Compiled by D. T. Williams, Union Grove, N. Y. Dated. Union Grove. Sept.
14. 1946
Text scanned for this website by Ray LaFever, December 13, 2002
These were inserted into the Bovina Families notes created by Fletcher Davidson. The note handwritten across the top read "Property of Mrs. Wm. J. Storie, Bovina Ctr, NY (Mrs. Storie was Mr. Davidson's sister). It also says that James Rutherford was the son of John Rutherford and Elizabeth Scott born near Jedborough, Scotland.
James Rutherford, born in Scotland in 1774 came to America and in the
year about 1800 married Jennett Tompson, born 1791, and they settled in town of Bovina, Delaware County. To them were born 8 children, John M. Walter, Isabella, Jennet, James, William, Robert and Christiana. He died 1870. She died 1902, both in Delaware Co. He was one of Bovina's very first settlers.
John M. Rutherford family.
John M. Rutherford, born 1810, married Mary Jane DuMond, born 1820. They resided at Roxbury. To them were born 2 sons James D. John T. She died at Roxbury; he died at Roxbury 1892.
James D. Rutherford born 1843, married Addie Stratton 1864; children
none. He died at Roxbury about 1875; she died at Roxbury 1933.
John T. Rutherford, born 1849, married Anna Decker. He died at Roxbury
1879. She died at Roxbury 1881. Children none
Walter Rutherford family.
Walter Rutherford, wife's name unknown, children 2, Jennett and Walter.
He died at time of gold rush while on the Pacific Ocean, wife's death-no record.
Jennett Rutherford married George Forsythe. Children none. She died in
Franklin about 1920. He died in Franklin in 1940.
Walter Rutherford died when very young.
Isabella Rutherford did not marry. Date of death unknown.
Jennett Rutherford did not marry. Date of death unknown.
James Rutherford family.
James Rutherford was born 1818. He married Mary A. McPherson who was born in 1820. To them were born 5 children, Thompson, Alexander, Walter, Eliza A., Jeanette. She died at Franklin in 1902. He died at Franklin in 1906
Tompson Rutherford died single at Franklin in 1869, aged 21
Alexander Rutherford died single at Franklin 1864, age 12.
Walter Rutherford born 1850, married Ella Fletcher 1882, children 2,
Jeannette and Ella May. She died at Sidney Center in 1887. He re-married to Jennie Severt 1892. Children none. She died at Binghamton 1894. He remarried to Cora Whitney 1895. Children 2, Donald, Rosalind. He died at Kinderhook, N. Y. 1936. She resides at Kinderhook, N. Y.
Jeannette Rutherford married Orrie A. Shaw in 1923, children none. They
reside at Franklin, N. Y.
Ella May Rutherford died single at Sidney Center 1887.
Donald Rutherford resides single Kinderhook, N. Y
Rosalind Rutherford married Robert P. Atkinson in 1943. Children, one,
Roberta S. They all reside at Kinderhook, N. Y.
Eliza A. Rutherford, married Adam Rutherford 1909; children none. He
died at Franklin 1926. She died at Franklin 1940. She was born 1857
Jeannette Rutherford, born 1861, died single at Franklin 1884.
William Rutherford, married Rachel White, children none, he died 1885; no
record of her death
Robert Rutherford Family
Robert Rutherford married Hannah White in 1847. Children 9. Isabella,
Scott, John T., Rachel, William Watson, Robert, Milton, Jannett. She
died at Meredith 1872. He remarried to Jane Gauley about 1880. Children
1. Matilda. She died at Granton 1898, he died at Granton 1908.
Anna Isabella Rutherford married Adelbert Hotaling 1868. Children 3,
George W., Blanche B., Allie M., he died at Sidney 1907. She died at
Northville, Mich. 1921.
George W. Hotaling, married Minnie French 1895; children 2, Ward, Alvin.
He died at Northville, Michigan, in 1930. She remarried to Fred Blowers.
They reside at Alden.
Ward Hotaling, no record. Alvin Hotahing, no record.
Blanche B. Hotaling married Fred Moffitt 1909, children 2, Leona, Jack;
they live at Northville, Mich.
Leona Moffitt, no record. Jack Moffitt, no record.
Allie M. Hotaling married Will Butler 1891, children, 2, Leon, Ford. She
died at Sidney 1902. He no record.
Leon Butler, no record.
Ford Butler, no record.
Scott Rutherford married Anna Ziegler, 1880, children 1, Maude. He died
1905. She remarried to Fred Taylor; they live at Lansing, Mich.
Maud Rutherford married Alonzo Haggitt 1904. Children 1, Aravilla. They
reside at 438 East Genesee St. Flint 5, Michigan
Aravilla Haggitt married James Barclay in 1927; children 2, Sally L. and
Alonzo W. They all reside at 3517 Ashman St., Midland, Mich.
John T. Rutherford married Susanna Luckey 1878, children 6, John M. Hugh
L., George T., Agnes M., Susanna J., and Robert M. She died at Walton
1913. He died at Walton 1922.
John Milton Rutherford, married Rose Lawrey in 1914. Children none. He
died at Almonte, Canada, 1937, she died in Ireland 1943.
Hugh L. Rutherford married Agnes Middlemist 1903, children 4, Earl,
Margaret, George, Hugh. He died at Walton 1922. She resides 11 Marvin
Avenue, Walton, N. Y.
Earl Rutherford married Marybelle Terry, 1939. Children 3. Earl, John,
Hugh. They all reside at Prospect Ave. Walton, N. Y.
Margaret Rutherford married James Rinsma, 1942. Children none. They
reside at Walton, N. Y.
George Rutherford married Margaret Stearns 1943. Children 1, Carol Ann.
They reside at 4444 Eastern Ave. Cincinnati, 26, Ohio.
Hugh Rutherford resides single at Walton, N. Y.
George T. Rutherford married Olga Bohlman 1918, children 2, Bessie,
Richard. They reside at Walton, N.Y.
Bessie Rutherford married Eugene Dumond, 1942, children, none. They
reside at Walton, N, Y.
Richard Rutherford resides single at Walton, N. Y.
Agnes Matilda Rutherford married James Chambers 1905. Children 6, David,
Telford, Carlton, Lynn, Mary, Elizabeth. She died at Walton, 1937. He
resides at Walton.
David Chambers married Mary Little, 1935; children 6, James, Madeline,
Shirley, John, Dorothy, Dale. They all reside at Unadilla, N. Y.
Telford Chambers married Beulah VanLoan 1939. Children 1, Carol Agnes.
They all reside at Northfield, N. Y.
Carlton Chambers resides single at Walton, N. Y.
Lynn Chambers married Helen Woehke, 1940; children 4, Lynnetee, Dargyl,
Sharyl, Roger. They all reside at Unadilla, N. Y.
Mary Chambers married Harry Lent 1940, children 2, Keith, Laurence. They
all reside at 1123 South Maple St., Inglewood, Calif.
Elizabeth Chambers married Lloyd Haverly 1942, children 2, Fred, Richard.
They all reside at 79 1/2 Hamlin St., Homer, N. Y.
Susanna Jane Rutherford married Nelson R. Brown 1914; children 4,
Douglas, Dwight, Harold and Lloyd D. They reside at East St. Walton. N.Y.
Douglas Brown married Shirley Brisbin 1948, children none. They reside at
Binghamton, N. Y.
Dwight Brown resides single at Walton, N. Y.
Harold Brown died when an infant at Walton 1915.
Lloyd D. Brown died at Walton 1921.
Robert M. Rutherford married Marion McCall 1909, children. 2, Louise,
Carlton. He died at Jackson Heights, N. Y., 1915. She died at Pepacton, NY 1930.
Louise Rutherford died single at Walton 1932.
Carlton Rutherford married Virginia Hammond 1935. Children 1, Carol Ann.
They all reside at Unadilla, N. Y.
Rachel Rutherford married Elias B. Howland 1875; children 2, Reuben,
Margaret. He died at Walton 1933; she died at Walton 1935.
Reuben Howland married Nellie Pierson 1903, children 4, Alton, Elma,
Catherine, Ruby. He died at Walton 1910. She resides at Walton, Alton
Howland resides at Binghamton, N. Y.
Elma Howland married Ralph J. Kent 1945, children none. They reside at
Walton, N. Y.
Catherine Howland married James Nellis, 1931; children 3, Eleanor,
Nancy, Virginia. They all reside at Walton, N.Y.
Ruby Howland died single at Walton 1931.
Margaret Howland married Arney H. Stevens 1922; children none. They
reside at Walton, N. Y.
William Rutherford died single at Sidney 1895.
Watson Rutherford married Nancy Jane Thomson 1883, children, 8, Lydia,
Mary J., Clara B., Everett, Alexander, Letha, Lizzie, Edith. He died at
Franklin 1921. She resides at West Oneonta, N. Y.
Lydia Rutherford married Alva Oliver 1907, children 4, Agnes, Avis,
Louisa, Kenneth. They reside at 29 Brown St., Norwich, N.Y.
Agnes Oliver married Leroy Partrick 1925, children 5, Margaret, Bety,
Frederick, Barbara, Ruth. They reside at Sidney Center, N. Y.
Avis Oliver married Leroy Boggs in 1934, children none. They reside at
Norwich, N. Y.
Louis Oliver, single, in Army
Kenneth Oliver married Nioma Ganng, 1939, children none, reside at Utica,
N. Y.
Mary J. Rutherford married F. Joe Kegel in 1914; children 3, Harry,
Gladys, Minerva. They reside at 41 West Prospect St. Ilion
Harry Kegel married Doras Turner in 1945; children none. They reside at
Gladys Kegel married George Cristman 1935, children 1, Nancy Jane. They
all reside at Ilion, N.Y.
Minerva Kegel married Jack Miller 1944, children none. They reside in
Clara B. Rutherford married Albert Oliver 1906. children 3, Edith,
Isabel, Harry. They reside at 109 West St., Oneonta, N. Y.
Edith Oliver married Danil Hangerferd in 1925; children 1, Donil. They
reside at 9 Pearl St. Oneonta
Donil Hangerferd, single, in Army
Isabel Oliver married John Davis 1932, children 1, James. They all
reside at Laurens, N. Y.
Harry Oliver married Emma Voorhees 1939. Children none. They reside at
San Francisco, Calif.
Everett Rutherford married Harriet Vanaken 1913; children 2, George,
Dortha. They reside at Franklin.
Geo. Rutherford died at Franklin 1925.
Dortha Rutherford died single at Franklin 1933.
Alexander Rutherford married Eudora Gessell 1925; children 4, Donald,
Raymond, Gladys, Mary Jane. They all reside at Franklin.
Letha Rutherford married Paul Hickling 1915; children 1, Richard. They
reside at South New Berlin.
Richard Hickling resides single in Italy.
Lizzie Rutherford married Hillard Boggs 1912; children 4, Wendell,
Renwick, Nettie, Margaret. They reside at Otego.
Wendell Boggs married Ruth Croford 1934, children 3, Dense, Edward,
Shirley. They all reside at Treadwell.
Renwick Boggs married Doras Marbel 1941; children 2, David, William.
They all reside at Otego.
Nettie Boggs married Marshall Moore 1940; children 1, James. They all
reside at Sidney
Margaret Boggs married David Grage 1940, children none. They reside in
Edith Rutherford married Howard Benson 1924; children none. They reside
at 7 Jay St. Binghamton
Robert Rutherford married Matilda Sherman 1884, children 2, Edna,
Archie; he died at Tread well 1916; she died at Binghamton 1922
Edna Rutherford married Earl Snedaker 1911; children 2, Stanley, Dorthea.
They reside at Binghamton, N. Y., R. F. D.2.
Stanley, Snedaker married Evelyn McCumber 1936; children none. They
reside at Binghamton
Dorthea Snedaker married Raymond Therston in 1939; children 2, Richard,
Jennie. They reside at 154Oak St. Binghamton
Archie Rutherford, wife's name Mae, children none. They reside at 12 1/2
Troy Rd., Schenectady.
Milton Rutherford died single about 1870 in Bovina.
Janett Rutherford married Edward Fuller 1871, children 4, Walter,
Rachel, Charles, Roy. She died at Binghamton 1906, he died at Walton
Walter Fuller married Jessie McEwen 1896, children 4, Janet, Margaret,
Kathryn, Hilda. She died at Walton 1938. He died at Walton 1944
Janet Fuller died at Walton 1916. Margaret Fuller died at Walton 1928.
Kathryn Fuller married Charles Kearsey 1930. Children 1, Michael. They
all reside at Walton.
Hilda Fuller married Ralph Jantzen 1940; children 1, Dawn. They all
reside at Walton
Rachel Fuller married Bertis McCall 1904; children 3, Affie, Roy,
Kenneth. She died at Oneonta 1936. He resides at Delhi
Affie McCall married Frank Hoolihan 1926; children 1. Douglas. They all
reside at Central Islip, L I.
Roy McCall married Mildred Shaw 1930; children none. They reside at 122
Washington Ave. Beacon
Kenneth McCall resides single at Delhi
Charles Fuller died single at Binghamton 1922
Roy Fuller died an infant at Walton about 1880.
Matilda Rutherford resides single at Hamden.
Christiana Rutherford Family.
Christiana Rutherford married Eli Dumond about 1840; children 6, Janett,
Caroline, Margaret, Mary, Myrtle, James A. She died at Cobleskill 1909.
He died, no record.
Janett DuMond married Abel Stilson 1864; children 5, Merton, Una, Mabel,
Anna, Richard. She died at Cobleskill 1818 and he the same year
Merton D. Stilson married Ada M. Larkin 1894, children 2, Katherine,
Fred. They reside at Cobleskill.
Katherine Stilson married Philip Frank 1983; children 2, Fred, Richard.
They all reside at Cobleskill
Fred Stilson died at Fort Ontario, single at Oswego, 1919.
Una Stilson married E. Martin Shay 1907, children none. She died at
Cobleskill 1919. He resides at Cooperstown.
Mabel Stilson married Scott Lake 1902, children 1, Jack. They reside at
153 Ontario St., Providence, R. I.
Jack Lake married Pauline Wetty 1942, children 1, Sandra Diane. They
reside at Providence, R. I.
Anna Stillson married Ernest Brubaker 1905, children none. They reside
at 412 Clinton Ave., Albany.
Richard Stilson married Rose Allard 1925, children none. They reside at
Pittsfield, N. H., Washington House
Caroline Dumond married Levi Secor some time in 1875; children none. She
died at Albany 1922, he died at Oneonta about 1910.
Margaret DuMond married Weaver U. Calkin about 1878. Children none. She
died at Unadilla 1923. He died at Unadilla 1924.
Mary DuMond married Olin Palmer in 1869; children 3, Beulah Blanche.
Cary. She died at Unadilla 1912. He died at Unadilla 1899.
Beulah Palmer married Harvey Beach 1903. children 1. Clyde. She died at
Masonville 1930. He resides at Unadilla.
Clyde Beach married Stella Coinstock 1928, children 2, Winfield and
Willard. They reside at Masonville.
Winfield C. Beach, died at Masonville 1931.
Willard C. Beach resides at Masonville
Blanche Palmer married Archie Fisk 1903, children 5, Letha I., Lewis P.,
Eunice M., Harriet G., Ruth. He died at Wells Bridge 1943. She resides at
Wells Bridge.
Letha I. Fisk married Nelson Hatch 1930, children none. They reside at
Unadilla Center
Lewis P. Fisk married Katherine Boyd 1938; children 1, Lewis. They reside
at Unadilla.
Eunice M. Fisk married Addison DeForest 1934, children 2. Bernard,
Maxine. They all reside at Unadilla.
Harriet G. Fisk married Harold Sisson in 1933, children 2. Del gon,
Vernon. They all reside at Unadilla.
Ruth Fisk resides single at Wells Bridge.
Cary Palmer married Ethel DeForest 1913, children 1. Frances. She died
at Unadilla 1913, he remarried to Myrtle DeForest in 1920, children 2,
Louise C., Addison Cary. He died at Unadilla 1944, she resides at
Frances Palmer married A. Wardell 1933. children 1, Robert. She divorced
him and remarried Jess Horth, 1943, children 1, Ethel Louise. They all
now reside at 190 Main St., Oneonta.
Louise C. Palmer married William Hendrick in 1942; children, 2, John,
Richard. They all reside at Unadilla
Addison Cary Palmer married Irene Matteson in 1942. Children 1, Linda
Mae. They all reside at Unadilla
Myrtle Dumond died unmarried before 1870
James A. DuMond married Nora Delaney about 1880, children 3, Frank,
William, Margaret. He died at Binghamton 1926. She died in 1926 at
Frank DuMond married Hazel Fritz. Children none. She died and he
remarried Nellie Fitch, dates unknown. He died at Binghamton 1940. Her
address unknown.
William DuMond married FlorenceScott in 1915. Children 1, Frederick James.
He died at Binghamton about 1935; her address unknown Frederick James
DuMond, whereabouts unknown.
Margaret or Marguerite DuMond married George Waters 1922, children 3,
Joe, Geo. and Margaret. He died at Chicago, Ill., 1938. She resides at 6
Oak St.. Oneonta.
Joe Waters resides single at Oneonta.
George Waters resides single at Oneonta
Margaret or Marguerite Waters resides single at Oneonta