
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Photo by Joyce Riedinger 1 July 2017

Deposit is in Broome and Delaware Counties

This is a list of 79 people buried in Pine Grove Cemetery in Deposit, Broome Co, NY. I know of many more people buried there but don't have their dates ... there are many members of the Dean, Pine, Peters, Whitaker, Moses, Axtell, Underwood and other early families of Deposit buried there ... Often the markers only have peoples initials instead of full names ... if known and documented I have used their full names ... also often the dates are only reflected by the year of birth and death ... again, if known and documented, I have used the complete dates ... Also if they were in the military and I have it documented, I noted that whether it is on their marker of not ... --Johnny Aiello, Jan 21, 2004

Photos by Joyce Riedinger 1 July 2017 - Underlined names added below

LAST NAME   FIRST NAME      MIDDLE NAME   MAIDEN NAME   DATE OF BIRTH   DATE OF DEATH    NOTES                                     


ALLEN       MARY                                               1787     OCT 12 1869      Wife of William McClure, Esq.  
AUSTIN      EDWARD          LEWIS                       OCT 26 1815     MAY 11 1879                                                
AUSTIN      NANCY           MARY          PINNEY        MAR 18 1818     MAY 12 1891      Wife of Edward L. Austin                  
BARLOW      ABEL            J.                          AUG 1840        1939                                                       
BARLOW      MARY            J.            BUTLER        OCT 1840        1923             Wife of Abel J. Barlow                    
BARLOW      TREAT           B.                          MAR 16 1808     FEB 20 1882      Co A,144th NYS Vol Infantry               
BENEDICT    JULIANA         A.                          OCT 01 1810     1907             Daughter of Thaddeus & Polly Benedict     
BENEDICT    MARCELLUS                                   SEP 03 1816     MAR 16 1817      Son of Thaddeus & Polly Benedict          
BENEDICT    MARIETTE        G.                          APR 27 1820     SEP 17 1849      Daughter of Thaddeus & Polly Benedict     
BENEDICT    ORILLA                                      OCT 25 1812     MAR 29 1813      Daughter of Thaddeus & Polly Benedict     
BENEDICT    POLLY           MARY          HULCE         FEB 27 1786     APR 21 1868      Wife of Thaddeus Benedict                 
BENEDICT    THADDEUS, III                               AUG 13 1831     OCT 05 1831      Son of Thaddeus & Polly Benedict          
BENEDICT    THADDEUS, JR.                               MAY 04 1785     FEB 03 1868                                                
BUTLER      LURANIA                       HULCE         SEP 30 1805     JAN 06 1877      Wife of Samuel Pine Butler                
BUTLER      SAMUEL          PINE                        APR 30 1805     APR 22 1894                                                
DECKER      EZRA                                        1814            1888                                                       
DECKER      SALLY           M.            PINNEY        NOV 30 1821     MAR 20 1896      Wife of Ezra Decker                       
DEMANDER    CHARLES                                            1840     JUN 30 1861         
DICKINSON   GILBERT                                     APR 24 1836      
FULLER      CHARLOTTE                     SLATER        1827            1892             Wife of Hiram B. Fuller                   
FULLER      HIRAM           B.                          1832            1891             Co H, 1st NY Veteran Cavalry              
FULLER      JOHN            LEWIS                       OCT 31 1835     MAY 30 1906      Private Co. L, 137th NYS Vol Infantry     
FULLER      ROSELIA         LOUISE        HULCE         JAN 09 1838     JAN 13 1896      Wife of John L Fuller/Name not on stone   
GREGORY     GEORGE                                             1799     MAR 03 1880
            CYNTHA                                             1802     APR 27 1853      Wife of George Gregory 
HUBBLE      FRANKLIN                                    OCT 15 1820     AUG 08 1860                                                
HULCE       ELI             SILVESTER                   AUG 28 1844     OCT 17 1847      Son of Hiram W. & Sarah A. Hulce          
HULCE       ELIZA           ANN           CURTIS        APR 12 1810     JUL 30 1902      Wife of Martial R. Hulce                  
HULCE       ELIZABETH                     LOWRY         FEB 10 1786     MAR 18 1852      Wife of John Williams Hulce               
HULCE       FRANCIS                                     SEP 09 1838     OCT 02 1838      Son of Martial R. & Eliza C. Hulce        
HULCE       GEORGE          N.                          FEB 07 1842     APR 18 1862      Private Co A, 56th PA Vol Infantry/
                  Son of Abner C. & Catharine Hulce                                
HULCE       HIRAM           WILLIAMS                    JAN 06 1811     MAY 04 1882      Private Co C, 27th NYS Vol Infantry/
                  Son of Abner C. & Catharine Hulce                               
HULCE       JOHN            WILLIAMS, SR.               NOV 25 1781     SEP 15 1862                                                
HULCE       JOHN            WILLIAMS, JR.               FEB 22 1822     MAY 13 1849      Son of John W. & Elizabeth Hulce          
HULCE       LOUISA          J.                          NOV 28 1840     FEB 11 1843      Daughter of Hiram W. & Sarah A. Hulce     
HULCE       MANLIUS         F.                          AUG 20 1835     OCT 10 1864      Private, Co I, 50th NYS Engineers         
HULCE       MARTIAL         ROSEN                       MAR 29 1804     NOV 07 1896                                                
HULCE       MARTIAL         CURTIS                      APR 08 1844     DEC 08 1864      Son of Martial R. & Eliza C. Hulce        
HULCE       PENINAH                       HOTCHKISS     FEB 01 1782     JAN 19 1841      Wife of Silvester Hulce                   
HULCE       SALLY                         PLUMMER       JUN 13 1780     APR 27 1859      Wife of Samuel H. Hulce                   
HULCE       SAMUEL          H.                          MAY 13 1812     OCT 10 1853                                                
HULCE       SARAH           A             DOWNS         1819            JUL 02 1890      Wife of Hiram W Hulce/Name not on stone   
HULCE       SILVESTER                                   "OCT 27, 1774"  MAR 03 1852                                                
HULCE       SILVESTER       DOUGLAS                     APR 05 1817     JUN 02 1861                                                
HULCE       WILLIAM         DELOS                       AUG 30 1847     FEB 05 1864      Son of Hiram W. & Sarah A. Hulce          
LODER       MARTHA          ELIZABETH     WHITAKER      NOV 20 1851     FEB 29 1892      Wife of William L. Loder, Sr.             
LODER       WILLIAM         L.                          JAN 12 1848     APR 14 1930      Co H, 1st NY Veteran Cavalry              
LUSCOMB     JOHN                                        1810            MAY 1875                                                   
LUSCOMB     POLLY                         PINNEY        JAN 07 1816     1866             Wife of John Luscomb, Sr.                 
MERRILL     ALMERON         PATTERSON                   MAR 14 1816     JUN 03 1900      Baptist Minister for over 44 years        
MERRILL     ELLEN           DOUGLAS       HULCE         JAN 12 1822                      Wife of 1) Warren Butler 2) Henry Merrill 
MERRILL     HENRY                                       SEP 10 1805     MAR 06 1880      Deacon of Baptist Church                  
MERRILL     JANE            ELIZABETH     HULCE         AUG 20 1820     DEC 18 1880      Wife of Rev. A. P. Merrill                
PETERS      ALMIRA                        HULCE         JUN 09 1808     MAY 20 1883      Wife of Henry Peters                      
PETERS      HENRY                                       DEC 14 1806     APR 16 1888      Deacon of Baptist Church                  
PETERS      WILLIAM         R.                          1843            1876             Son of Henry & Almira Peters              
PIERCE      LOVINA                        WHITAKER      JUL 18 1837     JUL 28 1892      Wife of Marshall Pierce                   
PIERCE      MARSHALL                                    1831            1890                                                       
PINNEY,     LEVI            TUCKER                      MAR 27 1827     DEC 28 1911                                                
PINNEY,     SARAH           ELIZABETH     BANKS         1839            1895             Wife of Levi T. Pinney                    
WHITAKER    ABIGAIL         D.            HULCE         APR 03 1814     MAY 15 1853      Wife of Benjamin Whitaker, Jr.            
WHITAKER    ADDIE           B.            BENTON        1851            APR 01 1887      Wife of Charles S. Whitaker               
WHITAKER    ALLEN           WEST                        DEC 07 1847     SEP 11 1855      Son of Benjamin & Clarissa Whitaker       
WHITAKER    BENJAMIN, JR.                               SEP 04 1814     DEC 23 1896                                                
WHITAKER    BENJAMIN, SR.                                                
WHITAKER    CATHERINE                     WEAVER        AUG 02 1774     JAN 26 1852      Wife of John Whitaker                     
WHITAKER    CHARLES         S.                          SEP 15 1849     MAY 01 1925                                                
WHITAKER    CLARISSA        M.            HULCE         MAY 17 1815     DEC 21 1864      Wife of Joseph Whitaker                   
WHITAKER    DORCAS                        GARDINIER     JUL 14 1816     SEP 03 1893      Wife of Stephen F. Whitaker               
WHITAKER    ELLA            M.            BLISH         1855            JUL 24 1895      Wife of Charles S. Whitaker               
WHITAKER    EMELINE                       AXTELL        MAR 02 1844     JUL 17 1884      Wife of Milton D. Whitaker                
WHITAKER    ESTHER          C.            MUNSON        1859            1946             Wife of Milton D. Whitaker                
WHITAKER    EUNICE                        HINES                                          1st Wife of Benjamin Whitaker, Sr.        
WHITAKER    FRANCES                       BURROWS       SEP 07 1847     1935             Wife of 1) W. W. Main 
              2) Charles S. Whitaker there is also a marker for her in Oakwood Cemetery     
WHITAKER    FRANCIS         B.                          JUL 7 1848      JUN 07 1903                                                
WHITAKER    HELEN           A.            BRIGGS        MAY 06 1845     APR 07 1888      Wife of Rev. Thomas J. Whitaker           
WHITAKER    HULDASS                                     1776            OCT 1859         2nd Wife of Benjamin Whitaker, Sr.        
WHITAKER    JOHN                                        AUG 14 1773     AUG 01 1868                                                
WHITAKER    JOSEPH          E.                          NOV 17 1818     AUG 13 1858                                                
WHITAKER    MILTON          DANIEL                      APR 14 1841     MAR 17 1934      Corporal Co E, 109th NYS Vol Infantry     
WHITAKER    STEPHEN         FRANCKE                     AUG 24 1814     JAN 24 1899                                                
WHITAKER    THOMAS          JEFFERSON                   JUN 12 1844     OCT 31 1921      Private Co E, 109th NYS Vol Infantry    

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger