Town of Deposit, Delaware County, NY
I stumbled upon your site late at night and thought I'd share with you something I know from my grandfather's farm in Deposit, NY. My grandfather's name was Rudolf Bode, he bought a dairy farm in Deposit, NY around the 1940's. It had roughly 200 acres. It was located on Shaver Hill Rd which I now believe has been renamed. On that farm was an old house which he renovated and 2 barns - only one now standing. A family named Mankin lived up the road. There was an old, old house in the gulley nearby.
But what is really interesting is - there is a Indian Burial Ground also on that land. I am not sure if anyone but my family knows of it. I feel I should probably report it to someone who knows the history of the area. I've been to the burial ground once as a child and there are maybe 4 or 5 huge stone piles...we were always taught to respect that site and not bother anything there.
If anone has any insight to what this burial ground is...I would appreciate knowing more about it. --Dawn Curren, March 25, 2003 - http://home.gci.net/~scurren/
p.s. as kids we found a indian arrow head in the garden once there also.