
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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aka Rebel Hill Cemetery
This small cemetery is located on the north side of McArthur Hill Road in the town of Kortright.
          NAME                                  DIED         AGE          NOTES
          BROWNELL,??                                                     Daughter of Isaac & Lucy Brownell                           
          BROWNELL, Harriett                    08/12/1837   3y           Daughter of Isaac & Lucy                                    
          BROWNELL, Mary                                     3y           Daughter of Isaac & Lucy                                    
          BUTTS, Caleb Sheldon                  09/23/1865   20y          Son of Luther & Sally Butts                                 
          BUTTS, Adeline                        06/15/1841   25y-8m-2d    Daughter of Jeremiah & Bulah Butts                          
          BUTTS, Bulah                          02/14/1853   82y          Wife of Jeremiah Butts                                      
          BUTTS, Jeremiah, Major                02/23/1850   82y          Revolutionary War Veteran                                   
          BUTTS, James Henry                    10/02/1864   16y          Son of Luther & Sally Butts
          BUTTS, Julia Ann                      03/06/1860   30y          Daughter of Luther & Sally Butts
          BUTTS, Luther B. (?)                 
          BUTTS, Sally Gregory                  02/22/1863   56y          Wife of Hon. Luther Butts                                   
          COON, Lois Alvira                     01/17/1817   4y-17d       Daughter of ..... & William Coon                            
          DALES, Lucy                           02/21/1815   21y          Daughter of Alexander & Rachel Dales                        
          DIBBLE, Betsey Butts                  07/18/1827   45y          Wife of Henry Dibble                                        
          DIBBLE, Harriett                                   16y-3m-16d   Daughter of Henry & Betsey Dibble  
          DIBBLE, William C.                    04/21/1817   5y-5m-0d     Son of John & Nancy Dibble
          DIBBLE, Henry Jr.
          DIBBLE, Abigail 
          DIBBLE, Abigail                       11/22/1796   77y          Wife of Henry Dibble
                    see note bottom of this page regarding Abigail and Henry Dibble
          DIBBLE, Henry                         05/21/1804   78y                                                                      
          DIBBLE, Lucy                          04/22/1834   79y          Wife of Henry Dibble, Jr.
          DIBBLE, Henry
          GEROW, Horace                         01/20/1838   4y-1m-21d    Son of Jesse & Lois Gerow                                   
          GEROW, Mary                           01/06/1838   4y-1m-21d    Daughter of Jesse & Lois Gerow                              
          NASH, Joanna                          06/02/1826   73y          Consort of Johnson Nash                                     
          NASH, Johnson                         11/15/1830   80y          An Emigrant from Connecticut                                
          NASH, Frances                         12/16/1847   29y          Daughter of Temperance & Isaac Nash                         
          NASH, Isaac                           12/31/1839   67y                                                                      
          NASH, Joanna                          07/27/1848   38y          Daughter of Isaac & Temperance Nash                         
          NASH, Temperance                      03/06/1858   70y          Wife of Isaac Nash                                          
          SCOTT, Elijah                         04/03/1814   62y 
          SCOTT, Elijah H.                      03/06/1839   8m           Son of George & Eleanor Scott
          SCOTT, ??                                                                 Infant son of George & Eleanor
          SCOTT, Eleanor                        04/13/1890   82y-8m-17d   Wife of George L. Scott
          SCOTT, George L.                      08/16/1866   82y
          SCOTT, Mary                           02/01/1850                Daughter of George & Eleanor Scott                          
          SHELDON, Sally A.                     01/20/1848   35y          Wife of Abijah Sheldon

NOTE RE: Henry and Abigail Dibble: - From the Internet at:
"I have traced Henry b. 1725 through Conn. To Hillsdale, N.Y. but due to the loss of town, church, and Masonic records little can be proved concerning this family. Both their tombstones are now (1958) in the Rebel Hill Cemetery in Kortright, N.Y.The stone of Abigail wife of Henry Dibble I found in a wall in the complely(sic) wrecked Old Baptist Cemetery in Hillsdale, Columbia Co., N.Y. where over 200 stones have been destroyed to make room for a cow pasture.To save her stone from complete destruction I have placed it beside that of her husband in Rebel Hill Cemetery."

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger