
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Gilchrist Cemetery


Rt. 33, Town of Kortright, Delaware County, NY

The following compilation is from the CETA project Directed by Victor Ronovech - it is not always reliable.
Please use only as a jumping off spot for further research. Corrections welcome!

Gilchrist Cemetery, Route #33

ADAIR, Eliza (Black)  78y         1904
ADAIR, Elizabeth      88y         ?                   Wife of James
ADAIR, Eva E.         64y         1948
ADAIR. Jame A.        20y         1892
ADAIR, James          79y8m       February 1, 1868
ADAIR, Mary           61y         June 9, 1847        Wife of Robert
ADAIR, Mary (Sexsmith)22y         1918                Wife of Robert
ADAIR, R. Emery       14y         1890
ADAIR, Robert         43y         1868
ADAIR, Robert         30y         1889
ADAIR, Robert Jr.     34y         May 6, 1857
ADAIR, Sarah          17y4m24d    October 30, 1847    Dau. of Robert & Mary
ADAIR, William        76y         1899
ADAIR, William        52y         July 23, 1846
AMES, Frederick       21y         July 8, 1861
BARKER, Charles H.    24y         November 3, 1863
BELL, Esther          78y         July  10, 1816
BELL, Samuel          52y         July  26, 1828
BLACK, Ann (Haddon)   85y         1906                Wife of Robert
BLACK, Elizabeth      24y         1977
BLACK, Hugh           24y         July  14, 1862
BLACK, Hugh           ?           ?
BLACK, Margaret M.    ?           ?
BLACK, Margaret Mitchell  73y     1894                Wife of William
BLACK, Robert         63y         1910
BLACK, Sarah H.        ?          ?
BLACK, Sarah Agnes    16y         1876
BLACK, William         ?          1921
BLACKLEY, David       46y         June 9, 1828
BLACKLEY, Esther      80y         October 10, 1865    Wife of David
BLACKLEY, George      59y4ml5d    April 26, 1873
BLACKLEY, Martha Mitchell 62y     December 22, 1874   Wife of George
BLAKLEY, David        79y         June 1, 1904
BLAKLEY, George       19y         October 1, 1811     Son of John & Jane
BLAKLEY, John         65y         June 1, 1818
BLAKLEY, Jonny        73y         November 10, 1830
BLAKLEY, Mary          ?          ?                   Consort of John Blackley
BLAKLEY, Sarah  M.    59y         July 7, 1888        Wife of David
BOLLES, Elizabeth     65y         November 10, 1869   Wife of James
BOLLES, James         62y         April 10, 1859
BOLES, James          80y         1889
BOLLES, Michael       31y         March 16, 1873      Son of James & Elizabeth
BOLLES, Mary Jane     11y         September 10, 1830  Dau. of James & Elizabeth
BURDICK, John S.      33y         October 11, 1863
CALDWELL, Elizabeth (Williamson) 80y 1924
CALDWELL, Martha (Deane) 36y      1866                Wife of William
CALDWELL, William     79y         1904
CAMPBELL, Daniel      88y         September 9, 1808
CLARK, Ann (Leal)      ?          October 16, 1881    Wife of John
CLARK, Bessie          ?          ?
CLARK, Elizabeth       ?          ?
CLARK, Ellen           ?          June 19, 1915
CLARK, Emma           34y         August 12, 1864     Wife of Reb. J.L.
CLARK, James           ?          ?
CLARK, John           11y         July 25, 1861       Son of Thomas & Mary
CLARK, John M.        84y         September 17, 1876
CLARK, Margaret       10y         July 22, 1861       Dau. of Thomas & Mary
CLARK, Mary           83y         June 26, 1842
CLARK, Richard        26y         June 7, 1858
CLARK, Susan A.        ?          ?
CRAIG, Amanda          ?          ?
CRAIG, Andrew         48y         February ?
DAVIS, William        37y         1863                US War Veteran
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth    67y         September 5, 1879
DOUGLAS, Gydio E.     23y         October 5, 1840     Wife of Thomas
DOUGLAS, Joseph       47y         August 23, 1819
DOUGLAS, Mary         73y         August 4, 1853      Wife of Joseph
DOUGLAS, Samuel        ?          May 1, 1840         Son of Thomas & Lydia
DOUGLAS, Thomas       39y         December 9, 1841
FERGUSON, Daniel      55y         March 6, 1810
FERGUSON, Elizabeth   57y         August 26, 1821
FERGUSON, Harriet      ly         October 26, 1856
FERGUSON, Nancy       29y         May 11, 1855        Wife of William Smith
FERGUSON, William     67y         September 14, 1873
GADDIS, James          ?          June 24, 1861
GADDIS, John          89y         January 19, 1880
GADDIS, Joseph        23y         May 23, 1863
GADDIS, Katherine      ?          December 1, 1856    Dau. of Joseph & Nancy
GADDIS, Nancy         40y         May 3, 1843
GEAS, George          27y         March 6, 1862
GIBSON, Adam          27y         March 6, 1862
GIBSON, Charles       62y2m       May 11,  1882
GIBSON, Dora (Whicham) 87y        1900
GIBSON, Isabella      19y         July 4, 1856        Dau. of Thomas & Sarah
GIBSON, James R.      19y         July 4, 1856        Son of Thomas & Sarah
GIBSON, Joseph        23y         June 25, 1818       Son of William & Isabella
GIBSON, William       78y         January 31, 1851
GIBSON, ?              ?          ?
GILCHRIST, Andrew     8ly2m4d     May 24,  1876
GILCHRIST, Barbara    78y         February 21, 1836   Wife of Thomas
GILCHRIST, Charles A  30yllm2Od   June 5, 1878
GILCHRIST, Esther     76y         February 1893       Wife of Thomas
GILCHRIST, John H.    27y8m3d     ?                   Son of Andrew & Sally
GILCHRIST, Letty      25y         February 3, 1847    Wife of Thomas
GILCHRIST, Sally      71y         August 2, 1871      Wife of Andrew
GILCHRIST, Thomas     78y         January 4, 1848
GILCHRIST, Thomas  M. 57y4m9d     March 3, 1877
GILL, Jane McMurray   89y         February 25, 1915
GRAIG, John            ly4d       December 12, 1862
GRAIG, Mary Ann       54y         August 18, 1853
GRAIG, ?               lyl0mld    July 30, 1811
GRAIG, ?               ?          ?                   Son of James & Elizabeth
GRANSBURY, John        ?          ?
GRANSBURY, Mary       56y         December 11, 1857
HADDON, Alexander     72y         January 6, 1872     Wife of John
HADDON, Jane          73y         August 8, 1894      Wife of Joseph
HADDON, Joseph        90y         1902
HADDON, Laura E (McKee) 30y       1891
HADNON, Nancy          ?          1884                Wife of Thomas
HADDON, Thomas M.     63y         December 9, 1863
HALL, Mary F.         81y         1888
HANFORD, Chauncy D.   41y         July 7, 1888        Wife of J.H. Bolles
HANFORD, Horage S.     ?          ?                   Died at L.I.
HARKNESS, Charles     25y         August 22, 1861
HARKNESS, Elizabeth   31y         April 10, 1833      Wife of James
HARKNESS, George B.   89y         December 18, 1849
HARKNESS, George      54y         1919
HARKNESS, Infant Son   ?          1872                Son of James & Jane
HARKNESS, James       27y         November 14, 1834
HARKNESS, James II.   90y         July 4, 1844
HARKNESS, Jane         ?          January 4, 1884
HARKNESS, Jane C.     31y         September 8, 1803   Wife of James
HARKNESS, John        27y         November 22, ?      Son of James & Jane
HARKNESS, Margaret     5y5m2d     March 28, 1861
HARKNESS, Mary L.     58y         November 27, 1858   Wife of Charles
HARKNESS, Nellie E. (Smith) 27y   September 3, 1858   Dau. of Charles & Margaret
HARKNESS, Sarah (Tate) ?          1867                Wife of George
HARPER - corrections
HARPER, Agnes         48y         1913                Wife of James
HARPER, Agnes         81y         1866                Wife of Samuel
HARPER, Cora           ?          1820                Dau. of John & Ruth
HARPER, George II.    18y9m       June  3, 1880
HARPER, James         35y4m20d    August 8, 1881
HARPER, John          27y         November 29, 1851
HARPER, John          68y         1887
HARPER, Letilia H.    85y         1895
HARPER,  Margaret     39y         June 30, 1889       Dau. of Samuel & Margaret
?                     63y         January 22, 1822    Wife of William
HARPER, Margaret J.   50y         June 11, 1871       Wife of Samuel
HARPER, Nancy         18y         September 7, 1806
HARPER, Ruth          64y         1896                Wife of John
HARPER, Samuel        8ly7m11d    November 17, 1895
HARPER, Samuel        70y         1834
HARPER, William       15y         1827
HARPER, William       87y         October 18, 1812
HARPER, William       16y         October 2, 1827     Son of William & Agnes
HARVISON, Eliza-Caldwell 77y      1907
HENDERSON, Eliza      64y         January 29, 1864      Wife of George
HENDERSON, George     72y         May 18, 1861
HENDERSON, George E.  56y         1892
HENDERSON, James      19y         March 26, 1853
HENDERSON, John       65y         July  20, 1885
HENDERSON, L. Maude    ?          1878
HENDERSON, Maria--Rice 57y        1904                Wife of George
HENDERSON, Mable E.    ?          1877
HENDERSON, Mary-McKee 66y         1901
HENDERSON, Nancy      62y         1893
HENDERSON, Samuel     79y         1901
HENDERSON, Sarah A.   62y         April 30, 1898
HENDERSON, W Carlisle  7y         1899
HENDERSON, William    75y         October 3, 1903
HENDERSON, William    95y         1929
HENO, Alexander       37y11m11d   1816
HENO, Jane             ?          ?                   Dau. of T. & B.
HENO, Mary E.         6y20d       September 1, 1863   Dau. of Alexander
HUMPHREY, Agnes-Young 83y         1912
HUMPHREY, Alex        50y         March 20, 1862
HUMPHREY, Robert & Family         ?
HUMPHREY, Samuel      33y         1912
HUMPHREY, William & Family        ?
JACKSON, Eliza S.      9y4m1Od    October 3, 1859     Dau. of J.M. & Letty
JACKSON, Letty J.     25y         April 28, 1864      Wife of J.M.
JOHNSON, Mary         24y         June 9, 1809
KEELER, Delia A.      66y         January 25, 1897
KEELER, Harriet       85y         March 4, 1888       Wife of Martin
KEELER, Helen Amelia  77y         May 23, 1915
KEELER, Julia         72y         February 2, 1903
KEELER, Martin        57y         November 7, 1865
KILLROY, Margaret     47y         July 22, 1819
KINMOUTH, David L.     3y         1846
KINMOUTH, Elizabeth-Lyle 42y      1853
KINMOUTH, Enna M.     27y         1883
KINMOUTH, Hugh        72y         1876
KINMOUTH, Jennet-Lawson 21y       1911                Wife of John H.
KINMOUTH, Margaret M.  3y         1860
KINMOUTH, Mary A.     l0y         1850
KINMOUTH, Mary A.     10y         1861
LEAL, Alexander G.    72y         1891
LOUDON, Agnes          ?          ?                   Wife of William
LOUDON, Margaret       ?          ?
McARTHUR, Esther      15y8m       July 5, 1855
McARTHUR, Nancy       87y         October 1, 1861     Wife of John
McARTHUR, ?           63y         October 16, 1836
McAULEY, Sarah        51y19d      November 17, 1852
McAULEY, Sarah        42y         1817                Wife of William
McAULEY, William Rev. 92y         1851
McCALL, Alexander     80y         October 4, 1857     Native of Ireland
McCALL, Elizabeth     86y         April 30, 1858      Wife of Alexander
McCAULEY, Margaret    52y         August 31, 1873
McCAULEY, Mathew      71y         August 21, 1861
McCAULEY, Nancy       88y         December 24, 1851
McCLARY, Agnes E.     70y         March 30, 1889
McCLARY, Agnes        48y         October 7, 1820     Wife of Joseph
McCLARY, M.H.         72y6m       March 1, 1885
McCLARY, Joseph        ?          June 9, ?
McCLARY, Joseph        ?          December 25, ?      Son of Joseph & Agnes
McCRACKEN, Andrew     66y         January 15, 1899
McCRACKEN, Eleanor C. 84y         ?
McCRACKEN, Infant      ?          August 10, 1886     Dau. of Thomas & Mary
McCRACKEN, Infant     10y         1896                Dau. of Joseph & Margaret
McCRACKEN, Jane       60y         February 23, 1860
McCRACKEN, Joseph     70y         March 31, 1849
McCRACKEN, Joseph     81y         August 12, 1894
McCRACKEN, Joseph  H. 20y         December 31, 1861
McCRACKEN, Margaret   79y         April 6, 1853       Wife of Joseph
McCRACKEN, Mary-Stewart  55y      1913                Wife of Thomas
McCRACKEN, Mary E.    70y         May 15, 1920
McCRACKEN, Minerva J. 90y         1932
McCRACKEN, Olive-Whitney 24y      1916                Wife of Joseph
McCRACKEN, Sarah-Clark ?          January 28, 1889
McCRACKEN, Susan J.   78y         1905                Wife of William
McCRACKEN, Sarah M.    ly         September 30, 1855
McCRACKEN, Thomas W.   ?          June 28, 1853
McCRACKEN, Thomas W.  62y         1922
McCRACKEN, William     ?          June 25, 1845
McGULLY, John M.      35y         December 5, 1861
McHAFFY, William      57y         February 16, 1837
McILWAIN, James        ?          July 21, 1811       Son of Robert & Jane
McILWAIN, Jane        72y         October 30, 1871    Wife of Robert
McILWAIN, Robert      82y         May 23, 1877
McILWAIN, Samuel      25y         September 18, 1834  Son of Robert & Jane
McKEE, Ann-McLaury    84y         1892                Wife of James
McKEE, Isabella       62y         December 26, 1862
McKEE, Henry          33y         April 20, 1870
McKEE, James          77y         1884
McKEE, Jane           40y3d       December 13, 1841
McKEE, Marjory-Clark  65y         1909                Wife of William
McKEE, Sarah          74y         June 13, 1839       Wife of William
McKEE, Sarah           2y8m24d    ?
McKEE, Thomas          2yom       July  23, 1845
McKEE, William        70y         1906
McKEE, William        69y         August 21, 1843
McKEE, ?               ?          ?
McKEE, ?               ?          ?
McLAURY, Andrew       84y         January 7, 1826
McLAURY, Edward       57y         1889
McLAURY, Edward       71y         November 17, 1862
McLAURY, Emma A.       ?          January. 24, 1865   Wife of Jucison
McLAURY, Eva          15y11m      January 19, 1861
McLAURY, James T.     22y         December 25, 1863
McLAURY, Jane         60y         1810                Wife of Andrew
McLAURY, Judson C.    62y         1933
McLAURY, J. Newton    31y         September 17, 1864
McLAURY, Margaret Eleanor 57y     1889
McLAURY, Marion        ?          March 10, 1915
McLAURY, Mary-Riggs   71y         April 15, 1862      Wife of Edward
McLAURY, Mary R.      17y         April 20, 1853
McLAURY, Sarah         2y         August 3, 1833      Dau. of Edward & Mary
McMORRIS, Armstrong   85y         December 25, 1823
McMORRIS, Mary        95y         June 8, 1843        Wife of Alexander
McMURRAY, George      79y         October 24, 1862
McMURRAY, George      64y         November 8, 1904
McMURRAY, Jane        82y         August 15, 1880     Wife of George
McMURRAY, James       19y         September 10, 1830
McMURRAY, Mary         2y         September 18, 1839
McMURRAY, Nancy        ?          November 9, 1844
McMURRAY, William     76y         December 25, 1914
McWILLIAMS, John B.   21y         December 11, 1862
MEAD, Walter T.       36y         November 22, 1864
MITCHELL, George       ?          ?
MURPHY, James          ?          April 15, 1863
NOAH, Doctor Gaire H. 79y         1904
NOAH, Janet E.Gilchrist  82y      ?
ORR, David            85y         March 27, 1874
ORR, David             ?          ?
ORR, Elizabeth        74y         July 5, 1842
ORR,.James            23y         December 31, 1852
ORR, John              ?          January 29, 1810
ORR, Joseph           82y         1914
PARRISH, Anna            6m20d    April 10, 1857
PARRISH, Lydia           6m20d    April 10, 1857
PORTER, Andrew        40y         April 10, 1862
RICE, Ann E- Henderson  70y       1911
RICE, Anna E.-McCracken 63y       1907                Wife of William
RICE, Robert           ?          1838
RICE, William H.      74y         1919
RICE, William M.      79y         1948
RIDDLE, John          77y         May 1, 1899
ROWLAND, Agnes        83y         March 27, 1828
ROWLAND, Andrew        2y         1858
ROWLAND, Ann          31y         April 27, 1845
ROWLAND, Ebenezer      ?          November 13, 1824
ROWLAND, Harper E.    38y         1890
ROWLAND, Infant        ?          April 25, 1845
ROWLAND, James S.     74y         1896
ROWLAND, Joseph       74y         September 27, 1858
ROWLAND, Joseph       18y         November 14, 1863
ROWLAND, Joseph       79y         August 22, 1898
ROWLAND, Margaret-McNeilly 74y    1901
ROWLAND, Martha A.     ?          February 28, 1854
ROWLAND, Martha H.    33y         August 27, 1850
ROWLAND, Mary         70y         February 25, 1862   Wife of Samuel
ROWLAND, Mary A.-McIlwain  66y    1900
ROWLAND, Robert        ?          ?
ROWLAND, Samuel       69y         1901
ROWLAND, Samuel James  1y10m16d   December 1868       Son of Samuel & Sarah
ROWLAND, Sarah-Haddon  ?          1838                Wife of Samuel
SCOTT, Elizabeth-Rowland   67y    1916
SCOTT, Robert         60y         1896
SEXSMITH, Eliza-McNeilly   83y    December 13, 1910
SEXSMITH, Micheal     72y         June 29, 1897
SEXSMITH, William N.  32y         February 26, 1898
SHEARER, Ann-Tate     65y         1879                Wife of James
SHEARER, Eliza Jane    7y         1852
SHEARER, Infant        ?          ?
SHEARER, James        90y         1889
SHEARER, Michael       ?          1840
SHEARER, Margaret Patterson  ?    1837                Wife of William
SHEARER, William      69y         1904
SIXSMTIH, Esther      53y         November 18, 1865   Wife of Mathew
SIXSMITH, Martha      10y         November 20, 1860
SIXSMITH, Mary        39y         October 20, 1853    Wife of Mathew
SIXSMITH, Michael     20y6m10d    November 2, 1860    Son of Mathew & Mary
SLOAN, Alice Jane     63y2m8d     June 8, 1874        Wife of Hugh
SLOAN, James A.       64y         May 8, 1868
SLOAN, James          33y         August 14, 1863
SLOAN, James          62y2m       August 8, 1847
SLOAN, John B.        63y10m      December 23, 1884
SLOAN, John H.         1y6m       November 5, 1853    Son of James & J.A.
SLOAN, Margaret       74y         August 21, 1861     Wife of James
SLOAN, Martha          9y         May 9, 1835         Dau. of James & Margaret
SLOAN, ?               ?          ?
SMITH, Ann-Lawson     51y         February 7, 1886    Wife of William
SMITH, Augusta        64y         1933
SMITH, Benjamin        ?          November 19, 1914
SMITH, Effie-Shute     ?          March 29, 1901
SMITH, John           65y         1920
SMITH, John H.        76y         1888
SMITH, Lettice         ?          September 27, 1855  Wife of William
SMITH, Martha         53y         December 28, 1866
SMITH, Mary           22y7m22d    December 21, 1838
SMITH, Nancy          68y         1885
SMITH, William        88y         January 15, 1871
SMITH, William Jr.    52y6m       September 5, 1871
SMITH, ?               ?          ?
SPENCE, Nancy         78y         August 3, 1875      Wife of David Orr
STAFFORD, Mary Ann    31y         April 30, 1840
STEWART, Alexander    84y         1912
STEWART, Ellen C.-Duffey  39y     1869
STEWART, Thomas        5y         1864
STRAHACHAN, Nancy      ?          December 11, 1841   Wife of Robert
STRONIGAN, Charles E.  5y         1890
STRONIGAN, John       78y         May 20, 1878
STRONIGAN, M. Edgar    1y         March 2, 1856
STRONIGAN, Mary E.-Chaderick 77y  1931
STRONIGAN, Moses      52y         May 17, 1875
STRONIGAN, Nancy-Adair 89y        September 22, 1910
STRONIGAN, Robert     76y         1924
STRONIGAN, Robert E.  80y         1908
STUART, Eve E.        53y         1916
STUART, Mary-Henderson 66y        1890
STUART, S. Anna       78y         1943
STUART, William       52y         1867
? Joseph               ?          ?
? Nancy               42y         March 23, 1860
? Sarah                ?          ?
?                     47y         November 22, 1811
?                     42y         March 23, 1860
?                      ?          May 18, 1811
?                      ?          ?                   Son of James & liza
25 Unknowns

John Harper: - corrections August, 2001
On a recent visit to Delaware county, we spent some time in the Gilchrist cemetery.
While reading stones and taking pictures we managed to correct most of the entries
in the Harper portion of the file. 
Here is a corrected list of all the listed Harper names above. John Harper

Delaware Co., NY
2 Unknowns

Gilchrist Cemetery, Route #33

HARPER, Agnes       81y        1866           Wife of Samuel *
HARPER, Agnes    DOB    1820 *             
HARPER, Cora        18y9m      June  3, 1880  Dau. of John & Ruth *
HARPER, George II   35y4m20d   August 8, 1881 *
HARPER, James       27y        November 29, 1851 *
HARPER, John        68y        1889 *
HARPER, John        85y        1895 *
HARPER, Leticia     39y        June 30, 1889  Dau. of Samuel & Margaret*
HARPER, Margaret    63y        January 22, 1822    Wife of William *
HARPER, Margaret J. 50y        June 11, 1871       Wife of Samuel
HARPER, Nancy       18y        September 7, 1806
HARPER, Ruth        64y        1896                Wife of John
HARPER, Samuel      8ly7m11d   November 17, 1895
HARPER, Samuel      50y        1834 *      
HARPER, William     15y        1827      [son of Sam]**
HARPER, William     87y        October 18, 1842 *
HARPER, William     16y        October 2, 1827     Son of Samuel & Agnes     *

*Indicates a correction
**Cannot verify. Possibly a duplication

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Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger