Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

Deposit Central School 1951 Commencement Program
Nancy Jane Andresen
Alice Lucille Axtell
Shirley Glad Block
Jeanne Bernadette Boyer
Richard Peter Buck
Foster William Bullis
Doris Geraldine Comer
John Douglas Conklin
Ronald Clinton Conklin
John Ephraim Cunningham
Wilbur David Decker
Elizabeth Estelle DeRose
James Gerald Eagan
Georgianna Mina Eastwood
Frederick Lee Edwards
Louise Elizabeth Fargo
Clayton John Gifford
Joan Carolyn Griffin
Noel Russell Hauser
Richard William Hawthorne
Richard Lee
LaVern Llewelyn Lobdell
Elizabeth Jane Lynch
Agnes Charlotte Martin
Dale Roger McElroy
Marian Helen Menzel
Richard Augustus Mills
Ramon Everett Oralls
Orel Dighton Orivis
Alice Marie Perry
Phyllis Lou Potter
Ann Mae Rife
Patricia Lois Rutledge
Carole Mae Schmidt
Graydon Clair Schriver
Warren Edric Scofield
Harold Vincent Secrest
Frederick Hager Seymour
Barbara Florence Shanly
Viola Jane Sherman
William Paul Simmons
LeRoy David Skillman
Jane Marilyn Smith
Samuel James Swart
Edward Eugene Thomas
William Phillip Weiss
Hedwig Zandt
Courtesy of Jo Ann and John Warner from collection of their step-grandmother Frances Couse Beebe. Submitted by Louise Chen, 19 February 2009
a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753
Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger