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The 1800 Federal Census
Delaware County New York Electronic Text prepared by Joyce Riedinger, January 10, 1997 At the time of the 1800 Federal Census, Delaware County was 3 years old. Its original 6 Towns of Middletown, Colchester & Stamford, (taken from Ulster County), and Harpersfield, Franklin and Kortright (taken from Otsego County) had been divided in various ways to allow for the erection of the Towns of Walton 1797, Delhi 1798 and Meredith 1800. The following transcriptions and Indices are based on photocopies of original documents and indexing by H. Fletcher Davidson, a former Delaware County historian. Mr. Davidson assigned the line numbers, which appear in the right column, for reference and indexing purposes. They do not appear on the originals or other photocopies thereof. Such other photocopies can be obtained through libraries and other sources. The following transcriptions and indexing have been done in the Delaware County Clerk's Office by Shirley Houck and Linda Ogborn. In addition to the previous work, they used enlargements, enhancements and comparisons with other contemporary records and later censuses. Electronic Text prepared by Laurie Kyle, Spokane, Washington. In this presentation, the Town records have been arranged in alphabetical order.
Colchester - 1800 Federal Census The Town of Colchester was erected April 10, 1792 as an Ulster County Town from the Town of Middletown (also a Town in Ulster County at that time). On March 10, 1797, most of the Town of Colchester became one of the six original Towns of the new Delaware County. In 1799, a part of the Town of Colchester was annexed to the Town of Walton (erected Mar. 17, 1797). In 1800, the Town of Colchester included the land which became the Town of Hancock in 1806. (Reference: Evolution of Delaware County, New York, available from the Delaware County Clerk's Office.)
Allen Abiel 176
Apply Asa 16
Ashley Horrace 63
Austin David 74
Bachelor Benjamin 66
Baker Daniel 73
Barber John 183
Barns Reuben 192
Bascum Alpheus 25
Baxter Jesse 33
Baxter Nathan 68
Baxter Uriah 67
Berry Jabez 106
Boiles George 36
Bouker Daniel 84
Boulton Jonathan 54
Bradley Roswell 127
Braynard Benjamin 179
Brazee Peter 165
Brewer Henry 189
Brown Joel 12
Brown John 104
Brown William 96
Chamberlain Joseph 173
Chapman Gurdon 148
Clark Pellatiah 18
Coddington Joseph 17
Colbert Widow S. 100
Cole John 3
Cole John Jr. 11
Cole Nathan 10
Cole Peter 7
Conklin Eleazer 185
Cook John 69
Cook Robert 70
Cook William 114
Covel James 77
Covel Zenus 187
Cowin Edward 34
Crane James 157
Crow John 27
Dibble Henry 125
Dodge Isreal 72
Doll William 144
Downs Abel 126
Dunham Ephraim 71
Dunham William 174
Douy Jabez 106
Early Gilbert 50
Early James 52
Early Wiliam 135
Elwood Nathan 102
Ferguson John 130
Ferguson Lewis
Finch James 99
Fisk Asa 5
Francisko John 200
Freeman Jonathan 172
Freer Michael 141
Fuller Joseph 95
Fuller Nathan 94
Fuller Nathan Jr. 121
Fuller Noah 93
Furman William 162
Gee Edmund 138
Gee Joseph 154
Gee Joshua 156
Gee Moses 140
Gee Peter 155
Geers Ezra 53
Gilmore Thomas 40
Green Samuel P. 22
Gregory Daniel 92
Gregory Ezra 147
Gregory John 128
Gregory Russell 142
Gregory Timothy 97
Griffin Peter 339
Grippen Roswell 150
Gunong Jeremiah 194
Haight Lewis 139
Hawke George 26
Hawke John 28
Hawley Benjamin 201
Hawley Joseph 107
Hager Peter 166
Hitt Dennis 168
Hitt Henry 169
Hitt James 170
Hitt Jared 167
Hitt John 195
Hogeboom Henry 105
Holliday William 119
Holly Sally 181
Holmes John 190
Holmes Peter 124
Hopkins William 78
Horton Henry 123
Horton John 103
Horton William 122
Hunter Daniel 186
Huntley Abraham 163
Hutchins Isaac 203
Hymes George 145
Jacobs Uriah 15
Jennings Stephen 37
Jessup Abraham 118
Johnson Thomas 86
Jones Richard 20
Kemble Levi 75
Kinne Edward 35
Knapp Enoch 115
Knickerbacker Solomon 146
Krouskoup George 14
Krouskoup John 13
Lakin Joel 44
Lakin Jonas 43
Langdon Joseph 191
Langdon Samuel 184
Leonard David 47
Lewis Henry 108
Lewis Isaac 109
Lewis Samuel 58
Linley Nehemiah 158
Lloyd Anthony 188
Lord Widow H. 9
Lovelace Joseph 81
Lovelace Thomas 82
Mallory Lemuel 29
May Ezra 24
McIntyre Hendrich 161
Merrick Moses 46
Miller Frederick 198
Miller Frederick G. 197
Miller James 61
Minard Jonathan 76
Moore John 120
Morecraft John 21
Nash Samuel 31
Ordway Samuel 164
Osgood Lemuel Jr. 49
Parks Josiah 48
Peirce Aaron 30
Phelps David 111
Pine Benjamin 110
Porter David 143
Purdy John 87
Reed John 199
Reeves Daniel 204
Reynolds Widow E. 131
Rose John 152
Rose William 149
Rose William W. 153
Ruff Christopher 65
Ruff Henry 62
Ruff Phillip 59
Rumsey Joshua 57
Ryne Timothy 51
Sands Benjamin Jr. 1
Sands John W. 2
Sears Abraham 136
Shaver Adam Jr. 205
Smith James 41
Smith Kenner 42
Spalding Philip 175
Sprague Abraham 89
Sprague Thomas 202
Staunay William 133
Steenrod Soloman 177
Stephenson Sherman 55
Sutton Caleb 91
Sutton Henry 90
Sykes John J. 19
Tead Phillip 171
Thomas Abraham 98
Thomas Benjamin 8
Thomas Ezekiel 32
Troll Levi 64
Turner Elisha 182
Turner Nathan 113
Tylar James 83
Tyler Jared 80
Tyler Jehiel 79
Van Der Bogart Widow E. 160
Van Der Bogart Peter 159
Van Velzer Peter 85
Varnell William 112
Walsworth Gilbert 23
Wanser Isaac 56
Wheeler Ebenezer 38
White Benjamin 151
White William 6
Williams Stephen 134
Williams Titus 88
Wilson Charles 193
Wilson Daniel 178
Wilson Daniel Jr. 196
Wilson Isaac 132
Wilson Isaac D. 180
Winchel John 45
Wolf Michael 117
Wombough William 4
Wood Joseph 60
Wright Alpheus 137
Wright James 116
Yeomans Jonas 101
Delhi - 1800 Federal Census The Town of Delhi was erected by Act of the State Legislature passed on March 23, 1798 from part of the Towns of Kortright, Middletown and Walton. As erected, the Town of Delhi included part of what became the Towns of Bovina in 1820 and Hampton (Hamden) in 1825.
Abel Jeremiah 9
Bailey Jacob 18
Barber Amaziah 89
Barber Augustus 90
Barker Richard 16
Barrett Ephraim 42
Baxter Levi 46
Beaman David 120
Beardsley Abel 58
Beardsley Daniel 59
Beardsley Elijah 60
Bennett Timothy 21
Benedict Thaddeus 41
Bill Benajah 137
Bill Jonathan 83
Bill Joshua 53
Boomhawer Jacob 10
Bramlee John 75
Bramlee William 74
Brush Alexander 56
Burdock Rufus 92
Burgen Chandler 80
Carpenter Nathan 98
Carpenter William 95
Carr William 39
Chase Philip 132
Chase Walter 142
Clark David 64
Clark James 115
Clark William 114
Cole John 24
Cooper Reuben 57
Cornell John 128
Cornell William 125
Cowley Jonathan 127
Davis Widow 73
Denio Joseph 52
Denio William 44
Dennend John 51
Dodge Joseph 88
Edwards Henry 112
Edwards James 110
Edwards Joseph 111
Ewles William 78
Farrington March 37
Farrington Putnam 22
Farrington Thomas 35
Fenn Theophilus M. 86
Finney Jonathan 47
Fisher George 49
Fisk Joseph 121
Fitch Thomas 25
Flint Edward 50
Foote Ebenezer 100
Frisbie Gideon 30
Frisbie Widow J. 38
Frisbie Samuel 101
Gillet Thomas 26
Green Silas 31
Gregory Abijah 17
Griffin Joshua 32
Griswold Elias 87
Hall Adam 23
Hamilton Thomas 124
Harrower David 139
Hayes Moses 77
Hayes William 76
Howard James 131
Howard John 133
Howland Gershom 126
Howland Joseph 141
Howland Seth 122
Humphry John 105
Jearomes John 3
Jearomes Timothy 2
Kidder Chauncey 66
Kidder John 65
Leal Alexander 97
Leal Henry 96
Lee John 63
Lewis Daniel 71
Lewis Randall 28
Mabee Abraham 67
Mabee Daniel 7
Mabee John 68
Mason George 119
Mason James 117
Mason Robert 118
Mason William 113
Maxwell Alexander 93
Maxwell Christopher 94
Maxwell Joshua 91
McClelland John 43
McIntire Eli 123
Miller Enoch 138
Miller Enoch Jr. 136
Miller Jacob 72
Paine Jesse 108
Palmer Stephen 79
Patterson Hezekiah 146
Peak Oliver 134
Peak Roswell 129
Place Daniel 12
Platner Jacob F. 102
Ralph Michael 130
Rathbone David 33
Rathbone Edmund 29
Rathbone Gideon 34
Reed Daniel 82
Rider John 20
Robinson Samuel 125
Root Erastus 55
Sherwood Samuel 99
Simmons Abraham 8
Sines John 1
Sloot Abraham 70
Sloot Isaac 69
Sloot Simeon 35
Slocum Ebenezer 14
Slocum Peleg 15
Smith Daniel 84
Smith James 85
Sniffin Andrew 62
Soper Jonah 61
Standley Lewis 81
Stevens Nathan 144
Tery Urbanny 145
Thayre Daniel 27
Tift James 45
Townsend Gilbert 143
Waggonen Henry 116
Ward Reuben 107
Wardwell Palmer 40
Weismer George 104
Weismer Peter Jr. 54
West Aaron 19
White James J. 48
Whitney Seth 11
Wilcox Jesse 106
Williams Elisha 140
Wright Jacob 13
Yendes George 103
Yendes Peter 109
Yeomans Francis 5
Yeomans James 4
Yeomans William 6
Franklin - 1800 Federal Census The Town of Franklin was erected on April 10, 1792 by division of the Town of Harpersfield, as an Otsego County Town. On March 10, 1797, the Town of Franklin became one of the six original Towns in the new Delaware County. On March 17, 1797, Franklin was divided to provide for the erection of the Town of Walton. On March 14, 1800, Franklin was again divided and part of its land was added to part of the Towns of Delhi and Kortright, to provide for the erection of the Town of Meredith. Reference: "The Evolution of Delaware County, New York". Available from the Delaware County Clerk's Office.
Abbey Peter 154
Abel Joseph 139
Allen Soloman 93
Andrews Seth 107
Avery John 1
Babcock Oliver 232
Baldwin Asa 158
Bartlet Judah 83
Balcomb John 72
Beach Cephus 138
Beach Richard 84
Beach William 85
Benedict Caleb 132
Benedict James 134
Bennett Reuben 61
Betts Henry 145
Betts Jesse 105
Betts Lewis 150
Betts Peter 148
Betts William 149
Bidwell Jacob 50
Bignell Jepheth 38
Birdsall John 69
Blanchard Jedediah 37
Blowers Jonas 62
Bowers Azel 108
Brown Adam 153
Brown Jonathan 181
Bryant Elijah 186
Buck David 216
Buck Thomas 217
Buel Abel 119
Buel Hezekiah 120
Burnitt Silas 44
Cahoon Andrew 78
Carley John 214
Case Asa 73
Case Jehaboo 193
Case Roger 195
Chamberlain Aaron 157
Chamberlain Jairus 172
Chapel Robert 184
Cherrytree Briggs 177
Christian John 207
Church Jonathan 223
Clark Dan 201
Clark Uriah 174
Cole Solomon 106
Coleman Daniel 89
Collier Noah 202
Comb John 224
Consaul John 42
Cotton Thomas 218
Crampton Neri 87
Crandall Edward 57
Darrow George 35
Dewey John 114
Dewey John Jr. 116
Dewey Stephen 65
Dovener William 3
Dowd John 75
Eames Cyrus 155
Early Jonathan 212
Eastman Charles 163
Eastman Timothy 20
Edgerton Nathan 123
Edgerton Nathan Jr. 124
Elliott David 164
Elwell Samuel 160
Evans William 54
Fant Uriah 110
Faulkner Thomas 10
Fitch Silas 190
Follet James 86
Ford Ansyl 192
Frazier 109
French Jeremiah 210
French William 209
Gager Oliver 52
Gillet Asa 27
Goodman Enos 11
Goodrich Widow C. 225
Goodrich Justus 228
Goodrich Marcus 227
Goodrich Zenus 208
Gordon William 39
Green Solomon 143
Green Timothy 145
Hannum John 67
Hardy Charles 241
Herrington Archibald 28
Hewen Nathaniel 30
Higby Peter 136
Hill Elijah 203
Hill Nathan 204
Hodges Benjamin 60
Hodges Hezekiah 59
Hodges Isaac 58
Hodges Phillip 219
Homan Willet 213
Hopkins Lybius 14
Howel Abraham 180
Howel Isaac 179
Howel Isaac Jr. 182
Hoyt Ezra 129
Hoyt John 127
Hoyt Stephen 128
Huston James 43
Huyck Cornelius 234
Johnston Hugh 7
Johnston Witter 8
Jones Amos 215
Judd Supptina 17
Kelder Godfrey 206
King Bradford 168
Kniver Henry 24
Lamb John 233
Langdon Philip 171
LeFarneaux Ansel 95
LeGard John 94
Little Ephraim 88
Loomis John 147
Lothrup Aruna 53
Lothrup Zephaniah 222
Loveland David 99
Loveland Eliphas 113
Loveland Eliphas Jr. 115
Loveland William 100
Lusk John 205
Mack Gad 121
Mandeville Benoni 13
Mann Daniel 199
Mann Oliver 194
Martin Gold 197
McCall Daniel 137
McCall Ephraim 167
McCall Ira 165
McCarter John 71
McMullen Adam 32
McMullen Archibald 33
McMullen John 36
Merick Perus 82
Merrick Joseph 81
MIx Josiah 159
Moody Perus 21
Morehouse Silas 29
Munson Caleb 23
Nash Justin 18
Needham Elias 185
Neeland Samuel 140
Neeland Timothy 183
Nobles Zadock 125
Ogden David 226
Ogden John 229
Osborn Elias 126
Osborn Samuel Jr. 156
Parker Dan 166
Parker Enos 112
Parker Wyman 122
Pinder Moses 56
Poollar John 47
Poollar Phineas 46
Potter William 211
Preston Chandler 66
Primer John 231
Rensier Johannis 237
Rogers Nehmiah 63
Rogers Samuel 64
Root Daniel 92
Rowley Daniel 102
Rowley Moses 97
St John Lewis 130
Seely Sylvanus 131
Shepard Henry 230
Sisson Arnold 220
Skranton Daniel 22
Smith Alexander 169
Smith Ashbil 196
Smith David 2
Smith Eliphalet 117
Smith Nathan 9
Smith Reuben 96
Smith Reuben S. 118
Spencer George 40
Spikerman Henry 34
Spring Ephraim 161
Spring Ephraim Jr. 162
Stocking Alvin 176
Stocking Josiah 175
Sumner Jacob B. 200
Sumner Jonathan 198
Tayler Friend 109
Taylor Thaddeus 111
Terry Asa 12
Thompson Charles 49
Thompson Hugh 77
Thompson Jepheth 31
Thompson Jonathan 76
Tillotson Joseph 235
Titus Jonathan 189
Titus Silas 187
Titus Silas Jr. 178
Titus Stephen 188
Tooley Job 74
Tracy Ebenezer 144
Tuttle Stephen 173
Utter Henry 6
Utter Josiah 4
Vail Joseph 103
Van Dermark Peter 240
Wait Adin 16
Wait William 15
Waterman Basset B. 191
Waters Joseph 90
Wattles Dan 68
Wattles John 170
Wattles Roger 141
Wattles Mrs. Ruth 41
Wattles Sluman 80
Wattles Sluman Jr. 79
Weatherax William 26
Wallman John 51
Webster Daniel 98
Webster James 101
Webster Jonathan 91
Webster Michael 104
Weed Jonayhan 135
Weed John 51
Wells Simeon 19
West Levi 25
Wheeler John 55
White Benjamin 239
White Uriah 238
Wilcox Luther 5
Willes Azariah 151
Wolcott Nathaniel 45
Wolf Jacob 236
Wood Joseph 133
Wright David 152
Wright John 142
Wyburn Isaac 221
Yarns Nathan 70
Harpersfield - 1800 Federal Census The Town of Harpersfield was erected on April 21, 1787 as a town in Montgomery County and in 1788 was extended down the Susquehannah River, beyond the bounds of the present Delaware County. On Feb. 16, 1791, Harpersfield became a town in the new Otsego County & its western border was moved back. On Apr. 10, 1792 the Town of Harpersfield was divided to allow for the erection of the town of Franklin. It was again divided on March 12, 1793 to allow for the erection of the Town of Kortright. On Mar. 10, 1797, Harpersfield became one of the 6 original towns in the new Delaware County.
Averil Ebenezer 162
Bairse Hezekiah 34
Bayard Abijah 54
Beard Ezekiel 58
Beardsley David 11
Beardsley Salmon W. 46
Bellamy Matthew 97
Birdsall John 27
Birdsall Lemuel 24
Birdsall Michael 26
Boardman Thaddeus 7
Brakeman Christopher 82
Braynard Hannah 17
Brett Joshua H. 103
Bristol John 133
Bristol Richard 61
Buck Abner 126
Butler Comfort 147
Campbell James 38
Churchill Stephen 160
Clark Henry 142
Clark John 148
Clark Moses 130
Clark Phineas 129
Cobler Enoch 78
Cobley Joseph 29
Cooley James 99
Coon Timothy 50
Cowell Joshua 127
Cowley Widow 163
Cummins Gaylord 22
Dart William 39
Davis Abner 59
Davis Alben 132
Davis Gershom 125
Davis Joseph 77
Davis Nehemiah 159
Dayton Issac 70
Dayton Plymont 56
Disby Henry 16
Douglass James 152
Elmore Elijah 149
Elsworth Joseph 146
Emmons Asa 140
English Robert 131
Fenn Stephen 60
Ferris Samuel 156
Field William 95
Finch Jacob 89
Finch Libius 63
Finch Peleg 90
Foote Bailey 171
Foote George 172
Frisbie Lowman 112
Garnsey David 52
Garnsey Isaac 53
Gaylord Jeremiah 80
Gaylord Joel 64
Gaylord Levi 100
Gibbs Caleb 48
Gibbs Cyrenus 49
Gilbert Jesse 157
Gordon James 83
Granger Daniel 9
Graves Bela 117
Graves Sylvanus 114
Grennel Samuel 154
Hallet Joseph 169
Hamilton Ebenezer 85
Harper Archibald 139
Harper John 135
Harper John Jr. 136
Harper William 36
Harper Lt. William 15
Harrison Roswell 102
Heath David 10
Hendry David 62
Hendry Thomas 79
Hendry William 96
Herrick Daniel 25
Holcomb Timothy 69
Hotchkiss Joseph 109
Hotchkiss Joseph Jr. 108
Hotchkiss Roswell 137
Hotchkiss Theles 138
Hubbard Joel 74
Hubbard Jonathan 150
Hubbard Michael 75
Hummiston Giles 164
Hutchins Richard 128
Isget Francis 8
Jewet Briggs 158
Judd William 55
Knapp Jehu 93
Knapp John 94
Knapp Samuel 92
Lamb William 106
Lamb William Jr. 107
Linsley Eliada 87
Linsley Matthew 86
Lloyd Samuel 12
Mack Joel 2
Mack Orlando 13
McCrany Widow N. 165
McElwaye Guyne 35
McIntire Dougal 121
McIver John 6
McKee James 5
McKee William 4
McKollough John 71
McKollough Samuel 72
McMorris Armstrong 19
Montfort Peter 120
Montgomery John 118
Morrison James 98
Murdock John 151
Nichols Ezra 88
Odle Uriah 150
Osborn Eleazer 91
Packard Oliver 134
Peirce Isaac 33
Penfield Ebenezer 105
Penfield Peter 47
Pierce Benjamin 32
Prentice Daniel 110
Prentice Gilbert 111
Rickie Andrew 161
Rossman George 65
Sawyer Daniel 81
Schneck John 1
Seely Abel 28
Seely John 31
Seely Josiah 30
Seely Zadock 66
Shelden Elisha 143
Sholdes William 14
Skinner Hannah 104
Smith Cornell 73
Smith Ebenezer 113
Smith Frederick 40
Smith Hubbard 43
Smith James 41
Smith James Jr. 44
Smith Nehmiah 42
Standley Richard 123
Starr Eleazor 84
Stevens Samuel 116
Sturges William 170
Swart Lawrance 115
Taylor Andrew 145
Teedle John 20
Tickner Asahel 37
Tredwell Humphrey 45
Wait Daniel 101
Warner Asa 124
Warner Enos 122
Warren Peter 168
Warren Stephen 3
Washburn Timothy 141
Watkins Robert 76
Wickam John 23
Wilcox David 167
Wilcox Eliabb 144
Wilcox John 166
Wilcox Samuel 51
Wood Daniel 68
Wood Palmer 67
Woodworth Ezekiel 21
Wool Robert 153
Kortright - 1800 Federal Census The Town of Kortright was erected as an Otsego County Town on March 12, 1793, by division of the town of Harpersfield - also an Otsego County Town. On March 10, 1797, when Otsego and Ulster Counties were divided to provide for the erection of the new County of Delaware, the Town of Kortright became one of the six original Towns thereof. On March 14, 1800, part of the Towns of Kortright, Franklin and Delhi were taken to provide for the erection of the Town of Meredith.
Adams Uriah 4
Airs Eliakin 38
Allen Charles 73
Allen Robert 72
Andrews Samuel 200
Andrews Samuel Jr. 199
Andrews Widow 198
Anthony Seth 100
Anthony Seth Jr. 101
Avery John 106
Avery John 150
Avery Joshua 151
Avery Richard 135
Avery Thomas 149
Bailey Thomas 243
Banks Alanson 148
Banner Frederick 46
Barden Jacob 33
Bartlet Levi 131
Beardsley Benajah 233
Bilbee George 250
Bilbee John 179
Bilbee Mrs. M. 251
Bird Richard 102
Blassman George 152
Brazee Andrew 56
Brazee John C. 57
Brewer David 13
Brewer Elias 12
Brewer Francis 3
Brezee Michael 19
Brooks Thomas 177
Brownen Isaac 246
Brush Eliphalet 107
Burch Nathan 43
Burdock Alden 136
Burghardt Hendrick 49
Burghardt Joackim 50
Burghardt William 51
Burrett Philip 157
Butts Jeremiah 191
Butts William 129
Calder James 260
Campbell John 147
Case Zenus 35
Case Zenus Jr. 36
Cavan Widow 188
Chapman John 64
Chisholm Kenneth 240
Chisolm William 239
Clark Francis 229
Clark Josiah 210
Cleaveland Curtis 132
Cleaveland Daniel 173
Conklin Isaac 259
Conner Francis 232
Couse Henry 14
Crispel Anthony 27
Cure Elias 226
Dale William 90
Dales Alexander 194
Danniston John 206
Davis Levi 20
Davis Nathaniel 111
Dean Silas 34
Dennend Ezra 44
Dibble Elijah 193
Dibble Henry 192
Dibble Henry Jr. 186
Dingman Jacob 65
Douglass William 71
Ellis William 63
Ferguson Daniel 84
Ferguson James 211
Fish Joseph 127
Fish Samuel 120
Fox Allen 85
Francis Selah 59
Fuller Benjamin 77
Furman Jacob 143
Furman James 144
Gilston John 133
Goodrich James 113
Goodrich Jared 112
Goodrich Silas 180
Grant Lewis 230
Graves Abner 42
Gregory Nehemiah 257
Grennel Chapman 160
Griffin Cornelius 145
Griffin John 138
Hanford Gershom 201
Hanford Jonah 202
Harper Henry 128
Harris Daniel 117
Harris Daniel Sr. 183
Harris James 184
Harris John C. 116
Harris Joseph 181
Harris Robert 182
Hartness John 95
Hartness Thomas 94
Hartwell John 53
Hawley Isaac 99
Henry John 159
Henry Jonathan 213
Hodswell Joseph 245
Houghtaling Abraham 18
Houghtaling John 21
Houghtaling John 26
Houghtaling Hermanus 22
Houghtaling Peter 25
Hubbard Jarias 5
Hunt Benjamin 108
Hunt Peter 109
Jacklin Joseph 231
Jacquish John 115
Johnson Ezekiel 104
Kelly Robert 86
Kiff Andrew 252
Kilpatrick James 215
Kilpatrick Williams 214
Lake Warner 220
Laughin James 225
Lawrance Chauncey 105
Leal Alexander 223
Leal James 224
Losson Peter I. 258
Lathrop Isaac 1
Lowden John 89
Lowden Robert 88
Mace Simeon 228
Mack Orlando Junr 78
Marenus George 9
Marenus Jeremiah 10
Marenus Thomas 2
Marshall Henry 185
Marvine Anthony 237
McCalley William 154
McClaughry Andrew 125
McClaughry James 158
McClaughry Joseph 171
McClaughry Richard 87
McClaughry Thomas 155
McClure William 110
McCrany William 122
McCray Thomas 219
McDaniel John 248
McElwaine David 76
McFarland David 161
McFarland James 162
McFarland John 81
McIlwaine David 75
McMicken James 74
McMinn David 98
McMurdy Benjamin 218
McMurdy Jonathan 217
McPherson Daniel 175
McWilliams John 174
Mickle William 172
Mill James 196
Miller Samuel 29
Mills James 134
Mills Sarah 140
Mills Titus 118
Mitchel Aran 238
Mitchel Archibald 234
Mitchel Joseph 244
Moore Richard 28
Morenus George 9
Morenus Jeremiah 10
Morenus Thomas 2
Morris Moses 45
Munn Reuben 79
Myers John 15
Nash Johnson 166
Newman Abner 253
Orr Hugh 31
Orr Matthew 30
Owens Charles 16
Paine Asahael 256
Palmatier Stephen 106
Palmer John 247
Parish John 121
Parker William 195
Pierce Eli 60
Prentice Daniel, Junr 68
Puffer Benjamin 235
Quan Abraham 139
Reynolds Eli 254
Reynolds Reuben 209
Reynolds Reuben, Junr. 208
Rice Henry 205
Riddle William 163
Riggs Thomas 156
Roberts Amos 142
Rogers Nathaniel 66
Rose James 197
Rose Jeremiah 130
Rouse Simeon 69
Rundell Andrew 123
Sackrider Moses 249
Sawyer Joel 32
Scott Elijah 187
Scouten Abraham 141
Sees Stephen 137
Seward Aaron, Junr. 169
Shaddock Thomas 52
Shelden Archibald 153
Shelden Jeremiah 126
Shelden Jonathan 167
Simmons William 170
Siple John 11
Siple Peter 17
Sixsmith Michael 93
Sixsmith William 92
Sloan Hugh 124
Smith Jeremiah 48
Smith Joseph 67
Smith Matthew 227
Smith Noah 80
Smith Peter 96
Smith Peter I. 41
Smith Peter P. 47
Snyder George P.B. 40
Soal Almon 103
Spencer Jessee 62
Spoor John 91
Steward Aaron 164
Steward Jesse 165
Steward Sylvanus 168
Stillwell Barnet 119
Stout David 212
Stout George 189
Stout James 190
Stoutenburgh Luke 255
Swart Peter 6
Swart Sebastian 7
Swart William 8
Thorp Nathan 242
Thorp Wheeler 241
Tigner Wiliam 37
Turner John 97
Turner Paul 83
Valentine Benjamin 70
Van Valkenburgh Adam 55
Wagner Cornelius 54
Wainer Cyrus 58
Walding Jermiah 23
Walding Simeon 24
Walker William 82
Wardwell William 207
Warren John 178
Webster George 61
West Asa 39
Wetmore James 176
Whitney Zachariah 216
Wickam Gideon 114
Wilcox Josiah 221
Winter David 204
Wood John 146
Woods Robert 236
Meredith - 1800 Federal Census The Town of Meredith was erected on March 14, 1800 from part of the Towns of Delhi, Franklin and Kortright. (Reference: The Evolution of Delaware County, New York ). Available from the Delaware County Clerk's Office.
Baldwin Simeon 25
Barnum Caleb 7
Barrett Eliada 9
Bostwick Ammon 27
Bostwick David 18
Bramhall Joseph 26
Bristol Amos 20
Brownson Ichabod 33
Bunnell Rufus 5
Cottrell Samuel 2
Crane Simeon 12
Dibble Andrew 16
Dibble Daniel 15
Dibble John 14
George Elijah 32
Griffin William 34
Honeywell William 13
Jackson Issiah 22
Laurence Amos 1
Laurence Clark 24
Law Samual A. 6
Mitchell Nathaniel 18
Munn Whiting 8
Remington Uriah 23
Robinson Francis 21
Sears Benjamin 3
Steward Nathaniel 29
Stillson Cyrenus 30
Stillson Freeman 31
Stillson Nathan 28
Strong Caleb 19
Thorrington Ezra 11
Tripp Anthony 10
Warner Hannel 4
Middletown - 1800 Federal Census The Town of Middletown was erected on March 3, 1789 as an Ulster County town from part of the Towns of Rochester and Woodstock, also Ulster County. On April 10, 1792, the Ulster County Town of Middletown was divided to provide for the erection of the Town of Colchester - also an Ulster County town then. On March 10, 1797, when the new Delaware County was erected from part of the counties of Ulster and Otsego, most of the Town of Middletown became one of its six original towns. On March 23, 1798, part of the Towns of Middletown, Kortright and Stamford were taken to provide for the erection of the Town of Delhi. Reference: The Evolution of Delaware County.
Akerly Annanias 90
Akerly Benjamin 45
Akerly Benjamin Jr. 46
Akerly John 43
Akerly William 44
Akerly William 158
Askin Joseph 27
Austin Freeeman 127
Austin Jonathan 179
Austin Pardon 149
Austin Samuel 182
Austin Thomas 181
Babbit John 38
Baker Benjamin 169
Baker Ephrain 99
Baker Jonathan 89
Barlow Samuel 52
Barnhart John 4
Barnhart Philip 2
Barrow Daniel 71
Barrow John 72
Beers Elnathan 28
Betteys John 168
Bevens Henry I. 36
Brown John H. 35
Brown John V. 62
Brundage James 144
Bruyn Sufferyn 97
Bugby George 136
Bullock William 105
Bunscollen Jacob 70
Burden Joshua 177
Burger Ezekiel 25
Burger William 81
Burr John 51
Carl James 189
Chapin Aaron 116
Comstock Russell 154
Crosby Thomas 172
Culver David 171
Daily James 107
Davis Ephraim 111
Davis Timothy 11
Davison John 100
Delamater Cornelius 63
Delamater John 95
Delamater Moses 64
Deyo Jonas 86
Dickerson William 180
Dimick Gideon 117
Dimick Joseph 140
Dimick Shubal 188
Dixon John 49
Dumond David 92
Dumond Egnus 96
Dumond Hermanus 98
Dumond John 91
Dunlap James 167
Earls Jonathan 41
Edmonds Andrew 146
Ellis Noah 187
Every Isaac 133
Every John 142
Every Joseph 134
Every Uriah 141
Fay Charles 84
Ferguson James 13
Goodfellow William 139
Gordon Peter 15
Grant John 78
Gregory Thomas 9
Griffin William 121
Hall Jacob 103
Hammond John 59
Haverland William 183
Heyzer Peter 42
Hill William 8
Hinkley John 186
Hinkley Jonah 115
Hinkley Nathan 109
Hinkley Reuben 104
Hinkley Reuben Jr. 108
Hix Thomas 60
Hoope Israil 18
Hubbel Enoch 164
Hubbel Matthew 163
Hulford John 190
Hull Aaron 151
Hull Ebenezer 162
Hull Elijah 161
Hull Samuel 152
Hunt George 80
Huyck Henry 125
Jackson Gershom 31
Jackson Mecher 160
Jones John 58
Kelly Thomas 113
Kelly Zebude 155
Ketchem Joseph 120
Kettle Frederick 145
Lake Abraham 130
Lake Isaac 29
Larrabee Joseph 153
Markle John 68
Matthews Daniel 123
Matthews Gilbert 122
Matthews Stephen 124
May John 66
Mays Abraham 114
McKeel Tunis 185
Merrill Samuel 128
Meyer Henry 83
Miller Samuel 82
Moore Robert 16
Moore Thomas 19
Mullineaux Isreal 119
Munson John 76
Nicholson Nicholas 50
Oar Adam 24
Parker Amos 175
Parker David 73
Parish Knolton 14
Pellam Abraham 112
Pellam Daniel 110
Phoenix James 178
Phoenix William 65
Prentice Jonas 85
Randall Peter 30
Rider Gideon 135
Sandford Cyrenus 165
Sandford Darius 156
Sandford Hezekiah 157
Sandford William 166
Sands George 54
Sands George Jr. 55
Searls Boaz 170
Sears James 20
Shaver Abraham 10
Shaver Adam 7
Shaver Jacob 5
Shaver John 1
Shaver Henry 17
Shaver Philip 37
Sherman George 150
Smead Daniel 173
Smead James 176
Smith Morris 67
Smith Richard 61
Smith William 101
Southerland Simon 106
Sprague Widow D. 3
Steenbergh John 48
Steenrod Ebenezer 147
Steenrod Ebenezer Jr. 148
Stillson Jeremiah 159
Stokum Isaac 174
Stouter Albertus 77
Stouter Peter 79
Summers Mark 40
Taylor Joshua 143
Tompkins Joshua 88
Vail Joseph 23
Van Aken Gideon 74
Van Aken Gideon Jr. 75
Van Waggenen Barnet 87
Van Waggenen John 57
Van Waggenen Simeon 126
Vredenburgh Peter 6
Warren Thomas 32
Washburn David 22
Washburn Ebenezer 21
Washburn Ebenezer B. 34
Washburn Jonathan 33
Washburn Thomas 26
Washburn William 129
Wheeler Samuel 53
Whipple Jonathan 39
Williams John 184
Willy Ebenezer 93
Wilson Gilbert 118
Wilson James 12
Winn Jesse 138
Winn John 131
Winn Henry 132
Wood Philip 102
Wood William 137
Worden Joseph 56
Yaple Christian 69
Yaple John Nicholas 47
Yaple Philip 94
Roxbury - 1800 Federal Census The Town of Roxbury was erected by division of the town of Stamford on March 23, 1799. Reference: The Evolution of Delaware County, New York.
Adams Dingy 61
Adams Justus 57
Akerly Jacob 100
Allen Eliphalet 73
Allen John 74
Austin David 37
Austin Thomas Jr. 35
Baker Joseph 107
Baker Robert 135
Ballard Peleg 72
Banks Thaddeus 151
Banks Thomas 152
Barnham Bethuell 38
Beers Jabez 150
Benjamin John 16
Birdsall Isaac 66
Birdsall Samuel 67
Bouton David 56
Bouton David Jr. 55
Bouton James 145
Bouton Roger 148
Bouton Samuel 50
Bradley Peter 149
Brandystill Jacob 26
Brandystill Michael 27
Burrett Francis 103
Burrows Eden 117
Burrows William 118
Bush John 13
Carl Thomas 46
Christly John 31
Christly Peter 33
Christly Philip 28
Christly Welhelmus 29
Coon Abraham 134
Craft Jacob 51
Crane John 95
Daniels Charles 15
Dart Jeremiah 121
De Long Charles 125
De Long Jonas 113
De Long Thomas 122
Denton John 14
Dewey Heman 91
Disby David 40
Dumony Henry 6
Emman Arnold 80
Everson George 111
Everson Nicholas 90
Ferris Joshua 10
Finch William 54
Flyn Charles 124
Follet Robert 84
Ford Elijah 1
Foster David 7
Frisbie Benjamin 85
Fuller John 138
Fuller Samuel 139
Gold Abraham 143
Gregory Elnathan 102
Gunong John 62
Gyer Thaddeus 119
Hall Robert 136
Hammond David 43
Hardenburgh Isaac 3
Harlow Thomas 11
Hawley Abraham 12
Hayes Nehmiah 146
Hendershield Richard 8
Hix Ambrose 140
Hix Levi 141
Hoyle George 25
Hull Peter 131
Jenkins Nathan 65
Jenkins Nathaniel 58
Jenkins Samuel 83
Keator John 48
Keator Joseph 47
Keator William 42
Kransom Samuel 137
Larraway David 86
Larraway John B. 89
Larraway Jonas 88
Lauren John 36
Love Joseph 110
Lynch Daniel 92
Mann John 9
Mark John 75
Mead Abner 70
Mead David 71
Mead James 39
Moffett Isaac 17
Moore Alexander 20
Moore Alexander L. 18
Moore John T. 93
Moore Robert 96
Morse John 9
Moss Joseph 69
Murran Stephen 2
Newel Robert 24
Noble Matthew 123
Northrip Joseph 52
Nowles Samuel 32
Odle John 133
Osborne Nathan 101
Packerson Paine 34
Parsons Solomon 79
Patchin Josiah 129
Pattison Jacob 112
Pattison Michael Jr. 82
Persen John 106
Philly Reuben 142
Robinson Baker 64
Robinson Daniel 60
Robinson David 59
Robinson Ebenezer 49
Robinson Ebenezer Jr. 41
Robinson Stephen 63
Ross Edward 76
Rundell Shubael 120
Schermerhorn Caspairus 4
Scudder Jonathan 114
Scudder William S. 115
Shout Emanuel 53
Schultch Casper 98
Simonson Gerret 21
Simonson James 23
Simonson John 22
Smith David 97
Snyder Conrad 5
Snyder Zacharias 87
Squire David 153
Squire Widow S. 144
Stratton Joseph 127
Stratton Joseph Jr. 147
Stratton Samuel 128
Thomas Ezekiel 94
Tiffany Nathaniel 99
Tyler Timothy 30
Van Dermerk Frederick 81
Var Milya Edward 45
Var Milya William 44
Voorhes Henry 116
Walker Philip 109
Walker Sullivan 108
Warren William 68
Watson William 19
Weld Jonas 132
Welden Jonathan 126
Whipple Luther 130
White David 77
White Ebenezer 105
White Joshua 104
Woolheiter Frederick 78
Stamford - 1800 Federal Census The Town of Stamford was erected as an Ulster County Town on April 10, 1792 by division of the Town of Woodstock - also an Ulster County Town. When Delaware County was erected on March 10, 1797, from part of the Counties of Ulster and Otsego, most of the Town of Stamford became one of the six original Towns thereof. On March 23, 1799, the Town of Stamford was divided to provide for the erection of Town of Roxbury.
Adams Aaron 35
Adams Abel 153
Adams Joseph 28
Adams Nathan 27
Adams Reuben 152
Adams Samuel 81
Adams Seymour 29
Adams Stephen 76
Adee Samuel 111
Andrews Samuel 134
Baker Joseph 70
Baldwin Elijah 51
Baldwin Ransford 57
Bangs Joseph 40
Bangs Lemuel 39
Barley Edmund 67
Barlow Joseph 133
Beers Stephen 20
Beers Stephen Jr. 21
Beers Trueman 55
Bennett Daniel 22
Bennett John 47
Bishop Seth 88
Bittles Samuel 155
Blish Aaron 107
Buckley Aaron 149
Buckley Ebenezer W. 150
Burgess Archibald 158
Burrows Ephraim 56
Canfield Elijah 108
Carman James 154
Clark Daniel 6
Clark Nathaniel 5
Collins Aaron 90
Daniels Starling 1
Davis Samuel 151
Dean Alexander 166
Dingy Henry 124
Dunscomb Charles 36
Dunscomb Thomas 37
Foot Daniel 31
Frazer Widow 25
Gold Issac 92
Gold Nathan 89
Gold Talcott 93
Grant Alexander 11
Grant Alexander 2nd 61
Grant Allen 13
Grant Widow B. 58
Grant Donald 18
Grant James 16
Grant James Jr. 54
Grant John 19
Grant John Jr. 12
Grant Peter 60
Grant Peter 65
Grant Robert 44
Griffin Heth 33
Gunong Isaac 113
Hall Benjamin 64
Halstead Nicholas 114
Halstead William 165
Hastings James 148
Hayes John 49
Herrick Ebenezer 2
Higby Abigail 68
Hill Joseph 74
Hoyt Ezra 132
Hubbel Abel 87
Hubbel Isaac 86
Hubbel John 72
Hubble Samuel 71
Hubby Ebenezer 119
Hubby Joshua 118
Hurd Joseph 24
Ingersoll Samuel 128
Jennings Peter 83
Jennings Peter Jr. 91
Jones William 141
Judson John B. 48
Kellogg Jason 81
Kidzie Adam 169
Knapp Peter 131
Knapp Silas 129
Lamb Lemuel 8
Lamb Patrick 156
Lamb William 7
Lawrance David 10
Lyon Seth 79
Lyon Seth Jr. 80
Lyon Walter 78
Maynard Stephen 4
Maynor Elisha B. 122
McCagg James 98
McCray James 15
McDonald Alexander 17
McDonald Alexander 170
McFall Thomas 163
McGilfrey Daniel 159
McGilfry Alexander 160
McKinzy William 164
McLean John 125
McPherson Alexander 161
McPherson John 14
McQueen William 134
Mills Hugh 97
Moscrip Robert 147
Moscrip William 146
Mosier Widow 42
Nichols Abraham 120
Norton David 43
Norton Nathan 41
Olmstead Mr. 120
Osborn David 50
Osborn Peter 157
Palmer Jesse 99
Palmer Levi 121
Palmer Solomon 117
Perry John 66
Peters Richard 115
Polly John 77
Potter Lemuel 126
Potter Richard 106
Powel James 143
Prior Thomas 104
Purdy Jesse 137
Raven Peter 96
Redfield James 73
Richie John 116
Rose Hugh 100
Rose Hugh Jr. 95
Russel James 145
Russel Matthew 144
Scott James 140
Scott Robert 139
Secord William 112
Searls Ebenezer 3
Sherman Abijah 38
Sherman Elisha 123
Silliman Daniel 59
Sly John 95
Smith John 69
Smith Philander 9
Steward Gamaliel 130
Steward James 26
Steward John 135
Storer James 168
Storer William 167
Sturges Ebenezer 85
Sturges Perry 75
Sturges Samuel 84
Sulliman Isaac 58
Taylor Eliakim 32
Taylor Thomas 45
Thompson John 142
Thompson John 162
Wainwright David C. 23
Wakely Joseph 135
Watkins Abel 52
Webb Jeremiah 109
Webb Peter 110
Webster Elijah 102
Webster Joshua 101
Whitely William 62
Whitney Daniel 30
Wilber Anthony 103
Wilber John 105
Woolsey Daniel 127
Walton - 1800 Federal Census The Town of Walton was erected on March 23, 1797 by division of the Town of Franklin. On March 23, 1798, part of the Towns of Walton, Middletown and Kortright were taken to provide for the erection of the Town of Delhi. On Feb. 1, 1799, the Town of Walton annexed a part of the Town of Colchester. Reference-The Evolution of Delaware County, New York.
Adams Joseph 76
Alverson Jeremiah 103
Amsby Arnold 144
Andrwes Thomas 60
Andrwes William 58
Atwell Peter 51
Barlow Jonathan 106
Bascom Jonathan 122
Bebee Samuel 70
Bebee Samuel Jr. 71
Beers Ephraim 96
Benedict David 85
Benedict Ezra 72
Benedict Michael 88
Benedict Silas 84
Bennet Hezekiah 111
Bennet Joseph 112
Bennet Nathan 110
Benton Daniel 36
Berry Seth 65
Booth Erastus 117
Bradt Jacobus 162
Bradt Samuel 163
Brewer Richard 160
Brown Peter 167
Bryan Alexander 59
Burrows Hubbard 184
Burt Luther 132
Butler Elias 24
Butler William 35
Cable Leman 95
Cannon Blossom 136
Cannon Clark 135
Cannon Joseph 170
Cannon Weight 145
Case Ephraim 64
Case Phineas 149
Case Roger 68
Case Roger Jr. 63
Chace Edward 2
Chamberlain Joseph 121
Cleaveland Josiah 171
Cobin James 189
Compton James 119
Compton John 130
Compton John Jr. 131
Cook Nathan 152
Cook Nathaniel 151
Cooley Adanijah 158
Cooley Aruna 159
Craig Andrew 178
Crawford Alexander 177
Crawford Joseph 154
Cray James 41
Darrow Isaac 12
Day John Jr. 173
Decker Cornelius 142
Dennis Thomas 133
Dickinson John 139
Dimick Isaac 169
Dimick John 122
Durfee Mrs. 140
Edick Christopher 193
Eels John 78
Filkin Francis 67
Fitch Lindel 86
Fitch Seymour 79
Gardiner Jetur 34
Geers Asa 115
Gillet Isaac 175
Goble Abner 138
Gold Eli 99
Gold Levi 98
Gold Luther 100
Goodrich Elnathan 74
Goodrich Isaac 65
Goodrich Michael 73
Goodrich Michael Jr. 54
Green James 186
Griswould Thomas W. 17
Gyer Samuel 109
Hammond Elisha 21
Hanford Moses 172
Harrower David 75
Hathaway Jacob 176
Hawley Benjamin 188
Hawley Zadock 16
Hoskins Augustus 20
Howard Charles 6
Howard James 89
Howland Gershom 3
Howland Job 1
Howland Phineas 4
Howland Samuel 5
Hoyt Jared 15
Hoyt Simeon 83
Hoyt Thaddeus 87
Hulse John 191
Hulse Joseph 192
Huyck Isaac 155
Huyck Peter 156
Hyde Azel 61
Johnson Samuel 43
Johnson Shubael 30
Johnson Silas 44
Johnson Solomon 50
Jones John 93
Jones Peter 52
Joy Gershom 13
Keeler Ebenezer 147
Kellogg Nathan 42
Kelly James 183
Lane Martin 174
Larkin Thomas W. 185
Leonard James 148
Loomis Martin 113
Loury Memucan 137
Marsh Charles 49
Marsh Isaiah 47
Marvine Matthew 23
Maxfield William 165
McCall Benajah 14
Mead King 55
Miller John 126
Morehouse Elijah 108
Morrison Cornelius 120
Murran James D. 107
Nichols Daniel 101
North Gabriel 32
North Robert 40
Ogden Isaac 19
Orr Walter 179
Ostrum John 157
Owen Aaron 127
Owen John 116
Owen John 128
Parks Jonas 129
Pierce Ruth 164
Phelps Enoch 166
Pine Daniel 90
Pine Daniel 181
Pine Joshua 92
Pine Joshua Jr. 91
Pine Philip 194
Ralph Nathaniel 7
Raymond David 48
Raymond Judd 77
Raymond Thomas 31
Rich John 11
Richard Nehmiah 28
Robinson Daniel 97
Rogers Benjamin 199
St. John David 81
St. John John 33
St. John Selick 82
Sammons Michael 150
Samson Ezekiel 200
Samson Ezekiel Jr. 201
Samson Henry 198
Samson Samuel 199
Sands Benjamin 118
Sawyer Harmanus 53
Simons Robert 94
Smith Caleb 141
Smith David 80
Steel Nathaniel 62
Stiles Aaron 147
Stockton Charles W. 38
Swart John Reed 114
Sweep Jacob 125
Tead Samuel 153
Tiffany George 9
Tiffany Nathaniel C. 10
Thompson Nathaniel 46
Townsend Isaac 29
Townsend Platt 39
Towsley Samuel 69
Underwood Jonas 190
Vail James 134
Van Aken Peter 161
Varnum Russel 197
Wakeman James 102
Wakeman Moses 104
Wakeman Stephen 105
Walker William 124
Waring Ephraim 27
Waring Linus 22
Way David 182
Webb Joseph 180
Weed James 25
Weed James Jr. 26
Weist Gideon 143
Whitaker John 196
Whitaker Squire 195
Whitcomb Josiah 18
White William 56
Whitmarsh Thomas B. 37
Wilkins Oshaniel 187
Williams William 8
Wilton Henry 45
Winters Silas 168
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