1833 18y Son of Moses & Lucy
HARKNESS, Hannah Jane 1862 71y Wife of Robert Harkness
HARKNESS, Robert 01/23/1815 12y
HARKNESS, Robert 06/23/1845 45y
KELSO, Eleanor 03/31/1838 80y Wife of Robert
KELSO, John 03/21/1817 106y
KELSO, Robert 10/06/1815 57y
KELSO, Robert II 11/19/1849 69y
LEAL, Joseph 12/05/1821 25y Son of James & Sarah Leal
LEAL, Lydia 10/1798 2y-1m-0d
LOUDON, Mary E. 1859 1884 25y
LOUDON, Emma J. 1898 31y
LOUDON, Esther A. Orr 1828 1865 37y Wife of Thomas C. Loudon
LOUDON, Sarah 1865 Daughter of Thomas G. & Esther A. Orr Lo
LOUDON, Thomas G. 1816 1891 75y
LOUDON, Infant 1901 - 1901 Infant son of RJ&EV Loudon
LOUDON, Ralph H. 1896 1899 3y Son of RJ&EV Loudon
Loudon Monument Top
Loudon Monument Pieces
LOUDON, Etta V. McKee 1870 1908 78y Wife of RJ Loudon
LOUDON, Jane 11/11/1850 68y
LOUDON, Robert 06/08/1842 70y
LOUDON, Samuel T. Son of Robert & Jane Loudon
McFARLAND, Elizabeth 01/01/1881 72y Wife of William D. McFarland
McFARLAND, William D. 09/08/1873 68y
McLAUGHRY, Hannah 02/11/1871 Wife of Andrew McLaughry
McLAUGHRY, Margaret 11/06/1846 30y Daughter of James & Elizabeth McLaughry
McLAURY, Jane 08/21/1829 9y Daughter of Richard & Hannah
McLAUREY, Mary 05/17/1854 66y Wife of John B. McLaurey
McLAURY, Lucretia Waring 11/14/1816 2nd wife of Richard McLaughry
McLAURY, Margery Rose 05/01/1865 82y-2m-0d Wife of John B. McLaughry
McLAURY, Rose Watt 04/05/1829 6y Daughter of Michael & Hannah
McLAURY, Ann 07/27/1810 69y 1st Wife of Richard McLaury
McLAURY, Richard 08/10/1819 80y Revolution
McLAURY, George 04/20/1822 Son of Richard & Hannah
McLAURY, Rosannah 04/02/1820 15d Daughter of Richard & Hannah
McLAURY, Sarah 1847 Wife of Thomas
McLAURY, Thomas 1778 01/05/1859 81y
McNEILLY, Elizabeth K. 12/10/1866 71y Wife of William McNeilly
MURDOCK, Elizabeth 07/12/1828 32y Wife of Reverend Edward Murdock
MURDOCK, Elizabeth (looks like an earlier stone) 07/12/1828 32y Wife of Edward Murdock
MURDOCK, Christine 03/18/1848 12y-1m-0d Daughter of S. & S. Murdock
MURDOCK, Samuel 03/22/1848 54y
MURDOCK, Sarah 10/17/1880 Wife or Samuel Murdock
ROBERTS, Martha 09/08/1828 17y
ROBERTSON, Martha 09/28/1828 30y
SIXSMITH, George, Capt. 02/26/1828 30y
SIXSMITH, Georgia 1855
SIXSMITH, Mary 04/12/1858 56y
SIXSMITH, Mary Ann 03/08/1864 88y Wife of Michael Sexsmith
SIXSMITH, Michael 04/08/1836 70y
SPENCE, James ??/25/1846
WARING, Lucretia 11/14/1816 2nd wife of Richard McLaury
Photos below by Joyce Riedinger, June 2016
The following are a few of the unknowns scattered throughout the burial ground
November 3, 2017 - photos below by Alan Andersonclick for larger size
photos left to right:
1st row: at the gate end looking from south to north; the main area of headstones; at the north end looking south
2nd row: southwest corner looking northward; northwest corner looking back south; northwest corner looking eastward
Photos below by Marianne Greenfield, taken during our headstone cleaning in 2018
a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753
Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger