
Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site

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Lists of Deaths, which occurred in 1847 in the various Towns, were filed by the respective Town Clerks in the County Clerk's Office. Lists for all Towns were not filed, or do not survive. Those, which do survive, have been transcribed to the best of our ability. --Shirley Houck, County Clerk's Office, Delhi, NY

Transcribed and submitted by Delaware County Clerk's Office, Delhi, NY
Electronic Text prepared by Harley L. Miller


STRANGEWAY, Mary Ann: married female of Bovina, age 21, died Jan 25th.

BELL, Andrew: married male, of Bovine, aged 78, died Feb 8. (a weaver)

HAMILTON, Robert: married male of Bovina, aged 68, died Feb 5. (a farmer)

ARMOUR, Ellen: married female, foreigner, of Bovina, aged 70, died Feb. 19

DOIG, Margaret Joan: single female, of Bovina, aged 4 years, died Mar 10.

DOIG, Mary: single female, of Bovina, aged 1 and 1/2 years, died Mar 30.

McNAUGHT, Duncan: married male, of Bovina, aged 55, died Mar 1. (farmer)

NICHOLS, Thomas: married male. of Bovina, aged 69, died Apr 15. (farmer)

ADIR, Elisabeth: married female, of Bovina, aged 38, died Apr 22.

ORR, John: married male, foreigner, of Bovina, aged 84, died Apr 23.

HAMILTON, Jane: married female, of Bovina, aged 57, died May 1 (foreigner).

COULTER, Elisabeth: single female , of Bovina, aged 47, died Jun 20

YEOMANS, William Y.: single male, of Bovina, aged 5 months, died Jun 21.

[No Name] : single female, of Bovina, aged l year 1/3 month, died Jul 16.

McFARLAND, Thomas: single male, of Bovina, aged 2 years, died Jul 22.

OLIVER, Nancy: single female, of Bovina, aged 2 years, died Aug 22.

MITCHELL, Elisabeth: single female, of Bovina, aged 27, died Aug 5.

FULLER, Benjamin: male widower, of Bovina, aged 54, died Sep 29. (mechanic)

GRAHAM, Nancy: unmarried female, of Bovina, aged 14, died Oct 2.

TUTTLE, Sarah Ann: unmarried female, of Bovina, aged 10, died Oct 17.

WHITE, Martha: single female, of Bovina, aged 12, died Oct 30.

CRAIG, John: single male, of Bovina, aged 4, died Oct 13.

RUSSEL, Margaret A.: single female, Of Bovina, aged 2 months, died Nov 2.

STEWART, Carlos: single male, of Bovina, aged 3 years, died Nov 5.

STOTT, Alexander D. single male, of Bovina, aged 2, died Dec 30.

PALMITIER, William: single male, of Bovina, aged 4 months, died Dec 1.

14 Females
12 Males

Dated: Jan 28,1848, Alphonse Lee, Town Clerk

"Number of Deaths in the Town of Bovina and county of Delaware during the year ending 31st of December 1847


BIRGE,Daniel: single male, of Stamford, aged 70, died Jan 13. (harness maker)

MURPHEY, Alvira: married female, of Davenport, aged 22, died Feb 15.

McMINN, David: married male, of Davenport, aged 64, died Feb 17. (farmer)

CARPENTER, Senath: married female, of Davenport, aged 23, died Feb 26.

WILLOWBY, Garrit Smith: single male, of Davenport, aged 8, died Mar 14.

RATHBUN,Rebecca: single female, of Davenport, aged 92, died Mar 16

PARKER, Benjamin: married male, of Davenport, aged 63, died Mar 20.(farmer)

WILBER, Jonathan: single male, of Harpersfield, aged 1, died Mar 25.

DAVENPORT, Mary: single female, of Schoharie County, aged 70, died Apr 17.

WHITE, Abigail A.: single female, of Davenport, aged 13, died May 26.

LOCKWOOD, Charles: single male, of Davenport, aged 4 months, died Jun 11.

HOOD, Robert James : (blank) male, of Davenport, aged (blank), died Jun 30.

MUNSON, Mary: married female, of Franklin, aged 36, died Jul 1.

[Blank] , Helen Roxana: single female, of DavenpOrt, aged 2, died Jul 3.

TEN EICK, George: single male, of Davenport, aged 2, died Jul 22,

WILBER, Albert E.: single male, of Davenport, aged 1, died Aug 1.

HANVY, James: single male, of Davenport, aged 1, died Sep 5.

UTTER, Jesse: married male, of Davenport, aged 99, died 0ct 26. (farmer)

DENNEND, William: single male, of Davenport, aged 8, died Dec 4.

McCLENNON, Mathew : single male, of Kortright, aged 37, died Dec 15. (farmer)

KNOWLAND, Rhoda: married female, of Davenport, aged 69, died Dec 24.

BRESEE, Samuel: married male, of Summit, Schoharie Co, aged 71, died Dec 25.(farmer)

14 Males
8 females
Dated: January 25,1848, John Shue, Town Clerk

"Number of Deaths in the town of Davenport and County of Delaware during the year ending 31st December, 1847."

DELHI 1847

ODELL, Jane: marital status not indicated female, of Dist 2, Delhi, aged 84 died May 5

BISBEE, Betsey : single female, of Dist #2, Delhi, aged 3, died Dec 6.

WOOLEAT, Infant: single female, of Dist #2, Delhi, aged 18 months 7 days, died Jun 27.

WOOLANT, Charles: single male, of Dist #2, Delhi, aged 2 months 2 day, died 7

BOOMES, (illegible): married female, Of Dist #2, Delhi, aged 34, died Jan 27

HOSKINS, Agustus: single male, of Hamden, aged 87, died Sep 27.

KEMP, Wm: single male, of Meredith, aged 20, died Mar 7. (farmer)

LAWLEY, Muray: married male, of Delhi, aged 49, died Mar 5.

BLACKMAN, Nancy:(blank)female, of Delhi, aged 73(?), died Jun 6.

CILAMON, Cathrin: single female, of Delhi, aged 39, died Aug 8. (school teacher)

THOMPSON, Martha: single female, of Delhi, aged 5, died Jan 24.

NAMELESS: female child, of Andes, aged 1 month, died Feb 22.

HOMES, James: single male, of Delhi, aged 24, died Nov 29. (farmer.

ODEL, Delia M.: single female, of Delhi, aged 3 months, died Feb 12.

BROWN, Henriette: single female, of Delhi, aged 6 months, died Mar 3.

HUME, Jane: single female, of Delhi, aged 21 months, died Nov 13.

OLIVER, Thomas: male foreigner, of Delhi, aged 65, died Feb 13. (farmer)

AITKINS, Savin(?): married male, of Delhi, aged 57, died Dec 24. foreigner

WILBER, Wm B.: married male, of Delhi, aged 63, died Dec 31. (farmer)

LONDON, Robert: married male, of Delhi, aged 52, died Jul 8. (day laborer)

McDONALD, Henry: unmarried male, of Delhi, aged 11, died Jul 11.

[BLANK], Francis: single female, of Delhi, aged 3 weeks, died Oct 7.

8 males
14 females

Dated: March 14, G.M. Frisbe, Town Clerk

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a service of the Delaware County Historical Association located at 46549 State Highway 10, Delhi, NY 13753

Online since 1996 - created and managed by Joyce Riedinger