
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Town of Kortright

This cemetery is located on the north side of the Turnpike Road between the intersections of Kelso Road and Roberts Road.

See Photo of the beautifully constructed stone wall
photo by Joyce Riedinger, 2015

Photo below is of the Blakely Cemetery by Carolyn McPherson as it appeared on Memorial Day 2007, a beautiful place. "I must say I was quite awestruck to stand at the grave of my great-great-great-grandfather!" says Carolyn.

photo posted at website Oct 29, 2008

Blakely Cemetery Entrance

Mary S. Briggs, Historian for the Town of Davenport has given us permission to transcribe the Cemetery Guide edited by The Davenport Historical Society, Davenport Center, NY. The Blakely Cemetery compilation was taken from this guide.

--Transcription by Collin Haight, March 24, 2000 - gravestone photos by Joyce Riedinger Sept 2015

NAME                               BORN         DIED         AGE          NOTES 
In Memory of the Unknown
BLAKELY, Ella H.                   1852         1933                                                              
BLAKELY, James T.                               04/18/1877   25y                                                  
BLAKELY, Jennie M.                 1848         1914                                                              
BLAKELY, John Peter                1849         10/22/1942   93y-4m-4d                                            
BLAKELY, Margaret E.               1846         1935                                                              
BLAKELY, Rebecca S.                1854         1945                                                              
BLAKELY, Susan J.                                                         Daughter of John D. & Sarah Blakely     
BLAKELY, William                   1846         1898                                                              
BLAKELY, James G.                               04/15/1882   72y                                                  
BLAKELY, Susan McAuley             1813         1900                      Wife of James G. Blakely                
BLAKELY, Lottie B.                 08/03/1849   12/20/1887                Wife of Samuel M. Blakely               
BLAKELY, Samuel M.                 04/25/1843   01/17/1892                                                        
BLAKELY, Nancy                     1791         1855                      Wife of William Blakely                 
BLAKELY, William                   1781         1855                                                              
BROWN, Alexander                                12/14/1883   70y                                                
BROWN, Jane                                     08/24/1896   82y                                                   
HAMILTON, Sarah J.                              12/30/1877   39y                                                  
HARPER, Charlie E.                 03/05/1883   01/04/1891                Son of S.E. & Mary Harper               
HENDERSON, Nancy                   04/23/1826   06/25/1891                                                        
HUMPHREY, Mary J.                  08/12/1822   11/26/1857                                                        
KILPATRICK, Maggie McNeilly                     10/13/1862                                                        
McNEILLY, Alexander                06/09/1810   04/11/1889                                                        
McNEILLY, Jane                     07/14/1829   07/06/1903                Wife of Alexander McNeilly              
MERRITT, Eliza                                  05/05/1887   71y-1m-2d                                            
MERRITT, John P.                                01/22/1873   20y-7m-11d   Son of Morgan C. & Eliza Merritt        
MERRITT, William B.                             05/10/1905   57y                                                  
MURDOCK, James M.                               02/10/1872   1m-13d       Son of James & Jane Murdock             
MURDOCK, Sarah A.                               04/22/1965   7y-5m-28d    Daughter of James & Jane Murdock        
PETERS, Sarah                                   06/1875      44y-3m-24d   Wife of William Peters                  
PETERS, William                                 07/03/1869   46y-1m-15d                                           
SMITH, Augusta                     06/14/1864   09/20/1899                                                        
SMITH, James H.                    11/15/1815   04/07/1876                                                        
SMITH, John                        01/01/1818   09/1894                                                           
SMITH, Esther Henderson            03/14/1789   11/03/1873                Wife of Samuel Smith                    
SMITH, Samuel                      02/19/1790   04/19/1864                                                        
SOMERVILLE, Libbie S. Porter       03/04/1859   08/14/1884                Wife of A.C. Somerville                 

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger