Delaware County NY Genealogy and History SiteWelcome Page of the Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site . . . | . . . Table of Contents Page . . . | . . . Contact Site Manager
by Mrs. Hester Lane Miles, February 26, 1999 The following pages were written by Mrs. Miles between 1887 and 1892. It was given to Mrs. Rena Brundege Chamberlin who in turn gave it to Mrs. Eunice A. Love in 1962. Permission to use online given by Pat Conklin of Deposit. Electronic text submitted by Linda Ogborn About ten years after the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia, an enterprising young man JESSE DICKINSON, who had seen the fine masts that were floated down the Delaware, purchased a large tract of land of COLONEL BRADSTREET and came up the river to locate on the same. Prior to this there were settlements at Milford and below on the Delaware, and the same year SQUIRE WHITAKER, RICHARD JONES TRAIR'S and SANDS settled near. DICKINSON found the country thickly covered with stately pines. He was so pleased with his new purchase, he laid out a city that was to bear his name, DICKINSON CITY. He returned to Philadelphia for means to carry out his plan and the men who were charmed with his account of the New Country and all other needed articles to begin a city in the wilderness was brought up the river in Durham boats. He built a large gristmill which is now standing having been improved as the demand required and is still a valuable piece of property. He also build a hotel of square timber - it had a large arched room which he styled the "City Hall" and sometimes called the Theater, in which all public meetings were held, for many years it was also used as a schoolhouse. There are persons now living who attended school there. The "City Hall" stood near the bank of the river where the Trout Creek flows into the Delaware. JESSE DICKINSON lived and toiled in this new city, built mills, laid out roads and it is said run the first raft out of the West Branch of the Delaware. But he failed in business and in nine years he sold a part of his tract of land to WAIT CANNON, who came from Sharon, Connecticut in 1796. With JAMES DICKINSON came JAMES LEONARD and wife form New Jersey. They settled on the East side of the river about three fourths of a mile below the "City" and the place has been in the possession of their descendants until a year or two ago. They had two sons, SIDNEY and DAYTON and several daughters, DIADEMA, HULDAH, NANCY, and JEMIMA. SIDNEY LEONARD married MIRIAM HOAG from the town of Windsor, who had emigrated from Columbia Co. They had a large family of children and both lived to a great age. Their children were HIRAM, EZRA, JAMES, MARCUS, SUSAN, RACHAEL and SIDNEY. MARCUS is living at this writing. DAYTON LEONARD died young and unmarried. DIADEMA married OLIVER STOORS; they lived on the farm adjoining the LEONARD farm now owned by SHEPARD SMITH. Their children were WICKLIFFE, DIANA, LEROY, OLIVER, NANCY, CHAUNCY, HULDA and ELIZABETH. Many of their descendants are still living. One of the daughters of JAMES LEONARD married _________LOWRY, who came here from Connecticut about 1790; he first settled on Sands Creed on the farm now owned by BENJAMIN HATHAWAY. They had 13 childre, 11 lived to grow up. The oldest was born in 1794. He afterwards lived in several places in town. He was a worker in wood - not only built the MARTIN LANE house and the hotel in Cannonsville, but until quite aged worked at making chairs, tables, wheels and reels many of which are town. Along with JESSE DICKINSON came other men from Philadelphia who were lumber dealers. One named STEFERS owned the farms long known as the HATHAWAY and CRAWFORD farms. They built a mill on the flat near where their lumber was sawed. The fall in the water was so small that the mill did not cut lumber very fast - it received the name of "SLOW AND EASY MILL". MAJOR JACOB HATHAWAY was born at Morristown, New Jersey. He came with JESSE DICKINSON to the Pine fields and married LYDIA LOWRY. ALEX CRAWFORD, a native of Ireland, came about the same time. His wife died. He married for his second wife, BEULAH LOWRY. The two brothers-in-law lived in a double plank house on the JOHN STYLES property near where the farn of Mr.-------. They had large families. Most of the children being born in the double house. The JACOB HATHAWAY (LYDIA LOWRY) children were: ROBERT, the eldest died down the river while young. NANCY & SALLY died unmarried; LYDIA married EZEKIEL WEST; HARRIED married THADEIUS INGALS; JACOB married BETSEY GILLETT; BENJAMIN married BETSEY CLOSE; BENJAMIN'S second wife was SYBIL BLAKE; ABBY married BENJAMIN HAWLEY; JOSIAH died unmarried; ELIZABETH married RICHARD HATHAWAY; ROBERT (the 2nd) went to Sands and married there. ALEX CRAWFORD'S children by the 2nd wife, BEULAH LOWRY were: ANN CRAWFORD married MR. BAKER; JOHN and ANDREW died unmarried; ALEX WOODBECK married ANN CASE, 1ST wife; OLIVE BULLOCK, 2nd wife and CATHERINE HENDERSON was his 3rd wife. ESTHER WOODBECK married MR. ROOT; RUTH WOODBECK married JOHN WEBSTER and NELSON WOODBECK married JOANNA OWENS. These men, HATHAWAY and CRAWFORD worked hard, got out lumber and run to Philadelphia but never owned a home. Their sons after their deaths, bought the soil and obtained the deeds. There are many persons living in town descendants of these pioneers. About the time of the building of the SLOW AND EASY MILL. There was another mill built 1 1/2 miles above the "City". The dam across the river which turned the water to run the mill was just below the fording place and to this day there are planks in the bottom of the river fastened in the flume. (Note states The old Terry-Vanderlip place). The mill was very swift and was called "THE SPEEDWELL", and the mill gave the name to the mountain west of it. It is not known who built the mill, but JACOB SWEEP of Philadelphia was one of the men who run it. SPEEDWELL was heavily timbered with pine, but the mill being so lively, the land was soon cleared and the eastern side was sowed with rye much of which was distilled into whiskey. Making lumber for the Philadelphians to build with and whiskey for the lumbermen to drink while getting the lumber seemed to be the chief employment of the early settlers. There were two small framed houses near the SPEEDWELL MILL. In one of which lived JAMES VAIL and also the sons of JOHN OWENS, SR. EBEN and AARON owned property. In the house nearest the "City" lived MR. MOSSMAN and after him a family by the name of ROBERTS. There were three sons in the family, one of whom learned the printers trade and was connected with the DELAWARE GAZETTE in its first publication. AARON and EBEN OWENS owned the property until sold to MARTIN LANE, somewhere between the years 1806-1810. The property was owned by MARTIN LANE and heirs, until sold to BENJAMIN LANE, his brother and owned in the LANE family until 1855. In 1787, ANDREW CRAIG and his family came overland from Rhode Island to Delaware River and came up the river in Durham boats. His family consisted of a wife and three daughters, a son and a nephew of his wife. He settled on the farm now owned by HARRY WARNER and built the house in which MR. WARNER lives. It was built of the best pine lumber, was considered a grand house and hotel nearly a hundred years ago. ANDREW CRAIG, SR. died in 1833 aged 104, his wife died in 1835 aged 94. Of their children, POLLY married a MR. ORR, lived near her father. ROBERT, who lived in the west; MARY married OBIDIAH SANDS. He made his start on the place now owned by LYMAN PALMER and the farm below and afterwards lived at the head of Johnny Brook. They moved west years ago. ROBERT married JANE EDICK, daughter of CONRAD EDICK, had one son, ROBERT, who lives in Indiana. NANCY CRAIG married JOHN DAY - they lived on the East side of the river opposite the CRAIG farm. They had three sons, CHARLES, ANDREW and JAMES, two of whom are living and two daughters. They have many descendants, some in Walton and others in Western states. SALLY CRAIG married MARTIN LANE about 1792. SAMUEL LANE came here from New Port, New Hampshire. He was a young man and started out to make his fortune and thought the Pine Groves of Pinefield was the place to do it. He engaged in lumbering with ISAAC GILLETT and others, along the river between the CRAIG place and Stiles Settlement. They build a mill not far from the place where FLETCHER PALMERS mill now stands, known as the "Federal Mill". Some said because the owners were Federals, others because they formed a confederation in owning the property. In May 1894, MARTIN LANE, about 17 years of age and JAMES KELSEY, a young man from the same school district, started from New Port, New Hampshire for the New Country or "Out West". They came a foot and drove a pair of oxen that MARTIN'S father sent out to his son, SAMUEL. They came to Pinefield and immediately went into lumbering. MR. JAMES KELSEY and MARTIN LANE were partners in the Federal Mill and they built little houses on what was long known as KELSEY FLAT. MARTIN LANE married SALLY CRAIG. They lived a number of years at the flat when he bought the farm 1 1/2 miles above the village, of AARON and EVAN OWENS. They had a large family of children, seven of whom grew up: SUSAN, JESSEE, SARAH, AZELIA, ABBY, MIRANDA and NANCY. MARTIN built a large and expensive house in 1812 or 1813. M. LOWRY and ELIPHALET THOMPSON
MARTIN LANE although young when he came here, had the advantage of a good education, had been a clerk in a store, took quite a prominent part in the affairs of the town, was Justice of the Peace, one of the Trustees of the first school house in Cannonsville, that was built for a school building, Church purposes and for all public meetings, it stood where the Baptist Church now stands. The land was donated by BENJAMIN CANNON, SR. to be theirs as long as used for school purposes and then revert to his heirs. BENJAMIN CANNON bought the old buildings when a new school house was built and sold the building and land to the Baptist Society. MARTIN LANE also owned a part or whole of a distillery. He went to Lanesboro and helped to build up that place which took its name from him - died in 1824 aged 47. He left considerable property to his son and 6 daughters. SUSAN married GEORGE KIRK, died in 1884 aged 86. JESSE, the son , was well advanced in years when he married a widow lady of Philadelphia, they had 4 children, was paralyzed for many years, died a few years ago in Wilmington, Delaware. SARAH married NATHAN WILLARD, lived in Jackson, PA. AZELIA died unmarried. ABBY is a widow living at Skinners Eddy, PA. She had two children. MIRANDA married HENRY HERRINGTON lived in Winona, Minnesota. NANCY married A.B. HALE, been dead for many years. Some of the young men who came up to Pineville did not get rich. SAMUEL LANE was one; he worked, ran lumber down the river, and run in debt. Went out farther west into the region of the lakes, got the fever and ague ahd to be helped home to his fathers. After awhile he regained his health and married, he was never successful and died quite a young man. It is said on year he started with a raft for Philadelphia, ran down to DERRICK EATONS, now known as Delaware Station, when the raft froze in the river and he had to stay all winter to take care of his property, so he taught school to pass the time and pay expenses. The mode of traveling at that time was on horseback, on account of the badness of the roads and the scarcity of wagons. One time when MARTIN LANE went back to New Hampshire, his sister returned with him they each had a good horse and were 5 days on the road. All their baggage was carried in (unreadable). The sister, MARY LANE, was a teacher and taught school a year or two and then returned home. JAMES KELSEY who came from Newport, New Hampshire with MARTIN LANE married AVIS HOAG whose parents had immigrated from Columbia County, New York to Windsor. They had quite a large family: ROSWELL, MARIAN, MAHITABLE, DAYTON, JONAS, MARTIN C. and ENOS. His first wife died years ago and for his second wife he married a lady from Philadelphia. They had three children: MICHAEL, ELIZA and JOHN B. MR. KELSEY, called UNCLE JOHNNY, died many years ago, but AUNT MARY, his last wife, died recently. He has many descendants in this vicinity. JAMES KELSEY'S children are: ROSWELL married HANNAH SMITH; MARIAM married ABNER SMITH; MAHITABLE married HORACE WALKER; DAYTON married EUNICE WALKER; JAMES, JR. married BETSEY WEBB; MARTIN C. married NANCY STORES. JAMES KELSEY'S first wife was AVIS HOAG. His second wife was LYDIA AXTELL, a grand daughter of ALEX CRAWFORD, SR. Children with second wife were: ENOS married ELIZABETH STORES; ELIZA married WILSON OWENS; MICHAEL married PHOEBE GALEUSHA. JOHN married SARAH CANNON, a daughter of TRACY CANNON for his first wife and MRS. MARTHA SMITH, daughter of OLIVER HUNTINGTON, his second wife. Early in the settlement of the Country, JOSEPH WEBB and his wife settled on the North side of the river opposite KELSEY FLATS on the farm now owned by STEPHEN WICKES. They had several children, NATHANIEL, ALFORD, DAVID, JOSEPH, ELEANOR, HARRIET and BETSEY. NATHANIEL, a soldier of 1812 and was a Captain, he never married; ALFORD married THYRSA STILES had quite a family, soldier of war of 1812; DAVID wnet down the river, married and settled there; ELEANOR married S. WALTERS as his 2nd wife. After his death she married a MR. RIDER of Masonville; HARRIET married NOWEL EVANS as his 2nd wife, had a large family. She is now living but very aged and feeble; BETSEY married JAMES KELSEY and they had 3 children. After the death of his family, ALFORD lived on the old homestead for several years. He finally sold and went to Stiles Settlement where he lived several years before his death. There is a tradition that the first raft run to Philadelphia, PA on the Delaware River was run by DAVID SKINNER about the year 1764 soon after he run another larger one on which JONAS PARKS went as forehand in consequence of their success in navigating the first raft. DAVID SKINNER was constituted LORD HIGH ADMIRAL of all the raftsman on the waters of the Delaware. JONAS PARKS, Boatswain, the honorary titles they retained all their lives. JONAS PARKS gave up the river and settled near Parks Cove on the farm now owned by Attorney JOSEPH B. WADE, recently known as the DAVID TAYLOR place. JONAS had four children, HELEN, LUCY, SOLOMON and WILLIAM. HELEN married JOHN FRAZIER, a Scotsman; LUCY is still living in Iowa is over 90 years old; SOLOMON died in the West where he went with his sisters; WILLIAM married NANCY BROWN, he was many years a Jeweler and Goldsmith in Deposit, NY. JONAS PARKS' wife died in Deposit, they lived several years with their children. He was not only a lumberman but also a hunter which trades were often combined and which several of his grandsons have inherited. There is a story that he had a deer lick on the hillside not far from his farm. One night when he had been out and salted it and was returning home he thought he heard something breathing behind him, he had heard that deer would sometimes follow men and having his gun with him he turned and shot in the direction of the sound. Going to the place the next morning he found he had shot a large panther. It appears that a man named IRA GEER had a grant or otherwise obtained much of the land near and around Carpenter's Eddy. In 1800 JOHN ALVERSON purchased of him the land now occupied by his son DANIEL N. ALVERSON and PETER GREGORY, long known as the ALVERSON place. A few years prior to this WILLIAM and JOHN FRAZIER, Scotsmen, built a house on the opposite side of the river where FRANK LOVELACE now lives. JOHN ALVERSON married JANE FRAZIER, a sister of JOHN and WILLIAM. They had several children: MARY ANN, ABBY, JOHN, WILLIAM, DANIEL, HARRIET, JANE, ESTHER and ELIZA. JOHN FRAZIER married HELEN PARKS. They settled on the farm below ALVERSONS. They had several children: MARTHY, JONAS, FRANK, LUCY, ALMOND, GEORGE, RACHEL, ALANSON and HELEN. The family, except FRANK and JONAS, who still live in this town, went to Illinois forty years ago. The FRAZIER'S and ALVERSON'S were noted hunters of bear, wolves and deer. JOHN ALVERSON and JOHN FRAZIER were soldiers in the War of 1812. JERRY ALVERSON, a brother of JOHN married POLLY DURFEE, a daughter of JAMES DURFEE and lived not far from Carpenter's Eddy. Some of their children are living in this vicinity, not far from the settlement of the FRAZIER'S on the East side of the river opposite the ALVERSON place. JOHN OWENS of Welsh descent, built a house and lived on the East side of the river near Owens Rock, a rock i the river which took its name from OWENS. He was attracted to this country by the game abounding there. He had sons, JOHN, HERMAN, EBEN and AARON and several daughters, one of whom married a man named FENTON and REUBEN E. FENTON, once Governor of New York State also U.S. Senator was her son. JOHN OLIVER'S son moved to the farm now owned by BENJAMIN HATHAWAY. JOHN STAFFORD, an Irishman, made the first settlement on the place. JOHN OWENS, 2nd, the son, lived there for several years. There, WILLIAM K. OWENS was born. AARON and EBEN OWENS, at one time, owned the Speedwell farm which they sold to MARTIN LANE, early in the century. EBEN, his father and sister, went west and lived in what is Alleghany County. The old gentleman lived to be over 100 years. JOHN OWENS, 2nd, had quite a large family: AMHERST, WILLIAM K., ABBY, EBEN G., OLIVE and NANCY. HERMAN'S children were: ALMIRA, WILSON, ANGELA, NELSON, MARTHA, OLIVE and MARY. ABRAM'S children were: LEWIS, EVANS, SILVA and MAHITABLE. When WILLIAM K. OWENS was three years old his father moved to the City Hall of DICKENSONS and kept store for several years. Then moved to the farm below the one he left both are now included in the BENJAMIN HATHAWAY farm. About the year 1797, CALVEN CHAMBERLIN, came from Brattleboro, Vermont and settled on the farm now owned by his grandson JOHN C. CHAMBERLIN. Three brothers, JOSEPH, ELIPHLET and -------. JOSEPH settle on the farm below ELIPHALET, at Pineville (Trout Creek). JOSEPH lived but a few years. He is buried in Cannonsville Cemetery. The family moved to Shelby County, Illinois Bible record of Chamberlin's:
CALVIN CHAMBERLIN born in Brattleboro, Vermont, Mar. 1, 1773, died Jan. 31, 1853. It was reported the first Sunday school was held in CHAMBERLIN'S house and after it was over he read the newspaper to them. CALVIN was a member of the underground route for slaves, both wives were teachers and BENJAMIN JUDD, his father-in-law was a minister. The farm between JOSEPH and ELIPHALET CHAMBERLIN was settled by JAMES GALLEY from Ireland. He had two sons, JAMES and JOHN. JAMES lived on the place, died in 1873. The farm now owned by L. B. PALMER and the one below it was cleared by OBIDIAH SANDS WORKING under JUDGE PINE of Walton about 1810. JOHN CARPENTER and DANIEL G. FRISBEE bought these and for many years carried on lumbering. The mill at the Eddy was known as Carpenter's Mill. MR. CARPENTER had a large family of children: ARTEMUS, POLLY, CHESTER, LUCY, DANIEL, BERSHA, JAMES and SALLY. L.B. PALMER'S first wife was LUCY, he bought out the other heirs. JOHN CARPENTER kept a tavern for many years catering to lumberman. He died suddenly of hemorage of the stomach in 1837. The farm where MARTIN LOVE lives (JOHN LOVE'S son) was first started by ROBERT GRANT, he was a Scotch descent, a very willy man, a fiddler, a hunter and lumberman. He married FANNY KIRK and had two sons JAMES and GEORGE. Like too many of his time whiskey was the hindering cause to prosperity and he died in 1857 over 80 years old. AUNT FANNY was a very nice seamstress and tailoress. She lived to be 88 years old and died Feb. 9, 1881. The land for some distance above the mouth of Dryden -on the river- was settled by JOSEPH ADAMS. His son lived there many years and the farm is now occupied by ASA GRANT, having been lived on previously by JOHN WEBSTER, NATHAN S. BOYD 9ERASTUS BOOTH). Where WILLIAM BRAZEE and CAROLINE LOVE lived was settled by MR. PLATT of New England. On the east side of the river from Carpenters Eddy opposite the mouth of Dryden Brook was settled by DR. COMPTON. It was long the home of SAMUEL LOVE and family who came to this country from Ireland, more than 60 years ago 1817, they had a large family: SARAH, MARGARET, HANNAH, JOHN, CATHERINE, RICHARD, ANN, ELIZA and CAROLINE. RICHARD LOVE, the son, lived many years on the place after the death of his father until he sold to JAMES D. BRUNDEGE in 1871 and went to Beloit, Wisconsin. The farm next below was settled by WIDOW KIRK and children, of Irish descent they came from Argyle, New York. The widow married JACOB AYRES and moved to the Susquehanna. KIRK children were JOHN, JAMES, FANNY, JANE, GEORGE, WILLIAM, ROBERT, RACHEL and BETSEY. The JERRY GREGORY place was first settled by a man named WALKER, he had sons JOHN who married MISS STILES. HORACE married MEHITABLE KELSEY besides others. His first wife is buried in the cemetery at Carpenter's Eddy. The JOSIAH GREGORY place was first settled by JONAH WICKS. The SQUARES place settled by MR. MILLER who moved here from New Berlin about 1800, his son ABRAM G. MILLER married PERSIS CANNON and spent most of his life in our "City" and lived to be very aged. The farms of QUACKENBUSH and OWENS on the east side at the foot of Lowry Hollow was settled by M. LOWRY. He made a start there not long after 1800, several of his children were born there-among them JAMES D. born in 1808. SILAS UNDERWOOD lived there several years, went to Iowa in 1854. He sold to a ALFONZO WINTERS, before 1800. SILAS UNDERWOOD came from Connecticut. He settled on the hillside on the east side of the river opposite of UNDERWOOD'S ISLAND. They had a large family and have many grandchildren in this vincinty:
ETHAN who married WIDOW SEYMOUR Old MR. UNDERWOOD was a Revolutionary Veteran and died in 1848. WILLIAM SEYMOUR married DOLLY LORD. They lived on the place which has been in the possession of their family ever since known as the WILLET SEYMOUR place. They had a large family of children: WILLETT, LEWIS, WILLIAM, SYLVIA, CHIDSEY, GEORGE, EZEKIEL, ROSWELL and CHARLES. WILLETT SEYMOUR has lived on the same place more than 55 years and has a large family: AMANDA, ALONZO, GILBERT, WASHINGTON, ERASTUS, CHARLES, WILLET, JR., FLORENCE and RECTOR. In 1796 WAIT CANNON came from Sharon, Conn. And purchase the tract of land of JESSE DICKINSON, he returned for his bride and she came all the way on horseback to this dreary wilderness, the roads being nothing more than an Indian Trail and blazed trees marked the way. WAIT CANNON put up the house where SAMUEL HATHAWAY now lives and made the start of a farm there and died in 1804 of Quinsy, leaving a wife and three children, WHIT, ELIZA and PERSIS. WAIT married SARAH JONES and he had a large family of children. For many years he was Post Master and only merchant in Masonville. Afterwards he lived in Wilkes Barre, Penn. ELIZA died young; PERSIS married ABRAM G. MILLER. She left two daughters the oldest HARRIET married O.W. SMITH, Esq of Delhi. HELEN, the youngest, married WILLIAM MARSHALL. The widow of WAIT CANNON lived a widow till 1813 when she married BENJAMIN CANNON a cousin of her first husband and had three children; BENJAMIN, ELIZA and GEORGE B. Cannonsville takes it name from BENJAMIN CANNON. He was the first Post Master at the "City". Previous to that time the Post Office was at Teedville and was named Pinefield. Teedville (now Trout Creek) being on the old Esopus Turnpike which runs over all the hills possible between Kingston and Ithaca. BENJAMIN CANNON, JR. married ANNA MILLER, a daughter of EPAPHRAS MILLER of Oxford. Their children living are: ROBERT M., ELIZABETH B. and CHARLES B. ELIZA CANNON married ERASTUS EDGERTON, a native of Franklin. He is a wealthy banker of St. Paul, Minn. GEORGE B. married ANN ELIZA WHITE of Franklin and they have two sons one of whom, HENRY W., was comptroller of currency of the U.S. GEORGE has lived in New York City many years. GEORGE CANNON lived at the home farm until 1849. BENJAMIN CANNON was three terms County Clerk for Delaware County. He lived in C'ville-was many years Justice of the Peace. He built the house and laid out the beautiful grounds at Chestnut Point, now owned by E.B. OWENS, he moved to Oxford in 1874 and did not live many years. ROBERT married ANTOINETTE, daughter of COL. G.D. WHEELER of Deposit. ELIZABETH married ROBERT W. ARCHIBALD of Scranton, Pa., very early in the settlement of this Co. The Esopus Turnpike was built extending from Kingston, Ulster Co. to Ithaca which was then in the County of Tryone. It passed from Walton to Teedville thence to Masonville. It was a stage route and Teedville was the first Post Office in the Town of Tompkins, it was called Pinefield. JOHN and SAMUEL TEED settled at Teedville now known as Trout Creek. Among the early settlers were JACKSON PETER HUYCK who came from Kinderhook, Columbia Co. He had a very large family of children - was a very active member of the Presbyterian Church, Cannonsville for many years, often riding down on horseback to attend prayer meetings during the week. Also other settlers were STEPHEN BULLOCK and ANDREW HUYCK. The BRODTS , of German descent, and JOHN OSTROM came from the eastern part of New York. JOHN OSTROM'S wife was CATHERINE BRODT, they had 4 sons and a daughter; JOHN, HARRY, DANIEL, THOMAS and JANE. JANE married OBIDIAH SPRAGUE and they have many descendants now living. JOHN OSTROM kept a tavern on the place now owned by MR. SOULS. In the early days, PETER BREWER lived there, he had one son a daughter MARIA who married JOSEPH WINTERS. ELIZA married ANDREW SMITH. KATE married DAVID ST. JOHN and lived on the farm now owned by JOHN CRANSTON. OLIVER HALE built a house and lived there. He came from Boston, Mass. And had three wives. He first came to Hale's Eddy which was named after him, then he lived opposite the Federal Mill which was long known as the GILLETT farm. His first wife children were BETSEY who married CAPT. ISAAC GILLETT. DORCAS married SAMUEL ADAMS and SALLY married JOSHUA DEAN. The second wife's children JOSEPH moved to Iowa and died there. SOPHIA married MR. AUSTIN lived in Easton, Pa. LUCY married A. HARRINGTON and later JOHN ROSE. She died about two years ago, aged 95. Third wife OLIVER HALE'S last wife, was a widow and she had been twice married. Her name was PAMELIA WARREN of Norwalk, Conn. Children were: CYNTHIA, born 1797 married JOSIAH FREEMARK. OLIVER, TIMOTHY, ORLANDO, ORVILLE and EMALINE. The sons moved out west and some were very successful as land speculators. EMALINE married EPHRAIM BEERS. The PECKS, ADMAS and ROODS came to Trout Creek many years ago. Near the mouth of Dry Brook, JOHN MAGEE built a house and mill. He came to this country when a boy with ANDREW CRAIG, he had a large family who went west to Michigan about 50 years ago. JOHN MAGEE died down the river. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church for many years. ELISHA TILLOTSON and his large family moved to the place now owned by WILLIAM CLOSE from Otsego Co. and lived there many years, until the parents died and the children went west to Iowa. JOSEPH CANNON settled the farm long known as the FLETCHER farm, he was one of the first settlers. ABRAM OGDEN built the house where ROBERT KIPP now lives. MOSES L. OGDEN lived there many years, also JOHN WEBSTER. The farm owned by HENRY AUSTIN was begun by THOMAS CUNNINGHAM who married RUTH LOWRY. He went west many years ago. DAVID MAPLES had a distillery there on the farm. Welcome Page of the Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site . . . | . . . 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